Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 822: Damn

"Haber! What did you just say?!" The sturdy man slammed the low table, and the cups and saucers on the shaking table fell to the ground, making a few crisp explosions, exquisite and attractive. The dishes spilled all over the floor like swill!

"Lao Hai! Pay attention to your identity!" The white official who was sitting in the main seat snorted coldly, and slowly put down the right hand holding the wine glass, knocking on the table with extreme dissatisfaction.

"Have you forgotten the original rules? The life and death of Shura's court are their own determinants. Your disciple was cut off, and you can only blame him for his lack of strength. When will it be your turn to be dissatisfied with this outcome? Say it!"

"Big...man! Subordinates dare not!" The sturdy man, known as Lao Hai, showed endless fear on his face. He hurriedly got up and knelt down to the position of the white official, his forehead pressed against the ground, with a drop of cold sweat. Slipped off his forehead!

"Don't dare, you can say this, I think you might even want to sit in my position, right?"

The white official was cold with a sickly face, his seemingly fragile body slowly stood up, and a splash of determination that seemed to pierce the firmament instantly covered the entire palace, and the rest of the people sitting at the low table slumped like a chill. Head, did not dare to resist Bai Li's terrifying killing intent!

"Subordinates, never have such thoughts! Please forgive me!"

Lao Hai knelt on the ground, following Bai's words, his eyes widened, looking at Bai's in disbelief, his body trembled in fear, and his knees were soft and he could hardly stand up!

"Master, spare the villain's life. The villain has been a gun owner for more than two hundred years. There is no credit and hard work. For the sake of his stupid and diligent subordinates, can you spare the villain!"

The nine-foot-tall, majestic bear-like Lao Hai actually covered his face and cried and wailed in extreme sorrow, as if he had simply suffered the injustice of innocence!

Ji, who was still sitting at the low table, heard the cry, lifted it up slightly, and glanced at Lao Hai, with a look of mockery and contempt on his face.

This old sea is really getting more and more confused. The most annoying thing about the Bailier is his hypocrisy. Now he still wants to use this inferior method to win the sympathy of the Baili. It is really stupid!

Sure enough, the white official at the top looked at Lao Hai’s crying look, with an extremely bright and gentle smile on his face, "Well, Lao Hai, you are right. You are an old hero, you really shouldn’t. What severe punishment has been suffered!"

Hearing this, Lao Hai, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his head abruptly and looked at Bai Li with tearful eyes in joy. He banged his head in a hurry, "Thank you, sir, thank you for not killing!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet!" The official Bai smiled kindly, walked down from the top, and patted the kneeling Lao Hai on the shoulder.

"You are a veteran hero, and you have toiled, but you are too disobedient, too unruly!" After the official Bai said, a horrible cold light appeared in his eyes!

"Puff!" Lao Hai's eyes of joy from the rest of his life gradually became dizzy, a trace of puzzlement appeared on his face, Bai Li's face was cold, and he pinched his neck and wiped the dirty blood in his hands. Those who follow the rules, this is the end!!"

The people with their heads down chilled their heads and looked at the kneeling Lao Hai, whose body was gradually stiffening. An incomparable fear of life and death came to their minds. Is Lao Hai dead?

As if to correspond to the thoughts in everyone’s minds, Lao Hai’s sturdy body’s neck suddenly overflowed with traces of purple-black blood, and the skin on his body instantly decayed and vanished.

Not long afterwards, there was only a hideous and broken bone on the soft and comfortable carpet, revealing everything that had just happened to be terrifying!

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