Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 823: Bai Li's loneliness

When the kneeling bones on the carpet gradually disappeared, the white official who sat back in the first seat again changed the expression on his face in an instant, with a happy smile at the corner of his mouth.

The people below looked at Bai Li's moody face, and the fear in their hearts increased a little.

Not only is the white official of theirs terrifying in strength, he also has a split temper. He used to kill with a cold face, but the next moment he can drink and eat with you with a smile. This is almost as if he is walking on thin ice as a subordinate. , A little carelessness, just like that old sea!

The official Bai drank the mellow liquor, and smiled and pointed to the halberd and said, "halberd, the person you chose is the only tester of time and space. How has he performed recently?!"

Ji hurriedly moved away, kneeling respectfully and replied: "In return, the kid named Wang Mang is not very talented, but he was quite diligent within one year of cultivation! Generally speaking, he completed this. There is still hope for cultivation!"

"Well, as expected! Whether it's Bingluo, Raksha or Yousha, the three of them have a good impression of the kid, maybe he really hopes to be the winner of the trial!"

The official Bai took a sip of the wine, and his eyes gradually became solemn, "If that kid can pass the yak victorious field of the Shura field, let him give him the ‘insect technique’ of our time and space!"

Many powerful men sitting at the low table, upon hearing this sentence, stared at Bai Li with unbelievable eyes, Ji was slightly stunned, and then they were surprised:

"Lord Bai, do you really want to hand over the ‘insect technique’ to him? It’s a strange ‘skill’ comparable to a soldier, and its power is extremely terrifying for ordinary people.

The power in Wang Mang's body seems to be related to insects. In this case, the power of ‘Insect Art’ is not as simple as one plus one! "

"Of course I know this. Otherwise, I wouldn't want to give him the only magic trick. That kid is away from the field of Yum-Sheng, and there is still a long scene. Let's talk about it then!"

The white official's eyes were solemn, and his left finger knuckle tapped on the table, "Ji, you will arrange the fight for that kid, you should leave the table first!" Bai Jie waved his hand at the ji, beckoning him to leave!

Ji was not angry, and bowed his head respectfully, "Yes, my lord!" After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the luxurious and oppressive palace.

After seeing Ji's departure, Bai Li looked at the crowd with cold eyes, "Don't be slacking, as long as the cultivator of the professor, who won less than 20 games, I won't say much, just dictate yourself. You don't want to sit in this position. Some people are sitting!"

Among the crowd, a few weaker foreheads ooze cold sweat.

"Get out of here!" Bai Li waved his hand, the group of powerful men who bowed their heads and tamed like an amnesty, bowed their heads respectfully, and hurriedly turned and left!

In the empty hall, there was only one white official. He slowly scanned the dozens of low tables, looked at the untouched delicate dishes, and drank several glasses of wine with deep eyes.

After a long time, he murmured as if talking to himself: "I didn't know it before, but now I understand Bing Luo's intentions a little bit. The time and space of a person is too lonely!"

In a practice space with a bamboo forest and creek, Wang Mang seriously waved the black halberd in his hand, and every time he waved a halberd, the surrounding space was a wave mark that seemed to cut the water surface;

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