Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 818: Ghost eye

With a "bang", Xiao Su, who was slapped on his forehead by Wang Mang's whip leg, his skull was sunken and his eyes almost protruded.

He suddenly spewed a large mouthful of dirty blood with blood clots in his internal organs, and the inner armor on his body clicked a few times, shattered into hundreds of fragments of various sizes, and instantly scattered in all directions.

Wang Mang's leaping body landed steadily on the ground, and suddenly waved the black halberd in his hand, staring sharply at Xiao Su who was flying upside down, showing a hideous smile.

Wang Mang’s previously slightly sunken chest wound has long since healed, and traces of bronze appear on the surface of his body. This is a feature of detachment from the flesh.

Although only 20% of his original strength was restored, Wang Mang now has hundreds of tons of power with a casual wave. This kind of power is not something that mortals can resist!

"Wow!" There was an uproar in the audience. The shocked and surprised audience stared at Xiao Su who flew upside down. Their limited brains could not even imagine. A strong man who had won 60 or 70 games with one leg flew away. What strength is needed!

"This...this leg! I'm afraid that a Tier 5 monster beast will also be brainstormed!"

A **** and glamorous cat-eared demon girl was surprised to cover her mouth, her beautiful face showed an incredible expression, and her eyes gradually became a little admired. This powerful man who can knock Xiao Su to death with one blow, if she can How nice it would be to surrender to him!

Not only this cat-eared demon girl, but all the women in the audience have a special feeling of admiration for Wang Mang.

The criterion for both of them to choose a spouse is to advocate absolute power. Wang Mang's stunning, powerful and beautiful volley legs seemed to hit their hearts and made them a little bit enamoured!

Wang Mang in the Xiuluo field squinted at Xiao Su who was lying on the ground. The murderous intent in his eyes was even more intense.

Don't look at this Xiao Su now covered in blood, as if he was dying, but Wang Mang's keen sense of recovery found that the vitality in Xiao Su's body had not been reduced by half!

Wang Mang frowned as he watched the scene in front of him. He just kicked his leg at its peak, with hundreds of tons of power comparable to a small hill hitting his body at the speed of sound, just in this terrifying attack. , Xiao Su's vitality has not diminished at all, which makes Wang Mang a little puzzled.

As Wang Mang frowned and thought, the blood-covered Xiao Su slowly climbed up from the ground, and his handsome face was covered with red and black blood stains, which looked terrifying!

"You! You must die!" Xiao Su climbed up, spit out two mouthfuls of **** phlegm with a grim expression, and the pupils in his eyes instantly shrank and disappeared, leaving behind a gray-white eyeball!

His broken body seemed to be inflated, and his flesh and skin instantly bulged, faintly seeping a wicked black, "Ghost eyes! Open!" Xiao Su roared **** teeth, and a pure black float suddenly appeared in the center of his forehead. Vertical pupil!

"Hey, this kid with a halberd still doesn't know Xiao Su's horror. It seems that Xiao Su's second technique has already been cultivated. With the addition of the white spear technique used in combat, this kid is dangerous. !"

A middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of face looked at Xiao Su, who looked like an evil ghost, and then turned to look at Wang Mang, who was holding a halberd in one hand, and sighed. This kid is good at strength, but his luck is too bad. Stop here!

"Whether you are a ghost eye or a divine eye, under my power, you can become shattered!" Wang Mang roared, and the savage force that rushed into the sky suddenly shook, and there were a few cracks in the air. !

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