Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 794: War defender

With the palpitations coming to his mind, Wang Mang's sharp eagle eyes scanned the surroundings. Suddenly, he suddenly looked forward, his pupils shrank slightly, and amidst the misty smoke, a handsome young man in white clothes and a sword in his hand was looking forward. Walk slowly towards yourself!

"What a dusty swordsman!" Wang Mang's eyes fixed on the white-clothed youth, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he smiled and praised. As soon as the voice fell, the space-time passageway in mid-air suddenly trembled, and his expression was tranced. It's falling down!

He fell to the ground with an ugly bang, clutching his head and said mournfully: "Master, I am sick now, I want to vomit and feel sick, and I was hit in the head just now!"

Wang Mang seemed to have not heard the words of the ugly robbery, still looking at the white-clothed youth earnestly. After he approached, he asked loudly, "Your Excellency is the guardian?!"

The white-clothed youth smiled like a spring breeze, holding the sword hilt in both hands, and squeezed, "Under Liu Rufeng, it is this second time and space guardian who killed me! It is considered to have passed the test;"

"I know! So you have to die!" Wang Mang smiled cruelly at him. Infinite Hell gave it not only the super strong body that broke through the shackles, but also the heart of killing that was carefully polished by pain!

"This couldn't be better, but we can only pass the test if we two confront each other alone. With the help of external forces, it is not feasible!" The white-clothed youth took a light look at Wolf Five, ugly, his tone was still calm!

"You can rest assured, I'm the only one!" Wang Mang smiled and waved, causing Ugly Tribulation Wolf Five to retreat to the side, and slowly walked towards the swordsman in white.

"I don't want to waste time here, you will die within three minutes!"

Wang Mang gave a arrogant grin, his sturdy body resembled a crazy angry dragon, his figure flickered suddenly, and he appeared in front of the white-clothed swordsman almost the next moment, his huge fist resembling a huge hammer suddenly Smashed towards his front door!

‘Zheng! ’A crisp sound of golden and iron humming

The snow-like long sword in the white-clothed swordsman's hand held Wang Mang's fist horizontally. The long sword was only slightly bent under Wang Mang's thousands of tons of fist power, and in an instant it bounced back this huge force, the blade of the sword. It's restored again!

Seeing that the attack was blocked, Wang Mang didn’t feel a trace of loss, but the smirk at the corner of his mouth became more intense.’

With a bang, the long sword in the hands of the swordsman in white suddenly took off, and a magnificent flower of blood burst into his arms. In an instant, the overflowing blood stained his white clothes, making his handsome face They are all a bit more hideous!

"You don't know that you can't get rid of this force, do you know that you can't stop it, you still want to stop it?!" Wang Mang shook his stiff hand casually, and looked at the white-clothed swordsman with a little puzzled look in his eyes!

Liu Rufeng's face was still pretty, with a smile like a spring breeze, "Your Excellency, what if you are so powerful? Swordsman usually only needs a sword to kill, that's enough!"

"Then I will let you lose this opportunity!" The expression on Wang Mang's face instantly cooled down, his tyrannical body suddenly twisted, his clenched left fist was like an unstoppable heavy cannon, and he moved in a weird direction. Boom with Liu Rufeng!

The speed and strength of this fist have reached the peak of a human being, and even the air cannot withstand such an impact. It is like a broken mirror full of dense spider cracks!

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