I said that, but no one believed me.

The woman waved her hands again and again: "He helped me find the money, he must not be a bad person."

Even so, I still investigated them before they relaxed their vigilance.

A law enforcement officer said speechlessly: "You should wrap yourself more tightly next time."

The male passenger was a little afraid of me and seemed to regret having a conflict with me.

With the proof of the money, it can be basically determined that An Qin and the male passenger are in the same group.

The hair will prove it sooner or later, and it is useless for the male passenger to continue to deny it.

Instead, he listened to the advice of the law enforcement officer and took the initiative to admit his crime, thinking of leniency.

After taking the statement, the woman with the child and I came out of the duty room.

"Thank you so much. If I really can't find him, I don't know how I'll live," the woman thanked me all the way.

I looked at the little boy in the hat and touched his head: "Is this child sick?"

The woman said worriedly: "I don't know what disease he has. He can't concentrate in class and always does things that are different from other children. The children in his class say he is a fool."

"It can't be checked in the countryside. The child's father is out of town. I finally got the money together and wanted to take him to a big city to see."

I let out a heavy breath: "If you believe me, let the doctor check his head in the hospital."

"I am a top student in medicine."

The woman nodded in surprise: "Today's college students are not ordinary. The doctor in our village also asked me to check his head."

I smiled awkwardly.

The child should have a brain tumor. The double pupils were indeed seen from his brain. This deep look made my left eye hurt for a while.

After saying goodbye to the mother and son, I waited for a while and got on the train.

This was the train back to Dachang City.

This time, the train ride was normal, and there was no one biting each other's hands and feet.

The upper and lower bunks opposite were a family, and there was no one on my upper bunk.

After a few more bunks, my upper bunk finally came. It was a sturdy man.

His figure showed obvious signs of fitness. He was carrying a travel bag and nodded politely when he saw me.

I smiled in response, thinking that there would be no intersection until I looked at him with my double pupils.

This was not out of rudeness or trying to take advantage of him, but for my own safety.

In the past, I could see ghosts with my right eye, which made it difficult for me to distinguish between people and ghosts.

Now that I have double pupils, I naturally can't let myself fall into that situation again.

Regardless of whether the people around me are men or women, I will look at them first. For women, I will deliberately not look at sensitive places.

In the vision of my pupils, I saw through the upper bunk bed and the man's clothes. What surprised me was the tattoo on the man's back.

It was an ancient beast, which shocked people at first sight.

It had a dragon head and a turtle body, carrying an unknown stone tablet on its back. Behind the beast were raging waves and under its feet was a calm water surface.

The tattoo was normal, but it was the first time I saw such a tattoo.

The man on the upper bunk leaned down and chatted with me: "Brother, where are you getting off?"

I said without thinking: "To Dachang City".

"Oh, come and eat beef jerky", he threw a few small bags of beef jerky on my bed, I thanked them but didn't eat them.

Then the man on the upper bunk chatted with me from time to time.

In the second half of the night, the snoring on the upper bunk was as loud as thunder,

The train arrived at Yulin Station.

I got up secretly, took my luggage and headed for the entrance of the carriage.

One minute after I got up, the snoring on the upper bunk suddenly stopped.

The man on the upper bunk poked his head out and looked at my bed secretly. When he saw that the luggage and I were gone,

he jumped down and walked towards the entrance of the carriage.

"You are too young to fool people with this trick."

He squeezed into the crowd leaving the station with his travel bag and rushed out to look around in a hurry.

I walked out of another sleeper car and saw him through the crowd with my double pupils.

I sighed and said, "Sure enough, he came for me. Where did this guy come from? Why did he target me?"

"I told him that I was going to Dachang City, but he didn't believe it. What about the trust between people?"

The train started slowly, and the guy was frantically looking for me in the crowd.

After another two days and one night, the train arrived in Dachang City.

After I got off the train, I went directly to find the real estate agent.

The agent asked me about my requirements skillfully.

My requirements are very simple: "Remote, the more remote the better, preferably within a short distance

The kind where there is no one for ten miles, no, at least there should be a supermarket or something like that".

"Well...it should be cheap, the cheaper the better".

The agent was slightly dumbfounded and wiped the cold sweat: "Are you sure? If it's not this kind of house, why would you look for it".

I said as a matter of course: "Of course I live there, I like quietness".

"It's best to have a villa".

The agent's head was sweating more and he looked at me again. He seriously suspected that I was looking for trouble.

"Sir, according to your requirements, I'm afraid the only house that can satisfy you is the one where an accident happened."

"But there are not many people around the house where an accident happened, and it's cheap, but after all, there will be some strange things in this kind of house."

My eyes lit up: "Okay, I want this kind."

The agent was completely enlightened. It was the first time he saw such a house for rent that was found to have an accident:

"Okay, I have a few such houses on hand."

After making up his mind, the agent drove his Mazda and took me to the house to see the house.

On the way, the agent chatted with nothing to do: "I understand the thoughts of you young people, thinking of finding a good house for a cheap price"

"You may not be afraid of those things, but you can't help but believe them. ".

"All the houses that have been in trouble have some problems. Even if you find one, I suggest you find a master to take a good look. I can recommend you something in this regard."

"Look, my car had an accident and three people died. I only got it for a few thousand yuan, which was more than 10,000 yuan cheaper. Afterwards, I only spent a few hundred yuan to find a master to help me exorcise the evil spirits."

"That master is really good. He fiddled with my car for more than an hour before he was sweating profusely."

"That's why I dare to drive this car and nothing has happened."

I glanced at the little girl next to me with blood on her face, the woman with a sunken head, and the man with a shattered head in the passenger seat in front:

"Well, that master is quite professional."


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