Ten thousand stars, enough family family every day, big fish, no need to worry about life quality.

Therefore, entering the university has become the most desirable thing in many people.

There was only one university throughout the Galaxy Union, which could cultivate the top elites in accordance with the initial imagination.

And the fact is true, from this university, all of them are top talents, no exception.

But now, humans need faster development, so they can't just take care of the top of the pyramid, and we must develop in the middle.

The first university is still the top talents in all mankind. As for others, the standard is reduced. In this way, although there is no too much top talent to be selected, it can ensure that more talents are excavated, and they are not missing.

At the same time, the Galaxy Alliance also encourages people to build schools. Each school will provide a certain start-up capital. If you have been examined for a few years, you will find your teaching level, and you will meet the standards of talents. Cost is all returned to you.

In summary, you are giving human talents, humans compensate all your losses, and there will be large rewards.

Building a reward of the school, which is much more than doing students, and the lowest 10 million stars will start.

Huo wants these private schools, can become a more detailed network, and collect the universities leaked back. Therefore, in addition to passive, the private school has taken the responsibility of the people who take the initiative to discover talents.

The school only creates a strong foundation for human development. It is not possible to see it in three or two years.

Human beings will develop rapidly, and now more still depends on artificial intelligence, as well as existing talents.

According to Huo's ordinary order, weapons design institute and artificial intelligence temporarily stop the design research of higher level weapons, anyway, even if you design it is now, it is better to put time and energy in other more important things.

At present, the most important period of human beings is to create a multi-station space warship, and then on this basis, continue to create a higher level of battleship.

Do not say anything else, at least ten years, it is equivalent to the power of Tap civilization.

According to the estimation of artificial intelligence, the civilization of cruising can be carried out in the universe, the strength of the fleet should be at least similar to Tak civilization.

Therefore, human beings must have the power of the other party, even if you can't eliminate the enemy, at least you can shock each other, let them do not dare to act rash.

After all, I can't think of the past, this time I can make it feel because Tak civilization is not particularly strong, so their attitude is not very strong.

A civilization without a bottom will be deceived by the appearance.

I really encountered the powerful civilization. Even if I raise the risk of losing this fleet, I must also see your card, this is the bottom gas!

I want to build a fleet that can be resistant to Tak Civilization, it is not an easy thing, it is currently able to manufacture the dock of the Taishou Space Battleship, only the one in the star ring.

And the Committee is discussed, it is believed that the female star has not created the conditions of large space warships, and even more to set the dock near the monster planet.

Therefore, through the final resolution, the engineering team continued to build a new star ring and dock in the monsters, specifically used to build a Taishou space warship.

And the female star, the resource that transported back, creating a space warship and the Knowledge-level space warship.

Of course, if necessary, the inland high-altitude warship is also made.

These battleships are not more than 1,000 meters, which is about three times compared to the aircraft carrier before the female stars.

In theory, anyone can participate in this work.

So before the automatic installation of the robot is not enough, humans can participate in the work of the manufacturing space warship.

In this way, in order to take advantage of all the strength of all human beings, develop together, and make progress together.

Although the capital against the cosmic civilization, it comes from more more powerful space warships, but this does not represent the fighter and machine armor.

Although the Weapons Design Institute stopped designing future weapons, they have to update and improve their existing weapons, maximize energy, and work is still quite heavy.

In the previous work, the Weapons Design Institute is only designed for the first draft, and then handed over to the artificial intelligence to create, and after the execution is completed. Many times this design is from a sudden inspiration, or it can be called luck.

For the real principles and textures of weapons, it is not particularly clear, and it has never been discussed and studied.

Huo wants them to study all the existing things, don't be too big.

This is a good thing, and it is also a good proposal to get the identity of the Weapons Design Institute.

They really have been too soon before, so that many things are developing, began to slowly beyond their control. In a short time, relying on manual intelligence help them can also have left and right, but the time is long, more advanced, more powerful, what troubles, this is a disaster.

Therefore, studying things about existing things can be more assured.

Including the Jijia, sugar sugar is like this, Huo requires them to make the current design to make the perfect lack of existing products to make the next study.

The improvement of the fighters and machines, the surface seems to be left and right, but in fact, human beings are currently developing, which has completely rely on the monster planet to provide resources.

Don't look at the monsters have established a security zone, in fact, human activities are also limited to the security zone.

Leaving the security zone, outside the world is the world of monsters.

When the human choice of safety zones, it was based on the scope of the monster level. The worse the nearby monsters, the more suitable for them to survive.

However, now the safety area is now eliminated, and all the low-level monsters have been eliminated, and the lowest is the monster of four or more.

Occasionally there will be some second-or third-order monsters, the number is very small, so humans want to leave the safety zone, can only be played out with the combination of the team.

But the power of the monster is really a headache. You organize hundreds of thousands of machines, and encounter a monster who have a group team, that is, send dishes.

If tissue tens of thousands of machines, it is very high, but it is easy to lead to a higher level monster, resulting in the faster removal.

Therefore, humans have now fallen into two difficulties.

If you have fewer people, you can't go out, how many people, people are more than you.

The best way is to enhance the ability of single soldiers, at least one machine can be alone against the point of the fourth order or even five-order monsters.

Of course, it is not easy to achieve this level of combat power. At present, the machine armor can only fight the second-order silicon base, and even the third order is difficult.

And Huo is unable to ask them to fight against the four-order or even five-order monsters. Many people think that this is the heavens.

When the order is sent to the Ji family, many old qualifications in the Ji family take the table: "Is this not in a mess! The machine has the limit, those monsters are strong to the conver, but they have no way, but they want to expect Our machine has acts as the main force? It is just a joke! "

"Just, the Galaxy League has no way, turn the pressure to our head, and rather away, what is it?"

"We have to find the leader, you can't say what he said, the things can't do, do you have a hard plug to us."

A group of people squatted, so that Ji Xiang was very headache.

Today, Ji Xiangnong looks still similar to that is almost 20 years ago, there is no signs of aging, which is naturally benefited from the results of cultivation.

Ji Xiangning is very difficult to practice, because she doesn't want to become old, just want to keep himself in the youngest, most beautiful.

This is not entirely because of narring, more still because she is too deep to Huo's feelings, I want to make myself in this man's eyes, always the most beautiful.

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