Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 837: All insects

Tens of thousands of people around the Asura Field saw Wang Mang who suddenly appeared. They got up from their seats, waving their arms and cheering.

Some even shredded their clothes with excitement, they admired the strong, and besides, they were still the strongest Shura like Wang Mang who had won all battles in a row!

Wang Mang smiled slightly when he saw this scene, waved at them, he had just stepped into an unprecedented peak moment, and he was in a pretty good mood at this time.

When the surrounding audience saw Wang Mang waving at them, the cheers became more intense, as if they were about to overturn the roof of the Shura Field!

"Om!" Just as the cheers continued to be high, there was another ripple of air in the Shura field.

Wang Mang immediately reduced the smile on his face, his expression became serious, and the tiger beat the rabbit with all his strength, he had no reason to underestimate his opponent!

When the hum disappeared, a figure appeared in the air ripples.

The man was holding a long knife with a solemn and resolute expression. When he saw the enemy he was facing, even though his mind was tenacious, he couldn't help his eyes widened in surprise.

This! ...Isn't this Wang Mang, the victorious victor in the Asura field? Since he is already victorious, why should he participate in the battle in the Asura field? !

Wang Mang looked at the other party in surprise and surprise, and he also smiled at him, "I just learned a new trick, let me try the power!"

"Sure... move?!" The swordsman stared at Wang Mang with a smile on his face, his heart suddenly clouded with gloom.

His luck is really miserable. Not only did he meet Wang Mang, the only strongest man in the history, but he is now using it to test tricks? Still a trick! ?

This extremely humiliating way is unacceptable to even an ordinary person, not to mention that he is still a master of swordsmanship! To die in this way is a blasphemy of life!

"Wang Mang! You are strong, I respect you, but you shouldn't insult me ​​like this!"

The knife man holding the long knife roared, his figure turned into a swift black shadow, carrying a flash of cold light, rushing towards Wang Mang!

Wang Mang sighed faintly when he looked at him, why did he insult him? When the two sides face the enemy, they can use the strongest tricks against the enemy. This is the greatest respect!

Wang Mang shook his head slightly, and simply ignored him, anyway, he was about to die, and he didn't bother to explain.

Thinking of this, Wang Mang's left arm covered with the evil insect armband slowly lifted, his palms spread out, facing the direction that the swordsman rushed towards.

"Bah~" The evil worm's arm armor suddenly let out a wisp of black energy, and the hideous worm blood eyes on the wrist flashed suddenly, showing two strange blood lights.

The air on the Shura arena seems to be a little more active, and some sensitive spectators in the audience also feel that their bodies are a little strange, but after careful inspection, they find that everything is normal and there is no problem.

Just as the swift and leopard swordsman was about to rush to Wang Mang, Wang Mang slowly clenched his fist, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the pupils in his eyes instantly changed, turning into a pair of inhumane worm eyes!

"The first type of the strange worm technique: all worms!!!"

Just now! The insect pattern on Wang Mang's left palm flashed a dazzling golden light, and the air on the Shura field flowed and gathered in an extremely strange way.

The knife man who had already rushed to Wang Mang's body and was about to slash at his neck with a knife suddenly felt his limbs soft, and his neck seemed to be firmly pinched! ,

He breathed abruptly, and there was a drowning faint feeling in his head!

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