Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 795: swordsman

Faced with such a quick and terrifying punch, Liu Rufeng's face was calm, as if he was facing not a fatal attack, but a gentle spring breeze!

"Come on the sword!" Liu Rufeng narrowed his eyes slightly at the moment when the terrifying heavy fist was about to hit his head, his lips moved slightly, and he spit out two extremely clear words!

When this clear voice reached Wang Mang's ears, a dazzling silver light flashed suddenly.

The long sword that was flew by Wang Mang before shook violently at high frequencies. The slender body of the sword disappeared from the ground at an extreme speed, and in the blink of an eye, the tip of the sword was less than an inch away from Wang Mang's eyeballs. distance!

This was not teleportation, but the speed surpassed Wang Mang's vision. This long sword could pierce his eye sockets in an almost terrifying way and take his life in the next instant!

The attacks of both sides were only a moment away from each other, but this insignificant distance was like a bottomless moat, which made both of them more worried about fighting for their lives!

"Ka~Ka!" With a toothy rubbing sound, Wang Mang held the sharp blade tightly in his right hand, and drops of coquettish red blood dripped down the bright silver blade of the long sword.

"It's really a good sword, I thought that after surpassing the realm of the flesh, there will be no weapons that can easily hurt me. As expected, I am a guardian, and the weapon is also a magic weapon!"

Wang Mang sneered, and the hand holding the long sword increased a little strength. The tough and straight blade was slowly bent and deformed by the force exerted by Wang Mang's palm!

"Are you really too weak, or do you mean that the swordsman's skills are all in this sword?" Wang Mang looked at Liu Rufeng disdainfully, and threw a curved long sword in his right hand to the ground.

Before, I could blow his head by a little bit, because of this sword, it failed. Now the sword has been destroyed, it depends on what you can block!

Liu Rufeng held his hands behind his back, looking at the destroyed long sword, and sighed with regret, "Swordsman is easy to live, swords are hard to find, I said, only one sword is enough to kill you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Mang squinted his eyes, his waist suddenly turned, and a fierce whip leg was pulled toward Liu Rufeng's waist. If this leg was tight, the person's spine would be broken into eight pieces. segment!

Wang Mang's left leg was like a heavy axe, with a powerful force of thunder, it instantly hit Liu Rufeng's waist and ribs!

With a bang, the half of his body that was hit looked like a smashed watermelon, scattered all over the place, and almost half of his torso was missing, and he couldn't see that it was a human shape anymore!

"Haha!" A gentle laughter that made Wang Mang creepy came from Liu Rufeng's mouth. His tattered body fell to the ground, and even his legs were only connected by a few tangled veins, and he seemed to have lost his ability to stand up. ability!

But under this circumstance, Liu Rufeng's gentle smile as always seemed terrifying and strange, "Trial, do you know why I can become a Taoist with such a weak strength? It's all because I am a swordsman, I said it! It only takes a sword to kill!"

'puff! Wang Mang's eyes widened, and he looked at his abdomen in surprise, a blood hole pierced by a sharp blade was constantly flowing out of blood, "This...How is this... possible?!"

"Since I was born, there have been only three sword moves, one sword to cut the spirit, one sword to cut the soul, one sword to cut the soul, I have used the first two swords, and this last sword is for you!"

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