Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 819: Black pupil weeping blood

"I don't know what to say!" Xiao Su snorted coldly, with gray eyes, as if torn off his two broken arms without knowing the pain.

The demon and evil black light between the flesh and blood was instantly drawn into a pair of sturdy arms like ink, and with the scream of ‘Zheng’, Xiao Su’s arms turned out to be exactly the same as before, and there was no trace of scars at all!

As soon as Xiao Su's arms recovered, Wang Mang moved. He was not a fool for his opponent to restore his strength. How could he not take action in this situation?

"Howl--!" The thick black halberd in Wang Mang's hand seemed to split the air, and with an irresistible majestic force, it slashed towards Xiao Su's neck. If this halberd was cut hard, he would be The body made of steel has to be twisted into slag!

Xiao Su grinned sharply, revealing a terrifying grin, he suddenly stretched out his right hand to resist the halberd cut by Wang Mang, and his right arm was smashed to pieces in almost an instant!

Just when the halberd was about to cut his neck, his figure suddenly became blurred, and the broken arm that had been smashed by the halberd suddenly turned into a strange black mist, instantly enveloping his body!

"Zheng!" A shocking sound of metal and iron strikes. Under Wang Mang's full halt, dense spider cracks appeared in the black fog that looked like hard steel. A bang burst, and the black fog disappeared, but part of it. Xiao Su also disappeared!

"Ghost Eyes Supernatural Power: Supreme Evil Heart!" A hoarse voice came from the ground,

Wang Mang's pupils shrank suddenly, and his legs tightened and jumped up instantly. The halberd in his hand was like a violent black flood dragon slamming towards the ground below him!

"Ah!" The black mist that had just broken out of the ground was smashed by Wang Mang's halberd. A fierce evil face stared at Wang Mang with extreme hatred, almost disappearing in the next moment!

"I said, in the face of absolute power, these are all falsehoods!" Wang Mang was also shot out of real fire at this moment, his eyes showed flame-like rage!

His leaping body bowed slightly, his legs were like two heavy hammers hitting the ground.

With a dull explosion of'bang', the thick ground bricks instantly turned into powder, half of the Shura field was stunned, and dense cobweb-like cracks emerged. Xiao Su in the ground was even more shocking. It was a heart-wrenching roar!

"Ghost eye magic: Black pupil weeping blood!"

Xiao Su in the ground endured the severe pain of his body being squeezed by the rock, and suddenly raised his head. The evil vertical pupil on his forehead was facing Wang Mang, and a trace of scarlet blood flowed from the vertical pupil. Penetrating into his gray eyes!

"Uh~uh~!" Xiao Su's face was suddenly distorted, and he let out an indescribable whisper in his throat.

A hideous evil spirit with the same look and body as Xiao Su's black mist from the evil, slowly printed from the vertical pupil on his forehead!

"Roar!" Xiao Su suddenly opened his mouth and let out a roar that didn't sound like a human voice. The evil spirit suddenly emerged from his body, roaring and rushing towards Wang Mang!

When the evil spirit got out, the vitality in Xiao Su's body was like a blown out candle lamp, instantly extinguished and withered, and even his body became a hideous and disgusting corpse!

"Heh!" Wang Mang sneered disdainfully when he saw the roaring evil spirit. You can't fight me alive. Do you think you are still my opponent if you die? !

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