Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 824: The last two games

Wang Mang was naked, and he experienced the physical sensation of waving a halberd. His bronze skin was covered with a layer of fine sweat. Every time he performed a full halberd, the sweat would evaporate in an instant, and so on. After Wang Mang's detachment, his body has a faint tendency to improve!

"how do you feel?"

Hearing the words, Wang Mang put away the black halberd in his hand and let out a sigh of relief. Following this sound, he looked towards the bamboo forest to the north. A black-clothed halberd was holding his hand, leaning against a thick bamboo, like a falcon. The eyes are as cold as ever!

Wang Mang looked at the halberd holding his hands and smiled, "Senior halberd, my performance in the Shura arena is not bad, right!"

"Reluctantly enough, did you swallow the blood pill?" Ji looked at Wang Mang and frowned. The effect of the blood pill was pretty good, but for this kid, it wasn't a big effect!

Wang Mang shook his head and pointed to the storage ring in his left hand. "Senior Ji, that blood pill is too small for me. I plan to keep it for another use in the future!"

Ji just nodded, and didn't ask Wang Mang what he planned to do with the blood pill.

"When you practice the halberd move, use more thoughts. Today, you still have some tricks in the battle on the Asura field.

Future battles will be more difficult, and of course the rewards will be several times richer than this time, so you can practice with peace of mind, and in one month, accept the next battle! "

When Ji finished speaking, he turned his head and left. He didn't mention the strange tricks after the victory of a hundred battles. If this kid really broke into there, he would naturally explain to him. If he died halfway, he said nothing now. What's the point!

After Wang Mang waited for the halberd to leave, he didn't think much, just practiced the halberd in his mind with peace of mind.

The more he practiced, the more he was immersed in it. The two hundred halberd techniques, not only the halberd war moves, but also the matching footwork, body skills, etc., the halberd handle and the halberd blade attack methods It's incomparable!

Wang Mang held the heavy halberd in his hand, grinned and adjusted his body to the best state, a blast of ‘om’, and the art of opening and closing the halberd was once again unfolded by the stream!

Ten years of cold and heat are just a few seconds away. The white snow in the cultivation space has stained the verdant bamboo forest. Wang Mang wears a black iron hat on his head and a large cloak made of black bear fur. The only constant in his hands is the cold and cold war. halberd!

He stood proudly by the stream, looking down at the shallow layer of thin ice on the stream, as if whispering:

"Ten years of cold and heat have passed really fast, I have long been proficient in the two hundred strokes of halberd, and I have won 98 consecutive games in the Asura field, without losing a single result, but the mysterious profound meaning has not been seen!"

"Om~ Om!" On Wang Mang's right wrist, a brass gold hoop quietly vibrated.

He looked down and turned his gaze to the front again, "It's okay! After I won a hundred games in a row today, I have to see what the profound meaning of the profound and profound is really!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he twisted the golden hoop abruptly, and the air suddenly fluctuated violently. The familiar ripples of air wrapped his body and disappeared instantly.

When he opened his eyes again, Wang Mang appeared in the Shura arena where he had fought dozens of times. As soon as he entered, the audience burst into cheers like landslides and tsunami.

"Master Wang Mang is invincible, the world is invincible!"

"The black halberd power demon is here, he is really ruthless, you didn't watch it, I saw him fight an invulnerable scaly stranger, just a random sweep, the scaly stranger was instantly The smoke exploded, and the overflowing blood and minced meat splashed on my face!"

"As long as Mr. Wang Mang wins two more games in a row, he will create the history of our Shura field. That is an unprecedented one hundred games in a row!"

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