Building B

Chapter 1860: Inside and outside

All the way forward, the army was silent, only the sound of footsteps floated forward in an orderly manner. Lou Yi was riding on the horse, looking into the distance. At this time, his mood could not calm down for a long time, and he was about to go home. Originally he just wanted to go back quietly and worship the spirit of his parents, but now...

"Good luck, Xueyuan, wait for me..." Lou Yi muttered to himself.

Along the way, the army never stopped. Lou Yi made a suit for himself in the armor of Hop Maro. With the flag of the snake, the army marched neatly. The outposts along the way, Horinouchi, Yamashita, and the towns were all by them. Ignore it, now is not the time to stun the snake...

While walking looking for the environment in his memory, he found that the roads and scenery in his original memory no longer exist, and he even found several empty forests and hills that had been felled.

Lou Yi frowned. Among the people he captured, there were no confidants of Hop Maru, so when he asked some of them, he got ambiguous answers. They didn't know that so many trees were What was it used for.

However, these people revealed a very important message, that is, Hu Malu ordered them to search and search for iron ore. After Lou B combined these, he thought of a possibility, that is, a large siege weapon. .

The general’s siege to build siege equipment is understandable. It shouldn’t have attracted Lou B’s attention. However, he smelled a different smell from these comprehensive situations. Humaru is an ambitious person, just like today. , The rebels mostly hide in the forests and villages, and they don't use such large-scale siege equipment at all, so the purpose of his making these things seems obvious.

Lou Yi sighed, "My brother, at least in this matter, you can be regarded as helping me..."

Lou Yi retracted his gaze and continued to look into the distance, but his gaze seemed a little erratic. He didn't know what was thinking in his heart. Just like this, a few days passed by, and there were no problems along the way. They just swayed all the way. We arrived outside Anjo, outside the castle town.

There are several huge moats here, two of which were dug out when his father was alive, but now there are a few more. Several bridges traverse the moat, and a strong tower stands on them. between.

If you want to enter the castle town, you must walk from the bridge next to these strong towers, because on two of the moats, a stone wall with a height of hundreds of meters and a width of several meters has been built, and the top of it is densely packed with soldiers standing in front of them.

Soldiers were everywhere in the city walls, towers, moats, and the gates of the castle towns in the distance. This feeling was very aggressive. Lou Yi wondered if they were exposed, but when he asked people around him, he got But the answer is that since Hu Maru became General Shemi, the castle town has become like this. As long as he has too many enemies, he is worried that someone will enter the city to kill him at any time...

When Lou Yi heard this answer, he thought of Hu Maru's temperament. It seemed that he had done too much evil and was a little suspicious.

He made the army stationed in Anjo outside the castle town, and asked the samurai who realized that they had already known to return to the castle town ahead of time. If he wanted to take down the castle town in one go, he could not stay in the outer city for too long.

What's more, the city defenses made by Hop Maru are like solid iron barrels. If they forcibly break into the city, once an abnormality is discovered, then the army is likely to be rounded up. When the end is ignored, they will be instantly attacked by the towers, the walls and The arrow rain baptism of the soldiers on the moat is no joke.

At the same time, he asked people to take a message back. It was late today. He wanted to stay overnight in the flower shop in Ancheng and let his cronies come here to report on the surrounding forces and the movements in the city during the days when he was away.

In order to dispel the worries of those people, he asked a large number of soldiers to **** his own gold and silver jewels in Anjo Castle, as the samurai drove towards the castle town, as carts of gold and silver treasures, cloth silk animal skins, medicinal materials, jade, etc. The dazzling array of things passed by, naturally caused the guards of the castle town to be stunned, their eyes seemed to be sucked on them.

And their passage naturally attracted the attention of the leader of Hu Maro's cronies. These people are already well-trained, and the number of soldiers transporting supplies is large. They were worried that there might be fraud, so they called in the samurai leader in charge of rhyming. Ask him why they are the only people back.

The samurai chief is naturally not a confidant of Hop Maro. He deliberately said irritably, "Why do you think?!!!"

Seeing the grievances on his face, the other party was about to speak out. Just then, on the Huajie in the outer city of Ancheng District, there was a sudden fierce firecrackers. It was about dusk, and the fireworks also lifted into the sky.

The boss pointed at the fireworks that had risen, and said angrily, "We are all outsiders, and we are not qualified to celebrate with the general. The general also asked me to wait for the notice to lead the people. The general has already wrapped up a street of flowers. Prostitute, let you wait and report to him, cut..."

The other party was still skeptical, but he looked at the other party’s gloomy face, and then at these escorts, but there were no general’s cronies inside, and none of these people carried weapons. He couldn’t help but believe it a little bit. The vigilance is still there.

When I arrived at some vehicles that escorted supplies, I picked up a few vehicles and said to the escort, "Hurry up, you detain the vehicles!"

The escorting soldiers hurriedly overturned the cart, and a dazzling array of jewelry and other objects were spread on the bridge. A look of greed flashed in the commander’s eyes, but he knew who the owner of these things was. So after confirming that no contraband was hidden, he had someone put it back.

He arranged his own staff to follow these people and walked towards the castle town until he personally supervised and watched them transport the jewels to the treasure house before turning around and returning to life.

The commander inquired about the whereabouts of the escorts, and the other party told him that those people went to the tavern in the city cursingly, saying that the general looked down on them, so they rewarded themselves.

After hearing this, the commander laughed contemptuously, and said, "These guys still want to sit on an equal footing with us. Let's dream!"

Looking back in the direction of Ancheng, the fireworks were particularly brilliant at this time. With a wretched smile on his face, he rubbed his hands and said, "Eri Xiangjiang, I didn't expect the talents to stay away for three days. We can relive the old times again!"

The fact that Hu Maro summoned the officials and leaders of the castle town to Anjo in the outer city has all been conveyed. With Hu Maro's style, these people naturally did not dare to neglect, and they are all Hu Maro's cronies and are most familiar with this person. Temperament.

The Huajie in the outer city is simply a place for venting he created by himself. It is also one of his ambitions. Although he is not a member of the Oda clan, he also wants to imitate them, so he put many women into the Huajie. In, forced them to betray their bodies to comfort those subordinates and themselves who had won the battle. The woman who looked at the leader of the city and river before was a very famous oiran lady in Huajie.

The night came quietly. The warriors and soldiers who stepped into the city were all ready. They contacted the members of the family in the city, and temporarily lent the weapons built by their families to the soldiers. Now they are going to take down the castle town all night. Only after an order is given to the gate and the weapon arsenal, they can join the building B and the others.

At this time, Lou Yi was sitting in the most famous flower shop in the most Ancheng Flower Street, smiling at the officials of the castle town who hugged left and right, and the ugly castle town officials and Houma Lu’s henchmen, with a smile on his face, and Everyone pushed the cups and changed their cups, but they were actually calculating the time.

The feasting flower street, full of joy and laughter, deafening firecrackers and bright and brilliant fireworks, have never stopped, but in this loud firecrackers, there are one after another samurai, wiped by the secret guards under Lou Yi Neck.

About half an hour later, suddenly there was a loud noise outside, a huge red firework burst into the night sky, the signal finally came, Lou Yi put down his glass, got up and got drunk. The ruined staff said, "Are you satisfied?!!!"

"Great... great general glory!"

"Thank you...thank you, the general, for hosting a banquet...a treat!"

"Satisfied! It's so...satisfied!"


They spoke insincere compliments with their already unfluent but Lou Yi said with a smile, "Since everyone is satisfied, let's go on the road together!"

"Go on? Go on... What way?" someone asked with tongue out.

"Road to the Yellow Spring!" Lou Yi's voice just fell, his hand flicked and a dark red light flashed, and the red-tailed viper immediately appeared and pounced towards everyone. This sudden scene made many people wake up from fear, but not yet. When they had time to react, they were swallowed by the red-tailed viper.

The flower prostitutes screamed and escaped. For a time, Hua Street screamed everywhere, but these sounds were perfectly covered by the rumble of firecrackers and fireworks. After a while, all these people went down to Huangquan to accompany them. The general is now.

And Lou Yi was ready to go, carrying a large army, and slammed toward the castle town. The battle started unexpectedly, so that when some soldiers who defended the city were dozing off, they were wiped their necks by the secret guards in their dreams.

But so many people passing the bridge of the castle town will naturally cause a lot of movement, but when they found out, it was too late. The gate was controlled by the warriors and soldiers of Building B. They could not retreat to the castle town, and the soldiers in the castle However, because they had no weapons in their hands, the soldiers who had been escorting the treasures were killed and injured.

Lou B advanced to the gate at the fastest speed and killed all the guards of the outer city. The gate of the castle town slowly opened. The soldiers and the samurai cheered deafeningly, and the people of the castle town unknowingly , From his previous name, he became a citizen under Lou Yi's hand, but when the morning sun rose, Lou Yi stepped into his home after a long absence. At this time, Hu Maru's mother and his people were all The dark guards escorted and knelt on the ground to welcome his return...

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