The box was so thick that it was not easy to break.

My eyes were solemn, and Le Yin said the name of the box!

As expected, this wooden box is closely related to Master Le Yin!

I took the opportunity to ask: "Master Le Yin, do you know this box?"

Le Yin sighed and said: "How come I don't know about the Red Evil Box?"

"This box caused a bloody storm in the past. This box is made of the bed board wood of a wifeless widower who died of old age, the beam wood of a widowed woman who was hanged, the mother's blood of an orphan, the coffin nails of a childless widow, and the bone powder of a disabled person."

"One box has five disadvantages, and three defects are hidden inside."

"This box is a great misfortune, a taboo, and a great disaster. A farmer was given this box. If he put the things of his enemies or others in the box, he would become a widow, orphan, orphan, or disabled, and his fortune, wealth, and longevity would be transferred to him."

"The farmer used the red evil box to fight against the landlord who oppressed him. Within three days, the landlord lost his wife and parents, his son accidentally fell into a well, and he broke his leg."

"The farmer's fortune continued to grow. In less than a month, he turned over and became a landlord. He even had the momentum to climb up, while the landlord died not long after."

I couldn't help but feel cold in my heart when I heard this. This broken box was so terrifying and vicious.

Fortune, wealth, and longevity were transferred to him... The farmer turned over and became a landlord. Isn't this transferring the landlord's fortune, wealth, and longevity to the farmer?

Fortune, wealth, and longevity are nothing more than power, money, and longevity, so the landlord died a long time ago.

And the five disadvantages, no wife, no parents, no children, disability, and then death.

Experiencing several bereavements in a short period of time, and becoming disabled... Who can endure this kind of torture?

Master Le Yin asked me casually: "What do you think of the story I told?"

I said frankly: "Although I agree with the farmer's struggle, I don't agree with his behavior. He made the landlord's family lose their wives and children, and the family declined, and the farmer himself became the new landlord."

"Nothing has changed, except that the landlord has changed, and there are more graves on the land. It doesn't make any sense."

Le Yin's eyes were more smiling: "It's really meaningless. This is the red evil box. Using such a fierce thing can't change anything. How can it help people if it is a fierce thing?"

"Master, what happened to the farmer later?"

'The farmer... ended up even more miserable than the landlord...'

I remembered that I had held this box in my arms several times before, and I couldn't help but feel scared.

Le Yin stood up: "The red evil box cannot be opened by ordinary people, but I think I should have a way."

"Maybe there are some key things in it."

"Where is the box now?"

"In the hotel in the town at the foot of the mountain, my luggage is still there."

I just had the urge to go down the mountain, but was beaten back to the original state by reality.

Going down the mountain with my current yin energy? I am afraid I am going to die.

I can encounter ghosts during the day. I dare not trust anyone now. Anyone may be a ghost.

Only Qinglong Temple in the world can bring me some sense of security.

Le Yin saw my concerns, he took off a string of Buddhist beads from his wrist and recited the scriptures carefully:

"Although the donor has a very heavy yin energy, it will be fine during the day."

"The death is at twelve o'clock in the evening, the donor will come back before tonight."

"This string of Buddhist beads has been influenced by the years of chanting scriptures and has a lot of Buddha nature. Wearing it can suppress your yin energy and resist evil spirits."

I took the Buddhist beads and put them on. Immediately, a warm current spread through my arms and my whole body, and my aura was not so gloomy.

With the Buddhist beads, my confidence also improved.

After saying goodbye to Master Jiandan and Le Yin, I got up and went down the mountain.

At this time, the sky was bright. My palm slightly blocked the sun, and the string of Buddhist beads actually glowed in the sun.

Everything was going in a good direction.

I didn't encounter any strange things on the way down the mountain.

But I walked back to the place where the ghost wall was built based on my memory.

I stopped in front of the tomb for the nameless corpse and took out a few incense sticks from Qinglong Temple from my sleeve.

I lit them and inserted them. Although the incense was broken, it was also a token of my heart.

After burning incense, I continued to go down the mountain.

I arrived at the town around noon.

The hotel owner was immediately excited when he saw me: "Hey, you're back!"

"You didn't tell me how many days you were staying, but you only paid for one day. I was wondering whether I should vacate the room."

I said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, boss. I really had something to do and didn't come back yesterday."

"I'll pack my things right away."

I entered the room and first confirmed that the wooden box was still there.

Then he came out with the bag.

The boss on the side said angrily:

"I really don't understand you young couples, you booked a room but didn't stay, and just left your luggage behind."

"If you had told me earlier that you wanted to store your luggage, I would have stored it for free."

I joked: "Boss, you must have remembered it wrong. I booked a single room. How can I, a bachelor who has been single for 18 years, have a girlfriend?"

The boss waved his hand unconvinced: "I may be vague when I tell you other things, but the customers who come and go every day remember it clearly."

"You booked a single room yesterday, but there were two of you."

"Wasn't there a long-haired girl following you?"

I couldn't laugh anymore, and said in an unpleasant tone:

"I didn't offend you, boss, why are you scaring the guests like this?"

"I was alone yesterday, where did the girl come from!"

The boss was also anxious: "Who the hell has nothing to do to scare you?"

"I saw you enter the room together."

‘Whoever lies, his ancestors’ graves will be dug up’

He thought about it and stared at me in horror:

“You came together yesterday and went out together”

“You came here today and said there was no girl? And you still refused to admit that you were a couple. Did you do something to that girl?”

“Where is that girl!”

‘How could such a pretty girl run into a weirdo like you?’

My facial muscles froze instantly, and a chill ran up my spine again.

The boss’s appearance was obviously not fake. As an ordinary person, he didn’t need to pretend to be weird to scare himself, and he couldn’t pretend.

So there was really a girl following me yesterday!

She entered the room with me and went out with me!

But I couldn’t see her…..

Who is she?

The numb terror continued to rise, and at this time, the Buddhist beads in my hand brought me a little warmth.

This made me sober up, and I ran up the mountain with the urea bag.

Now is not the time to be afraid or confused. Returning to Qinglong Temple is the most important thing to save my life.

Although the innkeeper wanted to stop me, he couldn't catch up with me.

He could only call me a scumbag and a psychopath from behind.

As I ran up the mountain like I was running for my life, I took the opportunity to call home.

Beep beep beep...

It took a while for someone to answer.

"Ah Si, where have you been!"

"Your mother and sister both fainted at home. Where did you go?"

These were the voices of the village chief and his son. It sounded very noisy over there.

I was even more worried about my relatives and asked, "What happened to my mother and sister?"

The village chief coughed a few times and said, "We don't know either. It was your aunt Cai who went to find your mother and saw your mother and sister fainted at home."

"I don't know what they are doing. They put a coffin in the main room and made blood everywhere."

"But don't worry. Your mother and sister are fine and will wake up soon."

I breathed a sigh of relief and continued to ask, "Where is that Taoist in white?"

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