They are very in a hurry, even if they don't take away the translation machine.

Looking at the sky, the star of the Samsung's mouth revealed, and he really wants to cheer loudly, but not dare.

Because of that translation machine, I don't know if there is anything that makes Tak civilization to receive something.

Therefore, after the Tak civilization is left, the Samsung school is very cautious, and the translation machine is sent to the outer space. After the annihilation ray is completely destroyed, the general commander reports the specific situation.

In fact, don't use him, the general commander also knows that Tak civilization has left.

When the translation machine is destroyed, everyone can finally pick up.

They crazy cheers, as if they have a great victory.

Tak civilization is scared, and this is the illusion of their creation.

By running throughout the day, all the luck and the future of human beings, plus the monsters of the monsters, finally show a good play.

When the news left by Tak Civilization returned to the female star, Huo was unfortunately.

Although the entire plan is he developed, it is really implemented, and there is not much grasp of your heart.

After all, his plan is based on the development of human psychology, whether other civilizations in the universe also have the same psychology, this is not known.

It seems that other civilizations don't say, the least Tak civilization is still very similar to human psychology.

They only saw the surface, perhaps inner doubts, but in the civilized war of the universe, the failed party is likely to be performed.

Such risks, there are no a few civilization dare to take risks.

Therefore, Tak civilization is very sensible. Otherwise, if the human civilization is really powerful, it has aggressive ideas for their civilization, that can be difficult.

Anyway, even if you don't conquer human civilization, there will be no loss, why do you have to take risks?

It is the most important thing for the universe civilization.

The news quickly passed in the security zone, everyone embarked on the street and cheered loudly.

They shouted the words of Huo, even though the implementation plan is the frontline staff of the monster planet, but people who really develop this plan are Huo.

It is his unique idea that makes human beings from war, and there is no cost of spend too much.

This kind of skill is a stunning of his cerebral cave.

Many people think that this is Huo's third time to save the world, even if he is not the only "shot".

But in any case, Huo's role in this incident is unique.

Even Ning Xueqing is very proud of him, although this pride has been lasts for a long time. But every husband can tell her with practical actions, and your worship is not wrong.

The crisis of Tak civilization will be released, and this may be just a shortcomings of universe civilization.

But for the higher level of human beings, it is not as simple as it is.

Tak Civilization is from the monster star, but it can find here, what did you explain?

The reason why they came here, part of the investigator sent out by humanity, and on the other hand, because gravitational waves gave them in the direction. Otherwise, in the universe, I want to find a civilization in tens of thousands of light years or quite difficult.

Almost unlikely, it is hard to succeed unless the luck of the sky.

Therefore, there is still a problem with the ultra-distance communication of human beings.

Although the gravitational wave has the basis of ultra-long communication, it is also obvious that it can be detected by the universe civilization that can be farther away.

Unless you can completely control the direction and range of the gravitational wave, do not let it spread to it elsewhere.

But in theory, it is impossible.

Because gravitational waves are created according to the cosmic rules, humans currently have no ability to control.

The artificial intelligence is already in the creation of how to improve, but according to the results of the forecast, it takes a few more than ten years to get some results.

So, this time, human beings should not easily use gravity waves as communication means.

Even if there is no more suitable means, it can be replaced by gravitational waves, and it will only be the first.

It's really not, you can only use a specific battleship to carry out a space transition message.

Doing so may consume more resources, but it is better to discover by other cosmic civilization.

Not every civilization, like Tak civilization so flicker.

If you encounter some heart-free cold blood, you may see the opportunity you will not show you at all, you will kill your fartlurging. At that time, your performance talent is also white.

This suggestion has got all of the uniform recognition.

Secretly develop, absolutely can't be high.

It can be said that the emergence of Tak Civilization makes some painful molecules that have been scared.

Previously, many people think that human beings are strong enough, so powerful monsters, not the same, after we stand firm, followed by us?

The powerful expedition fleet gave them a very adequate confidence, and believed that humans had truly moved to the universe, they could start to conquer the outside world.

Now they finally understand that the universe is very large, and human beings are only very small, and they will come to a civilization, they may make them completely smashed.

In fact, if Tak civilization is not checked, only this cruise fleet is enough to completely destroy humanity.

The three-km long flagship, with real planetary surrersuit.

This is a head of the artificial intelligent female, ready to be launched in the next grade space battleship.

However, it is only a trip to show it, as for how to make, there is no detailed feasibility plan. At the very least, it is possible to have a probable probably two years or more than two decades.

So, how do you play the weapons you have to have in the next few decades?

A planetary surreler is enough to have the whole female star, which is a devastating weapon that directly destroys the core of the planet, and powerful.

The intense mind of the radicals, but the Galaxy Alliance is not discouraged, the more powerful enemy, the stronger the mood they want to force forward.

People are so powerful because of many years have been developed more than humans.

And human beings have developed into such a thousand years, it is quite fast, not to mention, we have inter-era artificial intelligence as auxiliary, you can quickly develop to Tak civilization, even higher level civilization. Point.

This incident prompts humans to reach two consensus.

First, find a means of replacing the gravitational wave as an ultra-long distance communication, or improve the gravitational wave, becoming a communication tool that can accurately control direction and location.

Second, all human beings must start higher levels and more difficult training. Not only is limited to cultivation of mental and flesh, but also technologies.

The Galaxy Alliance puts huge sums of money, and established a minimum of Ten Galaxy University in three months, and Hundreds of Galaxy Specialist University.

All human beings that meet the enrollment conditions, no matter the age, you can register enrollment.

The Galaxy University is a comprehensive comprehensive school, while the Galaxy Specialist is based on targeted technology specialist.

Your talent is manufactured by Mechanic, then enter the machine manufacturing specialist class. Your talent is manufactured in high energy weapons, then enter high energy weapons specialties.

What is appropriate, what is it?

The subjects in the specialist universities were divided into thousands, and almost covered all the technologies that all human beings were able to use.

Now humans require a lot of elites and technicians, only the number of this person is enough, and human beings can develop faster!

Every student who has successfully entered school, you can get the least 10,000 star, the highest million star monetary reward!

The better the results you have in the school, the more rewards get it at home. And you will receive a certain subsidy every year every year, the lowest is starting every month.

In other words, as long as you can enter the university door, regardless of specialist or comprehensive universities, every month's small days will be quite moisturizing.

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