The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

I really don't want to stay with this mummy for a second now.

It's not dangerous, but it's cold.

I'm facing an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

Its mind is as deep as the sea. Can't guess what it is thinking or what it will do?

If you don't pay attention, you will be doomed, just like Ah Huai almost caused a disaster.

I can't think of what it wants me to do here?

Anyway, I don't have any good feelings for it, so I might as well leave quickly.

So I asked directly: "What do you want to do with me?"

"If you want to kill me, you can do it, but I hope you can let those people go"

"After all, this is what you promised before, and I don't think you will regret it with your status."

The tall corpse smiled indifferently: "It doesn't matter, your lives don't matter"

"It's meaningless to take it, and it's meaningless to let it go."

"Since I promised to let you go, I won't regret it."

"But what you want is not the thing called evil copper? Since you want it, I can give it to you."

I blinked, a little bit unbelieving: "Uh... did I hear it wrong?"

"You said you want to give me evil copper?"

The tall corpse seemed to say something casually: "It's just a pile of useless copper, it's meaningless to keep it, take it if you want it."

Facing the sudden gift, because of the previous things, I didn't dare to accept it

I asked: "I have doubts, you want to give me evil copper? It's normal for you to kill us"

"But you not only let us go, but also give us evil copper."

'You don't have any sinister tricks again, do you?'

The tall corpse said: "Just do it casually, as long as it's interesting"

"Why do you use your ideas to speculate about me?"

"Besides, you are not very clear. Even if someone dies, it will not be you, but those few people."

"Do you want this copper?"


It offered it voluntarily, why should I not want it?

What tricks does it have to do with it? If it really plots against me, I can't escape it. I'd better accept it honestly.

The tall corpse nodded, and then walked to the platform step by step.

It stayed in front of the red coffin for a while, and the dark eye sockets contained deep meaning:

"My young master, it's not time for you to wake up yet, please wait patiently"

"Don't worry... your chance to wake up is coming soon."

Then it reached out to the coffin hanging upside down on the top of the tomb.

The coffin lid shook a few times and suddenly fell into the hands of the tall corpse.

Bang! Because the tall corpse caught the coffin lid that was taller than a person, the whole platform sank a bit deeper, and the cracks on the platform spread from the top.

It walked down step by step, holding the coffin lid.

Now its steps were heavier, and each step would sink four or five centimeters deep.

It was understandable that the coffin lid was as thick as a fist and longer than the ancient corpse, so its weight was self-evident.

Soon it came to me and handed me the coffin lid politely: "Take it."


Take it? I looked at the pure copper coffin board that was taller than me, and my cerebellum shrank a little.

The coffin board was held in the air, waiting for someone to take it.

I didn't take it. I knew without thinking that I couldn't take it at all.

This ancient corpse was talking nonsense, too black-bellied.

It was kind enough to hand it to me. If I took such a big copper plate, I would probably be crushed.

The tall corpse saw that I didn't move and asked: "What's wrong with you?"

"Not enough?".

"Enough! Enough", I hurriedly stopped it.

It had already looked at the coffin on the top of the tomb.

This evil copper is really like garbage to it.

"Um... could you please make this thing smaller?"

The tall corpse suddenly understood,

It grabbed the copper plate with its hands like bone claws, and you can see that the black robe on its body fluttered,

Sizzle... The fist-thick coffin board was torn apart by it.

The color of this pure copper coffin board is dark green, and it looks no different from ordinary bronze.

It threw the copper the size of a schoolbag to me, and I used all my strength to hold the copper, and my chest was also hurt by the impact.

Seeing that the color inside the copper is also dark green,

I asked in confusion: "As far as I know, the evil copper should be red."

It explained: "It turns red after a thousand years, and then this kind of copper will slowly return to its original state. The longer it ages, the closer its appearance will be to ordinary."

"I see."

There is nothing to doubt about this thing, this

It was given by the ancient corpse. Even if it was fake, I had to carry it out.

After I got the evil copper, the ancient corpse had no intention of keeping me.

So I walked out slowly with the copper.

The strange thing was that the ancient corpse followed me out.

We returned to the middle room again.

Ahuai and Shao Xiaolong had been waiting for me to come out of the back room. They were relieved to see me come out safely.

When they noticed the copper in my arms,

they suddenly understood why the ancient corpse called me to the back room.

It was just that things were good and I didn't dare to believe it.

This ancient corpse seemed to be a good person...

Shao Xiaolong came to help me catch the evil copper. It was difficult for me to hold the copper by myself.

He was surprised: "Although the color of this thing is wrong, it feels right to me. It is the evil copper!".

He came to my shoulder and whispered:

"It seems that this tomb owner is very good. Ahuai threatened it just now, not only did he not keep us, but also let us go."

"He gave us the copper, um, he's a good man."

I laughed dryly...

Is this ancient corpse a good man? I'm afraid there's nothing more sinister than it.

Ah Huai brought Tan Yan to the ancient corpse, and the two knelt down to express their apologies.

I really wanted to pull them up when I saw this scene.

If Ah Huai knew the truth about the corpse's heart, he would probably fight with the ancient corpse.

This ancient corpse is really cunning, almost causing such a tragedy, but he could still accept others' apologies happily.

After Ah Huai got up, he pinched the seal with both hands and changed it several times in sequence.

The golden life-eating insects on the ground slowly lost their vitality, as if they were frozen and curled up to sleep.

Ah Huai said: "These life-eating insects were raised with most of my life, although they are nothing to you"

"But I will still leave them to express my apology"

"I don't have much time, and if they stay in my body, my time will be shortened even more."

The ancient corpse didn't speak, and it was hard to guess whether it would agree or not.

Ah Huai didn't expect the ancient corpse to say anything, he pulled Qin Yan and turned away.

The ancient corpse's dry head shook,

The aimless eye sockets followed them, and the wrinkles revealed a sense of humor

The next moment it raised its hand,

The black arm like a dry branch broke free from the bow and stabbed out,

"Ah", I saw this scene, and the second before I shouted out in desperation,

The ancient corpse's hand had already pierced into the human body.

Its sharp and narrow nails and slender dry fingers drilled into the flesh.

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