The enemy was still alive, but the enemy was still alive.

Chongming stayed where he was, speechless. Who could tell? Every move you made was fatal...

I fled to the mountain gate, looked back and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw no pursuers.

This Sanhua Tianshi said he would start, but he probably didn't take it seriously.

I closed my left eye tiredly and went down the mountain peacefully.

I went to the doctor at the foot of the mountain again, said goodbye to Xiaojing, and took a taxi to leave Fulong Mountain.

Where to go? At least find a quiet place to rest for a while.

I have no idea how to find my mother and sister for the time being, so let's stop for now.

Too many things happened in a short period of time, and the events again and again made me feel powerless.

If there was no ghost wife, I don't know how many times I would have died, just like this time in Fulong Mountain, I was so helpless that I could only exchange the ghost wife for her near death.

Although it's nice to eat soft rice, how can you eat it forever.

When I came to the train station, I still put on a hat, sunglasses, and scarf.

The scar on my left eye was too obvious, and I looked extremely vicious. I was afraid that someone would call the police.

Looking at the crowds coming and going, I secretly opened my left eye.

Double pupils are magical, but I haven't mastered it yet. It's not a bad thing to practice more.

In the vision of double pupils, I tried one by one.

I can see very far away and very subtle details. If I want to go deeper, I can see through clothes.

In my eyes, people at the train station are equivalent to naked. No matter men, women, young or old,

I didn't do this. If I did that, it would be an insult to this eye from the four pupils of the Heavenly Master.

There are still two hours left on the ticket I bought. I sat down and watched for a while and closed my eyes to rest for a while.

Suddenly, a noise not far away caught my attention.

A woman dressed in a country style led a little boy and kept asking a male passenger:

"Have you seen a red bag?"

"If you see it, you must tell me, it is really important to our family."

"It contains my son's medical money."

'If the money is lost, my son will be hopeless, and we will not be able to survive'

The male passenger was very impatient: "Why are you looking for me if you lost your money?"

"I'm waiting to get on the bus. If the money is lost, go to check the surveillance and find Anqin. You are pestering me and delaying my getting on the bus."

The woman held the male passenger tightly and said, "But you were the only one next to me just now. My child said you took my bag."

The red bag in the bag is my son's life-saving money. Please give it back to me."

The male passenger covered his head and said with a headache, "You dropped your bag and I picked it up for you. How can you not tell the difference between good and bad?"

'Okay, let Anqin come over. It won't waste our time.'

The old man next to him sighed, "This is still a thing these days. The Anqin here is just like a dry rice eater."

"Grandma's wandering around."

Speaking of Anqin, an Anqin in black clothes came. He came to the woman and asked what happened.

The woman cried, "Just now my son and I were about to check the ticket and get on the train, but the money disappeared. My son said that this person touched my bag."

"We really can't live if we can't find the 10,000 yuan."

Anqin handled it very calmly, gesturing with his hands to let the woman calm down first: "Please calm down first, I will help you. The more anxious you are, the harder it will be to deal with it."

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you find the money."

After saying that, he looked at the male passenger: "This lady said you touched her bag, right?"

Male passenger: "I helped her pick it up, why are you blaming me?"

"If you don't believe me, go check the surveillance."

Anqin said in embarrassment: "Your area happens to be a blind spot for surveillance, because the surveillance system will be completely upgraded next month, so this area is not currently covered by surveillance."

Several other security guards also gathered around.

The male passenger said in annoyance: "What are you doing without surveillance? Don't you suspect me? Come on, search me."

"Search! If I find the red bag, I will give her how much money is in it."

He opened his hands, and the security guard began to search him under the gaze of the passengers and other security guards, pressing his hands over his sleeves, shoulders, and waist.

Finally, he checked the handbag and stood up with regret: "Sorry, sir, I have delayed you. I am really sorry."

The woman's eyes were filled with despair and she almost fell to the ground.

Before, she had grabbed the male passenger like a life-saving straw, and now she naturally couldn't accept this result.

The male passenger made a sound and was about to twist his body.

I looked at the trash can next to me. There was a red bag in the trash can, but there was no money in it.

"Hey, wait a minute." I stood up and called him.

The male passenger turned back angrily: "What kind of justice are you pretending to be?".

I walked over: "If I let you go, I can't get the money back."

The male passenger immediately got angry: "Who stole the money? You didn't see it when you searched me just now, right?"

"Do you want me to take off all my clothes for you to see? It's ridiculous."

"A brand new scam or extortion?".

I adjusted my sunglasses: "Take it off, take off your shirt first."

"It's unreasonable," the male passenger cursed.

The male security guard next to him also explained: "I have checked it just now, and this gentleman does not have any red bags or large amounts of cash on him."

"But I saw that he has money on him," I took a step forward and quickly pulled out a dozen banknotes from the back of the male passenger.

Seeing the stack of money, the crowd was stunned, and the other security guards also changed their faces.

The male security guard immediately admitted his mistake in shock: "I'm really sorry, it's my mistake, I made a mistake in the inspection"

"It was my negligence, please forgive me."

The male passenger blushed and wanted to take back the money: "This is my money. What's wrong with carrying some money these days? There is no red bag."

"Anti-security guards also make mistakes sometimes, you are robbing!"

The security guard dissuaded: "Sir, please give the money to me first. For the time being, we can't prove that the money was lost by the lady. We will investigate."

I evaded them flexibly, retreated to the surveillance camera, and pulled out a long hair from the stack of money in front of everyone and the surveillance camera.

I held up the long hair and said: "Can this hair prove it?"

The male passenger, An Qin's face fell in an instant, it was hard to believe,

It was like seeing a ghost.........

While I was entangled for a while, the law enforcement officers on duty at the train station also rushed over.

They controlled the people present, including the male passenger, An Qin.

An Qin's behavior was a bit inconsistent with the rules and procedures. He couldn't run away after the money was taken out.

When we arrived at the duty room, in front of the law enforcement officers,

the male passenger still refused to admit that the money was his.

An Qin also kept saying that he was at fault.

The woman told the story.

Now that I was under investigation, I naturally couldn't maintain my previous outfit, so I took off my scarf, sunglasses, and hat.

Three lacerations of different injuries on my neck were exposed, and there was a scar the size of an eye on my left eye.

For a moment, the entire duty room fell silent.

I saw that the law enforcement officers began to touch their guns, and some touched the explosion-proof equipment.

Alas... I raised my hands innocently: "I am a good person."

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