The phone was busy, but it was still busy.

Hua La Hu La... Dao...Hua La Hu La

I glanced at it and saw that there was no signal, so I hung up directly

But the situation was just as I guessed.

The Taoist in White had failed!

The girl behind me that the innkeeper said might be the ghost with whom I had a secret marriage contract!

If that was the case, the Taoist in White had probably met with an accident.

I felt very guilty for this,

because my affairs not only involved my family, but also killed other people.

But my determination to survive became stronger.

No matter what it was, no one wanted my life!

She wanted my life, but I wanted to live for her to see!

The information I can get now is that the ghost is not with me now, and even if it is with me, it will not take my life for the time being.

Otherwise, I would have died yesterday, even if I could run to Qinglong Temple.

Maybe she is waiting for the time, waiting for the time when I die.

"Hey, hey, kid!"


A hoarse voice disrupted my pace, and this voice was somewhat familiar.

I turned around and saw that it was the old lady in flowery clothes the day before yesterday.

She was still wearing the flowery clothes and leaning on a crooked cane.

She seemed very happy to see me, and she grinned with a dry mouth with few teeth: "Where are you going, kid?".

She saved my life, so I was naturally grateful to her.

I greeted her as if I had met an acquaintance: "Auntie, why are you here?"

"What are you doing running here in the deep mountains and old forests?".

The old lady was delighted when she heard this, and asked back: "My home is right here, I was just wondering where you are going, kid?"

"To Qinglong Temple"

"What? You're a little deaf...stay away."

I saw the old lady's age and guessed that her hearing was not very good,

so I walked up to her and said loudly: "To Qinglong Temple."

"Where are you going?"

"Qinglong Temple!"

The old lady hit me on the head with her cane.

I stepped back with a grin in pain: "Auntie, why are you hitting me?"

"How did I offend you?"

"Are you a human or a ghost!"

"Am I a human or a ghost? Didn't you save me the day before yesterday? Don't you know I'm a human or a ghost?"

"If you're a human, why are you going to that ghost place?"

I frowned: "Auntie, although you are my lifesaver, you can't say that a temple where people burn incense and worship Buddha is a ghost place, right?"

The old lady raised her hand and hit me hard with a stick: "There is no Qinglong Temple on Wangwu Mountain now!"

"There was a Qinglong Temple forty years ago, but all the monks there died overnight. No one is alive. The temple has long been a ghost temple!".

My pupils shrank in disbelief: "How is it possible! I came out of the temple this morning!"

"Qinglong Temple really exists, and Master Le Yin is also very kind."

The old lady in flowery clothes looked more depressed than ever before,

The dry gullies accumulated a solemn and surprised sneer: "You went to the temple? And saw 'Le Yin?'"

I nodded subjectively.

The old lady used her walking stick to dig the ground heavily: "I think you are possessed by evil spirits. If there is a temple on Wangwu Mountain, will Wangwu Mountain be so quiet?"

'Look, is there a road leading to the temple? ’

“Forty years ago, there was a famous monk in Qinglong Temple with the name Le, but he died tragically in the temple.”

The words of the old lady hit my inner defense line deeply,

The only safe zone was also full of loopholes by these words.

Master Le Yin died a long time ago, and the monks of Qinglong Temple died a long time ago...

I stepped back a few steps in deep thought

If you look into the details, Qinglong Temple is indeed a bit strange.

The innkeepers in the town don’t know about Qinglong Temple, and there are not many pilgrims in Qinglong Temple...

It took me several times to find Qinglong Temple.

No! Impossible!

How can it be possible for me to believe that Master Jingchu and Master Le Yin are ghosts?

That shy little monk and that kind master are dead?

I turned around and continued to walk up the mountain without saying a word.

I didn’t care about the old lady.

No matter what happens, only confirmation with your own eyes is the most effective.

After several hours of hard work, I finally returned to Qinglong Temple.

Looking at the red door and green walls, the ancient temple filled with sandalwood and chanting, I didn't know how to doubt it?

After a little hesitation, I pushed the door open and went in.

There was no sound of monks in the temple, but the chanting sound was always heard in various places in the temple.

The sound of chanting came from every corner,

but the main source was the main hall of Qinglong Temple.

It is said that the six monks of the same generation as Master Liaoyin usually chant in the hall, and it is the same every day all year round.

The strange thing is that the door of the main hall is not open, but tightly closed,

which is a strange behavior in any temple.

I came to the outside of the main hall

I leaned over and the chanting sound was indeed coming from here.

I looked around and found a gap in the window.

So I tried to put my eyes on it,

but I was shocked as soon as I took a look and almost fell down.

There was no one in this hall!

That's right, in the empty hall, a big Buddha sat there alone.

The sound of chanting was mixed with the voices of multiple people,

but there was no place to hide in the surrounding pillars and altars.

And the head of the big Buddha was covered with a red cloth,

There were people chanting in the temple hall without people all the time.

Who is chanting in there?

My face was pale, and I was about to take another look,

Suddenly my shoulders sank, and the force from behind pulled me back a step.

Master Le Yin was still steady and mature: "When did you come back?"

I suppressed all my panic and said calmly: "I just came back and was looking for you, Master."

Le Yin's eyes were more eager; 'Did you get the red evil box? '.

"No, I played with it in the car when I came here, and it was in the passenger car."

"But I called the Auto Transport Center, and they said the box is at the lost and found office. I will be able to get it back tomorrow."

Le Yin couldn't help but feel a little regretful: "Is that so, thank you for your trouble."

"This matter is not urgent, you can also wait until the death is over before getting it back."

I nodded awkwardly.

In fact, the red evil box was in the urea bag in my hand, but I didn't want to hand it over so soon.

The Red Evil Box is the only thing on me that is worthy of Le Yin's attention, and it is also the only extraordinary thing on me.

My grandfather once proposed to entrust me with this, so this thing must be kept properly.

Le Yin glanced at the closed door of the hall and stared at me: "What did the donor see?"

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