Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 838: Horrible bugs

At the moment when the knife man was on the verge of fainting, he glanced forward, and he saw Wang Mangzheng looking at his body seriously.

He couldn't help looking underneath himself, but before he lowered his head, the drowning faint sensation enveloped his brain, causing him to lose consciousness instantly!

No one knows that his glance is the last glance of his life!

"Sorrow~!" The sound of a sharp sting of ten thousand worms instantly resounded through the entire Asura field! And the source of that sound was the corpse of the swordsman!

At the moment that the swordman fainted and fell to the ground, some cultivators with poor mental qualities in the surrounding audience were directly lying on their seats and nauseous and vomiting.

At the same time they vomited, they couldn't help but glance at the corpse of the swordsman again. As a result, the vomiting became more intense!

Don't blame those viewers for nausea and vomiting, it's really that the corpse of the knife man is too weird and terrifying!

The inside of his corpse seemed to be squirming, and there were strips of hideous worms the size of a thumb. Their gray-white worms were covered with filthy flesh and blood, and their hideous mouthparts kept moving, as if they were not full!

Wang Mang smiled very happily at this scene. He squatted down and looked at the golden insect pattern on the palm of his left hand. With his eyes closed, he felt the joy and excitement of the golden female insect in the insect pattern.

He murmured with a smile: "Sure enough, there is a connection between the Strange Worm Technique and the Mother Worm. The greater the power of the Worm Technique, the stronger the mother Worm's understanding of the realm!"

Wang Mang stood up slowly and waved his left hand abruptly, "Thousands of worms! Undo!" As the words fell, the tens of thousands of worms clinging to the corpse seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, dissipating into plumes of smoke and dust in the air. !

"The trick of Ten Thousand Insects alone is better than all the abilities of my Insect Master before Tier 6!"

Wang Mang squinted his eyes and watched the worms dissipate. He said lightly: "There are worms in the air, invisible to human eyes, but they do exist! There are hundreds of parasites in the human body, skin, flesh, and intestines. Everywhere!"

"Wan Chong is to make these originally existing parasites become instantaneously powerful, and become enough to take their lives!!"

The condensed and flowing air in the Shura Field gradually became smooth, returning to its original normal situation, but the surrounding audience could hardly return to normal.

They opened their eyes wide, and they couldn't figure it out. Wang Mang obviously didn't come into contact with the swordsman, but why did the swordsman suddenly die? There are still piles of disgusting worms in the corpse? !

Wang Mang didn't care about the audience's reaction, but raised his hand to the referee's corner faintly, signalling them to quickly let the next enemy into the arena.

After seeing Wang Mang raising his hand, several referees in the referee's corner frowned and gathered together to discuss in a low voice. After a full quarter of an hour, the three or five referees nodded their heads with serious expressions. consensus!

One of the referees walked to the table and rang the brass bell that summoned the players.

The other referee took advantage of this moment and hurriedly walked towards the internal passage of the Shura Field. Wang Mang didn’t say that he wanted to continue fighting after the victory. The arrangements of himself and others were all disrupted, and now he can only ask the official My lord!

Wang Mang glanced at the referee's corner faintly, and then withdrew his gaze. He only wanted to fight, and only wanted a battle that could fully display his full strength!

Time passed by, and ten minutes had passed since the referee rang the brass bell, but the next practitioner to participate in the fight was still too late!

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