Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 835: Power surge

Wang Mang has never been so eager to fight. It is a desire from blood, that is the desire of the Six-winged Worm to slaughter the creatures and control the common people!

Just as Wang Mang clenched his fists and was about to try the insect technique, the six-winged hideous worm on the center of his eyebrows flashed suddenly, and his hideous mouthparts moved.

An incomparably abundant energy is like a flood waterfall that opens the gate, pouring down from the spiritual platform, Wang Mang's brows instantly stretched out, an extremely refreshing sense of energy penetration throughout his body!

Suddenly, an incomparably clear old man's voice came from Wang Mang's eyebrows, "Postborn, I am the master of the magic tricks, and even the peak has not touched the true meaning of insects.

Now that I am dead, I don’t expect anything. I just hope that you can inherit the insect technique. The insights of more than four hundred years of my life cannot be passed on to you. I can only rely on you to explore it.

The road ahead is very bumpy, I can only give you a light push, I hope you can fulfill my wish! "

With the fall of this word, the energy in Wang Mangmei's spiritual stage suddenly vented, and the quality and quantity contained in it were dozens of times higher than that of the monster prism!

Reborn, Nirvana is reborn!

After Wang Mang's detachment, his body was a little unbearable to withstand this incomparable energy. His limbs were quickly tightened, and the veins under his skin suddenly protruded.

The strength bottleneck that hadn't been advanced for a long time, finally cracked a gap under the impact of this energy!

Under the impact of this energy, the strength bottleneck of the original Tier 3 peak was broken and shattered after only persisting for a moment.

The momentum of Wang Mang's body instantly rose, and he burst out!

The strength of the third-order peak instantly becomes the fourth-order low-order! The majesty of its aura is no less than that of those with fourth-order peak powers in the outer world.

But at this point, the abundant energy still shows no signs of stopping, and it quickly accumulates from the fourth-order low-order to the fourth-order intermediate, and then rushes from the fourth-order intermediate to the fourth-order peak!

At the extremely solid strength of the fourth-order peak, the energy pouring down from the eyebrows suddenly doubled and hit the bottleneck several times with an unstoppable momentum.

Finally the strength bottleneck full of cracks collapsed, and Wang Mang's strength surged to an unprecedented level five low-level!

At this time, the energy still had a majestic impulse, but Wang Mang frowned slightly, and did not choose to continue to improve his strength, but directly mobilized the energy of the whole body to suppress that energy impulse!

Wang Mang gritted his teeth and diverted the abundant energy from the spiritual platform with all his strength through the veins of his body.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to improve, but that he has reached the current state, if he rashly improves, I am afraid that there will be a risk of instability in strength!

He relied on this energy to advance to the lower level of Tier 5, which is not Meng Lang, because he has accumulated and tempered for ten years in this cultivation space!

After ten years of sharpening a sword, the significant improvement after the sword is completed is completely worry-free!

Wang Mang knows that his accumulation in the past ten years can completely guarantee the promotion to the lower level of Tier 5 without any hidden dangers, but if he rushes to the ranks, although he can still master his strength, the potential impact on the future is immeasurable!

After a short while, Wang Mang exhausted his whole body energy to divert the sub-energy into the body's thousands of successes and failures, crisscrossing the tendons, stabilizing the promotion trend!

Wang Mang slightly squinted his eyes, feeling the abundant energy and powerful strength of his body.

At this moment, his physical body and abilities have reached an unprecedented peak state!

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