The sound of the palm tearing against the flesh and blood, and the sound of nails touching bones.

The whole tomb was as quiet as if a chopstick fell, and the sound was clearly heard.

I stared at the ancient corpse like a wooden chicken,

The reminder that was about to come out was stuck in my throat forever.

Shao Xiaolong's face was pale as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

"Xiaoyan!" Ah Huai screamed heartbreakingly, tearing apart the hypocritical tranquility.

The ancient corpse stared at Tan Yan with dark eyes,

His hand pierced Tan Yan's heart from behind.

His nails and knuckles were deeply buried in the girl's thin body.

Ah Huai rushed up frantically with eyes tearing up.

Qin Yan was the most important person to him.

He could give up his bottom line for her and fall into depravity, but he couldn't bear to see her get into trouble.

The scene in front of him almost overlapped with the scene of Qin Yan's death a few years ago.

The iron-blooded arrow pierced from Qin Yan's back and came out from her chest, and blood gushed out like a broken beer bottle.

And now his Xiaoyan was attacked from behind again, and that hand that was thousands of years old was no less powerful than the iron-blooded crossbow.

How could he accept that what he had regretted before happened again.

How could he watch her get killed for the second time?

"Brother Ah Huai, don't act rashly!".

"Something is wrong!"

At this time, I hurriedly called Ah Huai.

Just now, when I tried to use my double pupils to stare at the ancient corpse, I found something wrong.

The ancient corpse's hand did pierce from behind Qin Yan, but he stabbed the heart.

You should know that Tan Yan has no heart. She only has a corpse king worm that replaces her heart.

In the piercing vision of the double pupil, the five fingers of the ancient corpse inserted into the flesh and blood,

and stretched straight to Tan Yan's ventricle, and the five fingernails pierced into the body of the corpse king worm.

The corpse king worm seemed to have changed its hibernation state. It struggled desperately in the five fingernails, but still could not escape the hands of the ancient corpse.

A discerning person could see that something was wrong. If the ancient corpse wanted to kill Tan Yan, it only needed to pull out the corpse king worm and kill it.

But now the state of the corpse king worm does not seem to be dying, but it is becoming more and more active.

My shouting did not stop Ah Huai.

The redness in his eyes did not diminish at all. Regret and anger made him completely unable to listen to my words.

And a weak and indifferent voice called him: "Ah Huai".

Tan Yan's call pulled Ah Huai's next moment of riot, and he stopped and stared at Tan Yan.

Even he saw some clues.

Clues can be seen from Tan Yan's state...

Tan Yan, who was stabbed by a hand, was not dying or weak, but was the same as usual. Tan Yan did not respond to the eyes of the crowd like a person who was killed.

I inferred: "Brother A Huai, don't worry, he seems to be saving Miss Tan Yan."

"Hehe", the ancient corpse monster smiled and pulled his hand back from Tan Yan's body. There was no trace of blood on the fingers of the dead branch. Maybe Tan Yan herself had no blood.

A Huai rushed to Tan Yan and hugged her, and then carefully examined her.

He put his hand on Tan Yan's heart, and he could feel the activeness and vigorous vitality of the corpse king worm in the heart through the flesh and blood.

He asked anxiously: "What did you do?".

'The corpse king worm should be depressed, why is it so excited now?'

The ancient corpse raised five fingers in front of his eyes, and his nails were as sharp as a dagger: "A little bit of corpse qi is enough for her to live a few more years, equal to your time."

The Corpse King Worm was found by Ah Huai, and he naturally knew a lot about it.

Originally, the Corpse King Worm would not be able to sustain Tan Yan's life for long. But at this moment, the Corpse King Worm seemed to be as active as when he found it.

After hearing the words of the ancient corpse, he suddenly understood: "You used the corpse qi to stimulate the last hidden vitality of the Corpse King Worm."

"Now such an active Corpse King Worm can continue to sustain Tan Yan's body."

Ancient corpse: "A little bit of corpse qi is enough for her to live a few more years, which is equivalent to your time, about five years."

After saying that, he walked back to the back room with his hands behind his back, as if he had done something insignificant.

Ah Huai reacted and knelt down in the direction of the ancient corpse to thank him.

I am also ashamed of misunderstanding the ancient corpse just now. It seems that it really did a good deed just now.

I thought it was going to set up some conspiracy again.

Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out. Who knows if it has done other things in Tan Yan's body just now.

Double pupils only

We can see that it has caught the corpse king worm, but we can't see if it has left any tricks.

But the result now is good, which is the best of both worlds for Qin Yan and A Huai.

A Huai only has five years left to live, and the worms in Qin Yan's body can't even last a year.

Under the intervention of the ancient corpse, the last potential of the corpse king worm was stimulated, allowing Qin Yan to live a few more years.

The two of them can spend the remaining time together, isn't this the best result?

Afterwards, A Huai carefully checked the corpse king worm again and again, and after finding no problems, he was only happy.

He didn't feel sad and angry that he had lost most of his life and only had five years left. When Qin Yan had a few more years of life, he happily put everything behind him.

Those life-eating worms were left in the tomb by him, waiting for the next intruder to provide them with a full meal.

The return journey from the tomb was smooth without any danger.

Ah Huai wiped out all traces of Lu Renchang and others.

After leaving the tomb, I took a look at the incense I had lit before.

The four incense sticks stood neatly, and the white ends of the incense were clearly only burned a little before they went out.

All four incense sticks were extinguished, which was a great disaster.

No wonder they encountered the existence of the ancient corpse.

It was a miracle that they could come out alive. If the ancient corpse had any perverted ideas, they would all be waiting to die.

Ah Huai looked back at the big tomb and said, "We must find a way to hide this place later."

"After all, we promised that person to stop others from breaking in again."

Shao Xiaolong also sighed, "It's a troublesome matter, but it's a small matter compared to our lives."

"This time I can be regarded as an eye-opener. I have not experienced as much as this time in my half-life."

"If I tell others about the corpse that has lived for thousands of years, I will definitely be arrested as a mental patient."

Ah Huai: "Compared to the risk, at least the reward is still rich. Brother Zhang got the evil copper, and Xiaoyan's life span problem was also solved."

"It's just that Brother Shao took a risk in vain."

Shao Xiaolong waved his hand: "What's the big deal? This experience alone is enough for me to brag about."

"Besides, I am helping Taoist Zhang and you. If your goal is achieved, my goal will be achieved."

"By the way, when will Taoist Zhang return to Fulong Mountain?"

I had a plan in mind, so I said: "Probably tomorrow afternoon."

Shao Xiaolong grinned and put his arm around my shoulders: "Then let's go have a good drink tonight. How can you not have a drink to calm down when your life is hanging by a thread?"

"I'll take Taoist Zhang to the station tomorrow."

I hugged the evil copper and smiled helplessly: "Then I'll trouble Brother Shao."

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