Building B

Chapter 1861: Late night visitor

Lou Yi came to this group of people. A woman in extremely luxurious clothes was struggling desperately. She kept cursing at the escort, and even moved out of her identity to threaten each other. When she saw Lou Yi When they came to the front, the cursing stopped, replaced by a panic look.

"You...Are you a human or a ghost?!!!" The woman was horrified.

Lou Yi took off the helmet, revealing a sunny and handsome face. The woman collapsed to the ground with a throat, and she passed out directly. Lou Yi arranged for them to be detained by hand because these people were still useful for the time being.

As the poisonous woman said, her status is very special. She is the daughter of the generals of the Oda clan, and the family status is second only to the Oda clan. The reason why Humaro makes so many siege machines is very Obviously, it is inseparable from the support of his mother's family, and power is sometimes inexplicable.

The castle town changed owners overnight. In order to minimize unnecessary killings, Lou Yi summoned the officials of the castle town under the huge castle, and at the same time exposed his true identity to the people of the castle town.

It’s just that the situation is better than he expected. He has received the support of almost all the people. This is mainly because his identity has an important relationship with the unpopularity of Hu Maro’s governance. He can’t help but sigh, support or abandon it. There is a steelyard in my heart.

Solving the opinions of the people in the castle town, Lou Yi began to drastically rectify military and internal affairs. He replaced a large number of officials and commanders. Some people with real practical ability were all placed in important positions. Of course, they also need to treat him absolutely. Loyalty works.

The soldiers of the army were taken over, and Building B changed the promotion system. Anyone who has the ability can fight for the position they want. He ordered all the officials outside the castle town of Anjo, Yamashita, towns and cities, and Horiuchi to return. Castle Town.

As soon as this order was issued, it naturally caused vibrations in the surrounding area. Some officials who had been extremely exploiting the people in Su Rili naturally began to want to escape. The secret guards under Lou Yi had already ambushed around their castle long ago, waiting for them to After all the Minzhimin Ointment that had been raided over the years was packed and brought out, these secret guards started.

So with no effort, Lou Yi got the wealth they had accumulated for decades, and all these things would be used to regain Xueyuan’s war funds, but the first thing he had to do was to let the Oda clan and Humaru’s mother clan has a rift, letting them bite the dog and give them time to develop.

So he tortured the evidence from the Hu Maro family, secretly sent to the ancient wild city where the Oda clan was located, and at the same time prepared a report and gave it to Hu Maro’s mother family, warning them to be careful Oda's actions.

So in the next month, it can be said that the situation is changing, the Oda family trembles, and after seeing so many evidences of conspiracy to rebel, they begin to prepare, and all of this has been taken by the Humaro family. The masterpieces are in sight.

Originally, they just thought that the other party was just bluffing, because the cooperation between their clan and Hop Maru for so many years has been seamless, and it is impossible to have problems at this critical juncture.

But when they discovered the Oda clan's change, they immediately understood, so the Humaro family fief began to actively prepare for the war, and this was sent by the Oda clan to report to the Oda clan.

So the two sides immediately drew their arms out and began to dispatch troops frequently. A war began under Lou B's letter provoking discord, and as a special location, the castle town suddenly became hot.

On the one hand, Lou Yi and Hu Maro’s mother clan lied to the snake, and while actively swearing allegiance to the Oda clan, both sides were inaccurate in their attitudes towards him, which made him become distrusted and became reluctant to both Go to the target.

As a result, Building B got the opportunity to develop. The war became unstoppable from the beginning. A large number of refugees began to flood into various areas of the castle town, but they soon discovered that the exceptional tranquility here makes them a little unbelievable. .

They came to the Tianshou Castle in the castle town and petitioned Lou Yi, hoping that he could take in these people. Lou Yi agreed very much and provided them with shelter and work. With the manpower, his plan will be more certain. , And he is still waiting for the arrival of some people, some truly capable helpers.

Lou Yi sat alone in the room at night, looking at the snake jade ring on his finger, his eyes looked very melancholy. Just then outside his residence, there was a sound of fighting. Lou Yi knew who he was waiting for. Arrived.

He pushed out the door, and suddenly a tall figure appeared in front of him. This man had two scars on his face and was wearing a tall bun. He was looking up and down. Lou Yi looked up at him and said, " Are you alone?"

"Naturally not, but I want to test your strength, is it worth our follow!" the person said coldly.

"Please!" Lou Yi took him to the martial arts field in Tianshou City. At this time, the sound of fighting had stopped. It was obvious that his people had lost. Lou Yi didn't care, pointing to the various weapons around the martial arts field. "Please choose the one you are good at!"

The other party moved his body for a while, and his bones made a crisp sound. He shook his fist and said, "No, it's my best thing!"

Lou Yi found out that this person’s hands were wrapped in circles of iron chains, but these things were not ordinary iron chains, they should be specially manufactured things, with a curse seal on them, which meant that among these people, At least one person is an onmyoji.

Lou Yi exhaled, took a wooden knife from the shelf, shook it in the air, and muttered to himself, "It should be enough..."

The other person looked at him and said, "A wooden knife? Do you look down on me?"

"Nothing, I just... don't want to hurt you..." Lou Yi answered truthfully.

"I hope you have this strength!" The other party's voice was left behind, and the whole body was suddenly enveloped in a breath of energy, which was very powerful, making the other party's whole person look invincible.

This breath came straight on his face like a tiger, forming wind pressure that interfered with his vision. The moment he squinted, the other party moved...

He strode straight at his location, waved his hands and made a whine of wind, and went straight to the door of Building B with his fists. The speed was terrifying. It is hard to imagine that a person of his size could be so fast. Skill.

However, Lou B seemed to be stunned. He didn't even react to the opponent's fist close at hand. When the opponent frowned and the fist was about to fall, he suddenly felt a tight abdomen. It heard from the abdomen, he immediately lost his balance and his body flew back upside down.

The person rolled in the air, touched his palms on his abdomen, frowned and said, "How did you do this?"

"How about you try again?" Lou Yi asked with a smile.

"No, you won!" the man said.

At this moment, several figures appeared around the martial arts field. They were dressed in the costumes of different families. These costumes were tattooed with the family emblems of the families that were killed by the Oda family.

Lou Yi's gaze swept across these people one by one, and finally fixed his gaze on a woman, because only she possessed the spiritual power of the Onmyoji, and the other party was also looking at him, and the eyes were in Quite jealous.

There is a person beside him with exaggerated long hair, which looks like a lion's mane. This person also gives Lou Yi a particularly dangerous feeling, but he does not seem to be an onmyoji, more like a guard to protect this woman. .

When the two sides confronted each other, Lou Yi's body shook slightly, and then reached out his hand to grab the air to the side, and he grabbed one hand from the empty place, and he said, "If you still want to fight, I can stay with me to the end, but I think your purpose is not to fight with me, right?"

He shook a man in night clothes and was thrown towards the opponent. The moment he landed, his figure disappeared At this time, one of them, a handsome looking man, spoke. Asked, "What is your purpose?"

Lou Yi looked at his family crest, which should be the emblem of the Watanabe family. He looked at the other person and asked, "It doesn't seem to be a place to talk about things, right?"

The other side raised his brows and looked at the female Onmyoji. The latter nodded at him. He looked at Lou Yi and said, "If this is the case, then please take us to a place where we can talk..."

Lou Yi looked at them and nodded, "Okay, everyone, please come with me!"

Lou Yi took them all the way to the chamber of the castle town. Along the way, he saw a lot of unconscious guards. At the door of the chamber, he also saw the leader of the secret guards who had been knocked out. Lou Yi turned around and said to those people. , "Thank you for your mercy, let me do it..."

A group of people followed him into the chamber. Building B sat face to face with the woman. The man with lion hair stood behind him, staring at him with piercing eyes. The others were divided into two groups and seated. Building B Pointing to the black-haired man and asked, "Can you tell him not to look at me like this, it would be very dangerous!"

"Are you scared?" the man who fought him before asked.

Lou Yi shook his head and said, "I mean he will be in danger!"


There were waves of mockery in the chamber, and it seemed that Lou Yi's words were a bit ridiculous, but the woman turned her head and said to the man, "Bawang Maru, step back first..."

Everyone was shocked by this remark, and someone couldn't help asking, "Princess, are you...?"

The woman looked at Lou Yi and slowly said, "Because his words are right, he is a very powerful Yin and Yang curse master..."

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