Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 834: Nirvana Transformation

The handwriting on the yellow paper was extremely scribbled, as if a person had hurriedly left before death. Wang Mang frowned and looked at it for a long time before he realized everything.

It is written like this on the yellow paper, the strange is the deviant way, the strange is the evil way, the strange and the strange way neutralizes, it is called the insect technique!

What is the origin of insect technique? What about the end of the Tao? Without him, only pass through!

The world is so big that there are worms everywhere, it is as big as a mountain, and the small is invisible. The world only knows the mighty of big worms, but they don’t know the strangeness of small worms.

The heavens and all things must eat grains and breathe,

There are worms in the grains, worms in the air, my way, my art, I wish to control the world's strange worms, and then master the common people!

The simple piece of text on the yellow paper made Wang Mang's eyes a little astringent, and a different kind of emotion came to his mind.

Since the end of the world, I have been confused and hesitated about the path of Mushishi, but I have to bear with it. This piece of yellow paper is undoubtedly a beacon to the road ahead. It is a guide to myself. Well, it's hard to report!

"Everyone says that insect technique is trickery, and it's hard to be elegant. Wang Mang, I don't believe it!"

Wang Mang stood up from the bluestone suddenly, the yellow paper he was holding in his hand gradually turned into strands of gold and penetrated into the worm pattern in his palm!

As the yellow paper gradually turned into golden fluorescent light, the only thing left in the iron box suddenly suspended. Wang Mang looked intently and found that it was actually a crystal-clear diamond-shaped spar the size of a pigeon egg!

The diamond-shaped spar slowly floated and rotated, flying towards Wang Mang’s eyebrows at an extremely slow speed, and the flesh seemed to have no barrier to it. In the blink of an eye, the diamond-shaped spar had penetrated into his mind. !

As soon as the spar exuding a soft and faint light entered his brain, it turned into strands of viscous luminous light, and gradually condensed into a strange black thread in the center of Wang Mang's eyebrows!

The black lines quickly overlapped and outlined, but within three or five seconds of effort, it condensed on Wang Mang’s eyebrows into an incomparably evil and ferocious six-winged worm. The horrible fangs mouthparts were so slender that it was a trance. Faintly disappeared!

Wang Mang closed his eyes, feeling all this quietly, the palm of his palm absorbed the worm pattern of countless golden threads as if it echoed with the worm in the eyebrow, and the light burst in an instant.

The original dark black hideous insect pattern quickly changed into a golden insect pattern with a trace of pure light in this dazzling light!

Monster and light, two extremely conflicting attributes seem to have reached a certain balance in Wang Mang's body, and gradually began to communicate and converge, and gradually the pure golden energy in the worm pattern and the evil black energy in the eyebrows merged into the limbs. ,

At this time, a slight sound of wind blowing bamboo leaves in his ears sounded, Wang Mang suddenly opened his eyes, and two unprecedented scorching lights flashed in his deep eyes.

Suddenly, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This strange trick is not only the strongest, but also the best for me!"

Wang Mang lowered his head and slowly raised his left hand. Through his extremely terrifying perception ability, Wang Mang clearly saw that the supernatural energy in his veins had been completely transformed into the weird power of gold and black.

This kind of power is very strange, contains extremely strong vitality, and hides tyrannical to crazy destruction. The two diametrically opposite true meanings are perfectly fused together, which looks strange and magical!

"I really want to try this strange technique now! How can such a terrifying ability be cultivated in this space? Only killing can reflect its pure true meaning!"

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