The temporarily planned route this time is much longer than the previous route.

The river has dried up, exposing the silt inside. Cars cannot pass underneath it, so they can only go back and take a long way around.

The journey that was originally only two hours away now takes two hours longer.

Because there are endless dangers on the road ahead, everyone in the car, except Si Qing who wants to stare at the movement outside and Chen Feng who wants to drive, is closing their eyes and concentrating.

Human energy is limited. Before danger comes, you must conserve your energy as much as possible.

Song Zhi heard the even breathing of other people in the car and slowly closed his eyes.

She got up too early this morning and she was a little sleepy.

Two hours later.


Moronfeng saw Qi Er's car stop in front and followed closely behind him, stopping steadily behind him.

Qi Er and the others got out of the car and came to the shade of a collapsed building.

Afterwards, someone took out some food from the trunk of the car and shared it with each other.

Si Qing and others got out of the car.

Chir raised his head and glanced: "Let's take a rest here first. We will go to the city later. I don't know what's going on inside. Please replenish the energy in the car door."

His tone was cold, as if he was still angry from just now.

For the sake of the mission, Si Qing didn't care. He nodded to show that he heard it, turned around, and led his small team to the shade on the other side.

For lunch, Si Qing and the others prepared some fast-food products purchased from Songzhi Supermarket.

They go to the Songzhi Supermarket to fetch water every day, and they always stop in to buy some.

Firstly, it was to cheer up and fulfill the agreement that Si Qing had made with Song Zhi before. Secondly, the things in the supermarket were so cheap that it didn't cost much to buy a lot.

People like them who go out on dangerous missions all year round are very wealthy.

"Boss Song, there is delicious food here, it depends on what you want to eat." Gu Si came to Song Zhi with a big bag and asked her to choose what she wanted to eat.

"Actually, these foods are all bought from your supermarket, Boss Song. Everything is really delicious, hehe."

Gu Si smiled.

"Thank you." Song Zhi smiled politely at Gu Si, and then chose a meat floss bun.

This was the other party's good intention, and she couldn't refuse it.

"Is that all Boss Song will eat? We will enter the city soon and may not have time to eat. This sausage is also delicious. Boss Song, please eat more."

Gu Si took it upon himself to pick a sausage from the bag. He thought it was very delicious and handed it to Song Zhi's hand.

"Um...Actually, I just ate in the car, so I'm not very hungry."

Song Zhi declined politely.

She didn't eat much, she just ate in the car, and she hadn't been active yet, so she wasn't hungry at all.

"Oh, Boss Song, I really won't have time to eat when I enter the city soon, so you should eat more."

Gu Si still insisted.

He felt that people like Song Zhi had never been on a mission or been to such a place full of unknown dangers alone.

Although the investigators in the base came back and reported that the zombies in Sunset City have decreased by a large amount recently, they still don't know the specific number.

If they go in, if they are lucky, they may not encounter a single zombie.

If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bunch of zombies as soon as you enter. At that time, everyone will not only be busy saving their lives, but also continue to focus on the task, and there will be no free time to eat.

Boss Song is a thin and small person. If he doesn't eat, he may not have the energy to run.


Si Qing noticed something was wrong here, so he called out to Gu Si and gave him a look.

"Hurry up and let Boss Song have a good rest. You too, don't hang around Boss Song. We're going to leave soon. Let's see who you can cry to when you're hungry."

Si Qing urged with a slightly serious tone.

When Gu Si saw this, although he was reluctant, he still obeyed and threw the palm-sized sausage into Song Zhi's arms and ran away.

"Brother, you are serious!"

Gu Wanru was amused by her brother's childish behavior and turned to apologize to Song Zhi.

"Boss Song, don't mind. My brother is just afraid that you will be hungry."

"It's okay, thank you." Song Zhi shook his head gently, then raised the sausage in his hand and shook it towards Gu Si with a smile.

The moment Gu Si saw Song Zhi's smile, something seemed to break in his heart.

With a red face and a shy look, he continued to share food with others.

Chenfeng was the first to notice Gu Si's condition and joked: "Si, why are you blushing? Is it too hot?"

Zhao Cheng on the side saw it and smiled and joined in the fun.

"Hey, it was so hot before. Why didn't you blush? I'm afraid there are other reasons this time..."

Chenfeng: "I think so. He just went to deliver food to Boss Song. It couldn't be... Oops!"

Before Chenfeng could finish his words, Gu Si hit him with a braised egg.

"Eat your food, didn't you listen to what the captain just said, do you want to rest quickly?"

Gu Si was embarrassed and annoyed, and his face turned even redder when they joked about it.

Si Qing sat at the edge the whole time and had a panoramic view of everything.

For some reason, seeing Gu Si like this, he suddenly felt a little clogged in his heart, feeling that the blushing Gu Si deserved a beating.

Is it necessary to be so red?

Didn't he just smile at you?


Damn it, seeing you like that, I really want to beat you up!

Fortunately, reason saved everything.

He coughed lightly and issued an order.

"Stop making trouble, take a rest. When we enter the city, we must be alert and not be distracted. We don't know the situation inside now, so we must be cautious!"


"Okay, boss."

"Got it, boss."

Everyone responded in unison.

Song Zhi didn't answer, just glanced at Si Qing and tore the bread in his hand.

Today's weather is still hot, and the earth is baked hot by the scorching sun.

Everyone quickly rested outside and returned to the car.

Qi Er also had a meal, then returned to the car and continued to head towards Sunset City.

"This day is really hot, getting hotter day by day. If it goes on like this, I feel that I don't need to go out in the future. Whoever goes out will be sunburned to death."

Gu Si sat in the driver's seat and turned on the air conditioner of the car.

Fortunately, this car was modified later and the air conditioner can be used, otherwise they would be suffocated in the car on this day.

"Yeah, it feels like no matter how much water I drink, it's not enough."

Chen Feng held the half-full bottle of mineral water in his hand and drank it all.

When it gets hot, people sweat and become thirsty. When that energy comes up, it feels like drinking any amount of water will not work.

Gu Wanru leaned on a cup and said, "Don't complain, you two, it's good to have water to drink. Many places are still short of water now!"

"You're right, forget it, fortunately we have Boss Song, not only so many supplies, but also enough water resources."

Gu Si started Song Zhi's conversation.

Put everyone's attention on Song Zhi.

On the way back, almost everyone was talking about Song Zhi, either about the things sold in the supermarket or the lake water next to the supermarket.

Song Zhi would occasionally respond with a few words, but more often, he would sit there quietly.

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