Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 724: Hat man

Before this hell, the last trial site was only ten kilometers away, but Wang Mang didn’t know exactly what enemy he would encounter. I hope the enemy can be weaker.

Wang Mang took a long step and walked very fast. The first five kilometers of the trial was smooth sailing, let alone the enemy, he didn't even watch a living!

After another two kilometers, no enemy appeared. At this moment, Wang Mang became vigilant. Looking around the empty space, his eyebrows were extremely puzzled. This is unreasonable. Why is there still no enemy appearing until now? !

Before fighting against the soldiers of the State of Qin, I met them at almost this distance. Is it possible that there is no enemy in this trial ground? Thinking of this, Wang Mang himself couldn't help but chuckle.

Wang Mang endured his doubts and walked for two kilometers, and when he was about to reach the bottom of the hillside, finally a mysterious man with a long knife upside down and a black hat walked down the hillside slowly!

Wang Mang's body tensed in an instant, and he stared at the man in the hat carrying the sword like a cheetah who was pouring for food. This man's body was about to turn into a substantive black evil spirit that was unconcealed, and it was simply rich and terrifying!

"Are you willing to dedicate your life in exchange for my freedom?" The man with a hat on his head asked in a urn. He stood quietly under the hillside, holding the knife diagonally, and his face hidden behind the veil was deeply low, as if A piece of dead wood with no vitality!

"Are you willing to dedicate your life to let me pass the trial?" Wang Mang heard the words of the man in the hat clearly, and chuckled softly, then asked in a mocking retort.

"I don't want to!" The man in the hat thought a little, and shook his head solemnly, "I just want to go out alive, but the condition for going out is to kill you!"

The man in the hat seemed to answer and he seemed to be talking to himself. After he finished speaking, he leaned on the silver long knife in his hand and walked towards Wang Mang step by step!

Wang Mang's eyes suddenly tightened, watching the slowly walking man in the hat, and directly squeezed the six-foot-long wargoer behind him in his hand.

"Don't talk too much nonsense, see the real chapter under your hands!" Wang Mang clasped Zhan Ge tightly with both hands, his fighting spirit surged in his eyes, killing him, this boring trial should also be over!

"Within a hundred steps, I will swing the knife! You will die! I will let you take one step!" The man in the hat gently stroked the handle of the knife with his fingers, and then took a step back with a sound of urn, falling to a hundred steps away!

Listening to the wild words of the man in the hat, Wang Mang did not sneer, but he squeezed the fighting spirit in his hands tighter.

There are no fools in ‘Purgatory’, there are only fierce desperadoes, and what they say is not necessarily a lie!

"I'm going to have a knife!" The man with a hat, whose face was hidden behind the veil, reminded Wang Mang, that rough and dark right hand slowly climbed onto the handle of the knife!

Wang Mang's worm armor instantly covered his body, and the physical strength of his body was all transferred between his arms. No matter what angle he attacked himself, the battle that looked like a heavy hammer would all block it!

Just as the two sides were ready to go, the figure of the man in the hat suddenly disappeared!

As if he had never appeared in this world, there was no trace of what had disappeared. The battle that Wang Mang was about to wave also stopped suddenly. Suddenly, he turned his head abruptly, and his pupils shrank abruptly!

The man in the hat stood quietly, and the bright silver knife in his hand was a bit dazzling under the refraction of the sun, as if it had cut through the back of Wang Mang's neck!

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