The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

Liang Hu couldn't help but say: "It's a good thing you can find it. Sanhua hasn't seen this kind of material for a long time."

I asked back; 'With Sanhua Tianshi's means, she should not lack this kind of material, and it should be easier for her to find than us.'

Liang Hu Taoist said mysteriously: "No, it's not what you think."

"For treasure hunting, opportunities and luck will have an impact on it."

"Just like looking for evil copper, you can find it and bring it back, but Sanhua may not."

"You can think about it. If it's not you who encounters the thousand-year-old ancient corpse in the tomb, but Sanhua, do you think the ancient corpse will let Sanhua go?"

Hiss... This sentence suddenly woke me up. Liang Hu was right.

Opportunities depend on people. The ancient corpses let us go partly because we were harmless.

Just like you can tolerate mice in your home, but can you tolerate snakes that come to your home?

Weakness is sometimes part of strength. Weakness to a certain extent will make your opponent too lazy to care about you.

Shua... A paper lotus petal pierced into the buttocks of the two-hu Taoist priest.

The two-hu Taoist priest immediately jumped up, covering his buttocks and wailing.

Sanhua Tianshi stood up holding the evil copper, and his eyes swept over me vaguely: "It's not that I can't find it, but I just have no time to find it."

I looked at the paper lotus spinning in the palm of Sanhua Tianshi and replied stiffly: "I understand...I understand."

Sanhua ignored the complaints and complaints of the two-hu priests, but looked at me: "The materials for the magic weapon have been collected"

"The production can start at any time, but there is one thing to be determined before that"

"What kind of magic weapon do you want?".

This question really hit me. What kind of magic weapon can be recast into with the evil copper and the bones of the wronged souls?

It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I haven't determined it. In my understanding, magic weapons are weapons, and weapons are not limited to those few types, such as knives, swords, sticks, etc.

I have always used sticks before, and I am somewhat comfortable with them.

So I excluded short-handed magic weapons first. Of course, too long ones are not good either. I can't carry a long spear or something and run around.

Under the gaze of Sanhua Tianshi, I thought about it carefully and determined a category


Sanhua Tianshi said calmly: "Knife? What kind of knife?"

"Horizontal knife"

"The horizontal knife is very similar to the stick I used before. The blade of the horizontal knife is straight and upright. It has both the elegance of a sword and the domineering power of a knife. If you are unhappy, just chop it up."

Sanhua nodded and agreed with my idea: "Horizontal knife, it is an upright idea. This is the first time I have done this."

"It will take about a week, and the remaining materials will be used as labor fees."

"No problem," I agreed happily.

I would be happy if Sanhua Tianshi charged labor fees. If she didn't want anything, that would be worrying.

Free things are the most expensive.

Sanhua Tianshi left with the evil copper in her arms.

Lianghu came out of the house with his butt covered, muttering: "This old woman is really cruel."

"She attacked out of the blue."

Sitong Tianshi asked me with his head tilted: "What are you going to do in this week?"

Me: "Can I stay in Fulong Mountain?"

I really don't want to run around. I'm like a jinx and get into trouble wherever I go.

It's better to stay in Fulong Mountain. There is a Tianshi here, it's much safer.

Sitong paused and said: "Okay, but only in my yard."

"If your identity is discovered by the disciples, Sanhua will look for you."

"Then I will stay here with the Four-eyed Heavenly Master and won't run around. Sorry to bother you." I shuddered.

The Three-eyed Heavenly Master finally made up a rumor to regain some face. If I lose it, the Three-eyed Heavenly Master will be furious, not to mention that her own magic weapon is still waiting for her to make it.

The two Hu Taoist priests covered their buttocks and went to apply medicine.

There were only me and the Four-eyed Heavenly Master in the yard.

I have always had an idea, so I took this opportunity to ask: "Tianshi, do you think I have a chance to learn Taoism from you?".

Although he is nominally a disciple of the Four-eyed Heavenly Master, he actually doesn't know any Taoism at all, and relies on his heavy pupils to cheat all day long.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master closed his eyes and also noticed his curiosity: "You want to learn Taoism?".

"Is it not possible?".

He gently pushed the teacup over with the back of his hand:

"Of course it's not possible. It's not that Fulong Mountain prohibits it, nor that I don't teach it, but that you can't do it."

"You are not suitable for Taoism."

I was devastated and complained: "Master, you are

That's a bit hurtful."

Si Tong chuckled: "If anyone else practices Taoism, they will have a chance, but you don't."

After being denied repeatedly, I didn't give up and said: "Only I can't do it? It's not that weird, right?"

"How about you teach me, Master?"

Si Tong didn't agree, he walked into the house and came out soon.

Even though he was missing his eyes, he had already taken the whole place into his mind, and his actions were not much worse than those of normal people.

He sat down again, and there was a yellow talisman in his slender hand.

Folded it several times, the yellow talisman was folded into a triangle and placed in the palm.

Holding the talisman triangle with one hand, a scene that violated physics appeared. There was no wind, but the talisman triangle was slightly rotating in the palm of Si Tong Tianshi.

He handed the talisman triangle over,

I was nervous. I took the triangle and put it in my hand like the Heavenly Master.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master explained: "This basic Qi test talisman can see the affinity between people and Taoism."

I listened attentively while staring at the talisman triangle with full concentration.

The talisman triangle didn't move at all, which made me want to blow it.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master: "If there is affinity, it will turn, if there is no affinity, it will not turn."

The talisman triangle still didn't turn....

I understood what the Heavenly Master meant.

When I was about to get discouraged, the talisman triangle suddenly moved.

"It moved! ", I raised my eyebrows in surprise, my eyes fixed on the talisman triangle.

I saw that the talisman triangle was moving more and more, almost spinning.

Suddenly, a ray of fire appeared, and in a few seconds, the talisman triangle was burning all over, and green smoke spread up.

Spontaneous combustion?

I looked at the Four Eyes Heavenly Master in a daze,

The Four Eyes Heavenly Master also smiled at me, as if to say that you should understand.

The talisman burned to ashes in my hand, and the burning pain was nothing compared to the embarrassment in my heart.

Spontaneous combustion...

What a good Qi-testing talisman, it will spin if there is a predestined relationship, and it will not spin if there is no predestined relationship. It will spontaneously combust when it comes to me.

What? Don't People have no affinity with Taoism, but I have a grudge against Taoism?

It took a while for my fragile heart to recover.

I put the ash of the talisman triangle back into the hands of the Four-eyed Heavenly Master: "Thank you for your enlightenment."

I made up my mind not to dream of learning Taoism in the future. This is simply humiliating myself.

But thinking about my own Yin Qi and the two big ghosts around me, it would be strange if I could learn.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master smiled and casually smeared the ash on me, and wiped his hands with my clothes.

"Don't worry, if everyone can practice Taoism, wouldn't it be a mess? You can't practice Taoism, which means you have your own way."

"Your way may be longer than ours."

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