Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 817: Unbound

‘My ears are twisted! 'Wang Mang felt a pain in his right ear, and the blood spattered on his cheek. Wang Mang endured the sharp pain, and slammed his chest and abdomen through the gap where Xiao Su had exhausted his old strength and had no new power. Slash away!

Faced with the cut halberd, Xiao Su didn't dodge or hide, and even a weird smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There was a piercing sound of ‘Zheng’ between gold and iron, and the halberd that was cut on his chest and abdomen was vigorously oscillated. Before Wang Mang was shocked, the spear in Xiao Su's hand swept towards him once again!

"Bastard!" Wang Mang gritted his teeth and cursed, his body slammed, and an extremely ugly donkey rolled around and escaped the deadly sweeping shot!

After waiting for the distance, Wang Mang stood up abruptly, his legs tightened, and his eyes fixed on Xiao Su who was standing with the gun. This fight was really unfair! His strength is restrained, his strength is sealed, but the enemy in front of him not only has the strength and speed, but also has the inner armor for defense!

"You are not my opponent! I'm afraid that I won't take three shots, and I can stab you with the second shot!" Xiao Su looked at Wang Mang with contempt, with a mocking smile on his face!

"Is the kid with the halberd in the field stupid?! After he killed the crazy tiger, he didn't immediately use the golden hoop to release part of the bondage, but waited for the next opponent to continue fighting. I thought he was capable of killing the opponent. , But now it seems that he has a brain problem!"

A mocking voice from the audience reached Wang Mang's ears. He was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked down at the golden hoop in his hand. This can also release part of the restraint. No one told him this!

Wang Mang looked at the golden hoop, held it with one hand, and twisted it sharply. There was a crisp sound, and a faint light of aura penetrated into his wrist. The strength that was firmly imprisoned in his body appeared to loosen, and the long-lost sense of power was restored Full of Wang Mang's body!

That old thing didn't even tell himself this? ! I made it clear that I wanted to die! Wang Mang recalled the old man in the blue and white gown just now, with a brutal killing intent overflowing his eyes!

"Oh?! What use is it for you to regain your strength now? It's not the life you stabbed to death with a single shot!" Xiao Su's face was as shameless as before.

Even if Wang Mang releases some of his restraints at this time, he is only the difference between dying early or dying late.

After winning 60 or 70 games, his strength has almost returned to its peak state. How can this person be his opponent even if the first layer of restraint is lifted? !

Wang Mang did not answer when he heard this. At this time, he was separated from Xiao Su more than ten meters away, and a wild and terrifying evil spirit instantly overflowed.

"Recovering 20% ​​of the strength is enough to kill you!" Wang Mang raised his head abruptly, his calm eyes contained infinite confidence!

"Crazy...!" Before that Xiao Su's angry rebuke was finished, Wang Mang's figure flashed, and his body appeared above Xiao Su.

The heavy halberd seemed to have a soul, and an unstoppable force struck Huashan and slashed towards the top of his head!

"My two or three hundred tons of a halberd, do you dare to receive it?!" Wang Mang sneered disdainfully, and the black halberd in his hand was slashed on the white spear that Xiao Su was brandishing to resist.

With a bang, Xiao Su’s arms holding the gun were twisted and deformed by a shock of tremendous force. Senhan’s joints were all coming out of the body, looking hideous!

Wang Mang's volley body was about to fall, his eyes narrowed slightly, his left leg looked like a powerful heavy axe, and with a bang on Xiao Su's forehead, he flew out with a kick!

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