Now that I am lying in Qinglong Temple, I don't believe that any ghosts can come to my door.

I slept very soundly that night.

It was still dark when I woke up.

I opened the door and the unique moist mountain breeze mixed with the fragrance of soil came in.

After a few breaths, I felt that the turbid air in my lungs was replaced.

I went to relieve the heavy bladder first, and then walked around the temple.

After all, I might have to stay here for the next few days.

Suddenly a candlelight attracted me.

In the pavilion built against the ancient tree stood a half-burned red candle.

This little sparkling firelight could not be more obvious at the dawn of the future.

I leaned over to take a look and saw another person.

It was the young monk Jingchu, who was leaning against a pillar and staring at a gray book by candlelight.

I didn't say anything and quietly slipped over.

When I looked up and saw the contents of the book, the corners of my mouth suddenly widened.

This young monk looked innocent and serious, but he had a lot on his mind behind the scenes.

"Hongling's plain and unadorned two huge mountains pressed on my back, and the touch of soft water broke my rationality. The temperature of my body became more clearly felt as Hong girl exhaled."

"Just when I couldn't hold it back, Hongling spoke."

"She bit my ear tip and pressed it carefully: "Brother-in-law, don't worry about my sister, I am willing to give it to you."

"I suddenly got up and threw Hong girl to the ground............".

I read the contents of the book happily

The little monk was stunned at first, and then his white face was like a red sun that was about to rise. If it could smoke, it would probably be a steam engine now.

He hid the book in his arms in a panic, even though it was useless.

I teased: "Little monk, you are not pure."

The little monk stuttered with shame: " can can you peep at others?"

I retorted: "This is the pavilion of Qinglong Temple, not your bedroom, how can you say it's peeping? "

"But I didn't expect that you, the little monk, would like this."

Jingchu: "This book was left here by a donor. I'm just curious... just curious."

"I'll hand the book over right away...".

I put my arm around his shoulders: "Why are you so anxious? I didn't say I'd report you."

"When people are born, they are naturally shy. It's human nature to be lustful. What's there to be embarrassed about?"

The blush on the little monk's face faded a lot. He carefully took the gray book: "Then... let's read it together? ".

"Very good".


The two of them read together with blushing faces. Although the content of this book is a bit old, the story is still as exciting.

When they read the pornographic part, they felt like they were in the story and couldn't stop.

The excessive obsession caused the two of them not to notice the arrival of Master Yin.

It was the master who coughed dryly.

The two of them woke up as if they had done something wrong, and the little monk hid the book behind his back.

This could not escape the master's eyes, and he stretched out his hand.

Jingchu could only hand it over honestly: "Master uncle... This book was actually bought by me...".

Liaoyin was very distressed when he held the book: "Jingchu, you have not yet cut off your earthly roots. How can you accompany the ancient Buddha when you are so obsessed with vulgar desires? ”

“Go to the hall and recite the sutras.”

“Yes,” the little monk breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the master uncle was not going to punish him severely.

It was just reciting the sutras...

After Jingchu left,

Liaoyin casually opened the book and took a look. He was so surprised that he could not calm down.

My brother-in-law and my wife’s sister...are still could that place be used for such a thing?........

He quickly moved his eyes away from the book and confessed repeatedly:

“ can there be such a book...sin...sin”.

I also couldn’t help but regret it. I should have asked Asked the monk what the name of the book was?

Liao Yin: "Donor, the vegetarian meal is ready, please move."

I looked at the sky: "Master, it's not bright yet, why eat breakfast so early?"

Liao Yin smiled kindly and explained: "Qinglong Temple is not like other places, there are usually few pilgrims here."

"So we have to eat early, and then chant in front of the ancient Buddha, so it doesn't make any difference to us whether we eat early or late."

'If the donor is not used to it, you can ask Jingchu to deliver the vegetarian meal later'

Me: "I just haven't eaten breakfast so early, there's nothing else to say."

"Qinglong Temple can keep me, I've

Thank you very much. I dare not ask for anything else. It is good to eat breakfast."

'Okay, I will take you to the place where we eat vegetarian food'

The vegetarian food in Qinglong Temple is very ordinary, but it suits people's appetite.

Pickled radish strips, thick and heavy white porridge, and some sweet potatoes grown by myself.

I also drank two big bowls in one breath.

Master Le Yin smiled with satisfaction.

Eating without restraint is a respect for the people in Qinglong Temple. The monk who cooked rice was even happier to see this and filled another bowl for me.

In addition to Master Le Yin and Jing Chu, there are six other monks and dozens of other monks in Qinglong Temple.

The other six monks sat in the chief position, serious and serious, and took the white porridge in front of them very seriously.

Even if a grain of white rice fell on the table, they would dip their fingers and put it in their mouths.

They didn't seem surprised by my arrival, and didn't even ask Master Le Yin.

It may also be that Master Le Yin Master Le Yin has told them about my story.

After the meal, the six masters got up and left.

After a while, the clear and heartfelt chanting and the smell of incense enveloped the entire temple again.

I hesitated again and decided to tell Master Yin about the wooden box.

I have been hiding the wooden box in my luggage because I feel that it may be related to Qinglong Temple.

At that time, my grandfather told me three things, one was to go to Qinglong Temple, and the other was this wooden box.

Grandpa said that going to Qinglong Temple could save my life, but he didn't say what the wooden box was for, and he couldn't open it.

So Master Le Yin might know something.

"Master, my grandfather left a mahogany box when he was alive. I can't open that box, even a knife and an axe can't hurt it at all."

When Master Le Yin heard about the wooden box, his eyebrows raised: "Mahogany box? What does the box look like? How big is it? ".

Since meeting the master, this is the first time that the master's tone has been so urgent and urgent.

'It's bigger than an adult's palm, it's red and has a bit of blood, but a Taoist priest said that the box is very yin and is an ominous thing'.

Master Le Yin's detached demeanor was swept away, and turned into a solemn look.

"Red evil spirit box!" ".

My eyes were solemn, Le Yin said the name of the box?

Sure enough, this wooden box is inseparable from Master Le Yin!

I took the opportunity to ask: "Master Le Yin, do you know this box?"

Le Yin said in a sighing tone: "Why don't I know about the Red Evil Box?"

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