Although the break in the middle was not far away, it was only four or five meters.

But under the overpass, there is an altitude of more than 20 meters.

Originally, there was a large river under the overpass, but due to the recent weather, the entire river dried up, exposing the land beneath the river.

It's even more scary to stand on the overpass and look down.

The car was forced to stop and everyone got out to check.

Song Zhi was not interested in this. Anyway, wherever the car drove, it was the same to her, as long as she could not die.

So Song Zhi didn't get out of the car and sat in the car alone to wait.

The remaining people in the car got out to check the situation.

There was another group of people who got off the bus with Si Qing and others. They were Qi Er's group.

This time the base sent two teams, headed by Qi'er and Si Qing, to carry out this mission.

Among them, Chier was appointed as the temporary captain this time.

Because of the supermarket incident, Chir's reputation in the base dropped again and again.

Qiho hopes that his son can perform well in this mission and redeem himself a little bit.

For this reason, he specifically asked Si Qing to go with him to increase the chance of success of this mission.

"What happened? Why did it stop suddenly!"

Qi'er got out of the car cursing and complained to Si Qing for a while.

The car stopped suddenly just now, and his head hit the windshield in front of the car hard, and it was already red.

Si Qing was not angry either. He raised his finger and pointed at the broken overpass in front, and then said in a calm tone.

"The bridge in front is broken and we can't continue driving. We have to find a way around."

Qi'er looked in the direction of Si Qing's finger and found the broken bridge.

He walked over, looked along the broken bridge towards the other side, and mentally evaluated the possibility of forcing the passage.

The estimated result is no.

He could only retreat to Si Qing with a slight displeasure.

He continued.

"Why didn't you find out earlier that the bridge in front is broken? How much energy and time will it take for us to choose a detour now? Can you afford such a big responsibility?"

Kiel was so angry now that he couldn't wait to find an outlet.

By coincidence, Si Qing was the chosen one.

When he was at the base a while ago, he was always suppressed by this Si Qing. Now that he was out on a mission, he made a mistake. How could he miss this opportunity?

Qi'er said it with great justice, as if Si Qing had made some huge mistake.

"Can you stop talking nonsense? What does this have to do with my captain? Didn't you send us this path?

But our captain also mentioned that the satellite detection and search here may not be possible, and the road conditions here may be unclear. If you insist on walking, you may encounter road blockages. Our captain has obviously said it, but you don’t listen, so you still rely on us? "

Gu Si was just startled by the sudden appearance of the break. If he hadn't reacted quickly, the whole car would have been delivered.

I was already in shock, and felt waves of fear in my heart.

As a result, the culprit turned to find fault with them first. Gu Si suddenly felt an unknown anger in his heart and blurted it out.

He also has a position in the base, so he is not afraid of Chir's authority.

After saying the beginning, he simply said the rest together, which made Qi'er stunned.

"You! Si Qing, take care of your men. I am the main commander of this operation. You all must listen to me!"

Qi'er was furious, but he was impressed by Gu Si's words, and it seemed that he was determined to take this path.

This road is the closest to Sunset City. If the search goes well, they can even come back that night.

But against all odds, I never expected that I would be blocked on this road.

Qil knew that it was his command error, but he did not want to admit it. Instead, he wanted to change the subject and continue to blame Si Qing for all the mistakes.

Si Qing is not a vegetarian either.

"Okay, Commander, now we have a problem, how should we solve it? Please make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise we all just wait here, the zombies are coming, and we have no place to run."

Si Qing pointed to the broken bridge over there.


From where they are now, if zombies attack from the side they just passed by, they won't have anywhere to run.

There are zombies in front and a broken bridge behind. If you jump from a height of more than 20 meters, you will be half disabled even if you don't die.

Chier wanted to wait for Si Qing to resist, but then he grabbed his pigtails and continued to suppress him.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually directly admitted that he was the main commander and asked him to provide a solution as soon as possible.

This feeling made Chir feel very aggrieved.

It's like you gathered all your strength to attack the opponent, but the opponent just dodged slightly.

Forget it, let him go this time, the mission is urgent.

Chil's remaining sanity prevailed.

He returned to his car angrily and began to discuss with his team members which way to go around next.

ten minutes later.

Qin Mingyue came over with a map with a drawn route.

"This is what Captain Chil asked me to give to you. We must take this route next."

Qin Mingyue handed the map in her hand to Si Qing.

"Okay, thank you."

The result of Si Qing's courtesy.

Qin Mingyue just came to deliver the map, so after delivering it, he didn't stay long and left the next second.

But when she turned around, she seemed to see a familiar figure.

Supermarket owner?

How could she be here?

I must have seen it wrong.

Qin Mingyue only saw the figure in the car through the front window, and was not sure whether it was him or not.

It shouldn't be him.

How could she appear here?

And Si Qing didn't seem like a casual person. For such an important mission, it was impossible for him to bring someone other than the base, who was also a burden.

Qin Mingyue thought about it again and again, and still felt that she had seen it wrong.

Ignoring the familiar figure, she returned to the car.

The car started.

This time, they turned around and started again.

So it was Qi'er and others' car in front, and they followed behind not too far.

"Brother Gu, you have been driving all morning, let me drive now." Chenfeng sat in the driver's seat this time.

Gu Si didn't argue with him and agreed.

"Okay, you drive, I'll go to the back to rest."

He drove for the whole morning and was a little tired. Although the psychics are physically better than ordinary people, they also need to rest.

Gu Si sat in the place where Chen Feng sat before, behind Song Zhi.

Si Qing still sat in the co-pilot seat. He had to pay attention to the movements outside at all times. If there was anything wrong, he would call everyone in the car to pay attention.

"These are for you to eat, to replenish your physical strength." Song Zhi didn't know when, and took out a lot of food from the small bag and handed it to Gu Si.

They took her out to see the scenery, so she provided some food along the way, which was fair.

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