Although the age, Ji Xiangcheng is not small, but she has never been a gossip, let alone boyfriend.

Of course, regardless of the media or the company's employees, many of the chairman and the god of the Galaxy League have a relationship. They have never announced that there is no one to see what is intimate behavior.

However, Ji Xiang did never denied this, and occasionally had a very big question, she would choose the default.

Therefore, media people don't dare to write her, especially in feelings.

This person with the propront of the Committee, is also the most powerful machine manufacturer in the world, and it is sinned, and there is still a good day.

Most importantly, Ji Xiangcheng is also sure to make it good, pursuing her, nothing, she does not work.

Over time, no one is willing to challenge this iceberg beauty.

"Chairman, I think you should take the initiative to find a long quantity, how can he do this, this is not harming us." Someone came over to Ji Xiang.

Ji Xiang was turned to see him, asked: "How can he harm us?"

"Obvious things can't do, it is impossible to do it, I can't do it back. I must take the opportunity to find trouble. I think, do you want to take the opportunity to take us?"

"Yeah, there is a possibility that before he has an absence of countless companies, there is current development."

"I want to swallow us, I am not so easy. The most powerful machine armor in the world is what we make, I don't dare to take the world."

"I also feel that there is a lot of possibilities, but there are always one in cases, in case?"

Everyone talked about this, this behavior is very dissatisfied with Huo.

At this time, Ji Xiangcheng suddenly took the table and asked: "Do you finish it?"

"Everyone looked at her unhappy, one of them quickly explained:" Chairman, we don't want to say bad words of the speaker, but his mission is really screaming, it is in pit Let us! "

"Do you really put yourself as a dish?" Ji Xiangxing said: "Do you think you are important in his eyes? Everyone includes me, just a piece of chess in his eyes, It is used to help human development, and he has completely ultrafelked the level of personal profit, now he is a global development. You think he wants to be answered the Ji family, that is just your ignorance. In my opinion, He just gave us a circle in the development of human development, this is trust, but it has become a poth in your mouth? "

Some people smiled: "We are not all this, just this task ..." "

"I don't think there is anything possible to finish?" Ji Xiang said cold: "When he said that he would integrate the world resources, there are countless people who can't do it. So many countries, so many races, then Different ideas, countless interest disputes, how do you integrate, it is a joke. Can you finally results? He did it. Although there is a unique factor in the Black Magic Haira, but in my opinion, the result is the result There are not so many reasons. Later, the Black Devil Haira attacked the weapons design, and there were countless people who believe that humans were finished. He could not stand the arrival of the Bail Corps. Can eventually, he did it. There are also countless people think that he can't win. Results, he did it again. "

Ji Xiangli looked at the people around him, the big voice: "It is impossible to once again. He did something that did not have in the eyes of these people, and he was mostly called the most. Near God's man! Since he handed the mission to us, I believe we can do it. And I also believe that his order is well thought, absolutely will not deliberately it. You can't do it, just because you The eyes and patches can't keep up with him. But I can see, these tasks are not particularly difficult. Isn't it the fourth-order monster, a five-order monster? The strength of the monster is fixed within a range, but we can The machine has an unlimited future. As long as we continue to develop, the continuous update is improved, the combat power of the machine has continued to improve. One day, we can reach this requirement. "

"But the speaker has limited time ..."

"Then you will do it according to the time limit! Everyone overtime, take out the world's upcoming strength, and strive to give human beings a better future!" Ji Xiang is condensed: "Don't think that I am scared. You, the destruction of human beings, is really anything anytime, anywhere, anything, anywhere, we may be eliminated directly. So, there is not much time to leave, please cherish it. "

The words of Ji Xiangning are very heavy, and it is very sinking, and it is uncomfortable.

But she is right, there is not much time for human beings.

If you still do it, you can be destroyed if you say it.

Ji Xiangning also knows that always takes the prestige to scare people, will play a counter-effect one day. She took a deep breath and said: "To tell, this task is really difficult, but I think we can still do it very well. His request for us is to let the machine reach the fourth order or even fiveth order The gentleness of the monster, but did not say what kind of means. So, I suggested first from major companies, filtering power enough to achieve this requirement, and then fuse changes according to our machine. "

Have to say, Ji Xiangning still has two brush, her words, directly give everyone a new idea.

There is no mistake, Huo is not required to use Jijia's own products, as long as you have this, there is no problem to put a back-substance orbital gun.

Anyway, Huo's extraordinary is just the result, and the process is not important.

With this idea, everyone is not so heavy, and at the same time, I feel that it is not as difficult to complete the task.

Of course, although the idea is good, it is really implemented, but it is not so easy.

Because the weapons of the four-order monsters can be defeated, the minimum is also the energy weapon of the warship main gun, such as the high-power laser gun.

Power is slightly weak, all do not do this.

Like anti-substance track guns, or annihilating rays, natural power is larger, but their current volume is also very large.

Installing on the warship, from energy to the main gun itself, the traditional air carrier may not install this stuff, let alone the machine armor who does not exceed 100 meters.

Therefore, the Ji family has only two ways, one is to try to shrink these great weapons, and then install it on the machine.

Second, according to this power standard, re-create a special weapon for a machine.

In fact, Ji Xiangcang also mentioned the third road, which is the ability to make each machine have a speed of light.

The speed of light is hailed as the strongest attack method of the Battle of the Battle, there is no one, even the black magic sachet, or the silicon base life of the world cannot withstand such an attack.

If every rober can use this ability, then defeat the monsters of the four-order or more, it seems not too difficult.

But this is difficult, not much smaller than the research new weapon.

So far, there is only one hundred percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent.

Huo's extraordinary is universality, that is, a qualified machine driver can have such combat power, not a separate case.

The case is meaningless in such a battle.

So, this means will soon be denied, or redesign new weapons, or reduce the volume of weapons.

Ji Xiangning did not debate these people, in fact, she is clear than anyone, and the whole staff reaches the standard of speed, basically impossible in a short period of time.

The reason why, just wants these people to take the initiative to deny her.

Sometimes, give others a negative opportunity, but more easily inspiring their fighting spirit.

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