The three flowers need a week to make the magic tools, so I can't be idle during this week.

Since there is a person like the four-eyed Tianshi around me, I must make good use of it and take this opportunity to make up for my shortcomings.

The first is the understanding of ghosts.

After dinner

I tried to talk to the four-eyed Tianshi who was touching the blind book: "Tianshi, I have always been confused."

"What state do those ghosts exist in?"

The four-eyed Tianshi smiled and said: "How can people know this? People are not ghosts, and the two are opposites."

"People can never understand ghosts in depth, but ghosts are different. Ghosts are evolved from people."

"Just like whether people go to heaven, hell, or the underworld after death, isn't this always a topic of debate?"

"Maybe ghosts are also people, but they are not completely dead."

"Do you know how to distinguish ghosts?"

I shook my head. This was exactly the question I wanted to ask.

The four-eyed Taoist priest said slowly:

"The distinction between ghosts is nothing more than a classification made by some people in the industry based on the degree of harm and characteristics of ghosts."

"The most common ones that can be seen at any time are classified by them as lonely ghosts. They are lonely and miserable during their lifetime and still cannot rest in peace after death."

"Unless there are special circumstances, lonely ghosts generally will not harm people because they are separated by yin and yang."

"The second type of ghost is called evil ghost. Too much resentment and too much yin energy will lead to evil ghosts in some cases. In fact, the existence of evil ghosts is very limited. They are transformed by grievances, hatred, and anger, and they also disappear because of grievances, hatred, and anger."

"Compared with lonely ghosts, evil ghosts are very harmful, but this harm has a directional characteristic. Have you ever seen evil ghosts harm people for no reason?".

When I said this, I immediately thought of the old lady in flowery clothes in Qinglong Temple.

Isn't she an evil ghost?

Because Qinglong Temple killed all the people in Qinglong Temple many years ago because they did not save the dying, the explanation of the four-eyed Tianshi happened to fit the behavior of the old lady in flowery clothes. The people she killed were all related to Qinglong Temple, including me.

In other words, the harm of evil ghosts is limited to her resentment.

Four-eyed Heavenly Master: "You can tell, evil ghosts are bound by cause and effect, while the third type of ghosts are out of cause and effect"

"They are called big ghosts and can also be called great evil. The actions of big ghosts are not bound by cause and effect. Their killing is limited by rules. They seek hard in life but get nothing, so they are trapped all day after death."

"They are trapped by rules, and they can also kill people according to rules."

"Compared with evil ghosts, great evil has unique characteristics and killing rules."

I twitched my mouth. I have also seen the third type that Four-eyed Heavenly Master said. Aren't these Qi Qi and the door-opening ghost?

Qi Qi killed people by breaking into the old teaching building and must jump off the building, while the door-opening ghost must die when opening the door.

Both use this special killing method to kill people.

Compared with evil ghosts, their killing is not limited to individuals, but limited to objects that touch the rules.

There is no doubt that the harm of great evil is far greater than that of evil ghosts, but it is not as dangerous as evil ghosts in terms of directionality.

Qi Qi can only kill people after the target of the old teaching building jumps off the building after sleeping. She herself is not harmful.

The door-opening ghost lures people to open the door, and this door-opening is also based on the premise that the target of the door-opening is an active behavior.

"By the way, Tianshi, what kind of ghost was the skin-covered ghost before?"

"In my opinion, the skin-covered ghost is not a lonely ghost, nor a fierce ghost, but there is no rule from it."

The face of the four-eyed Tianshi could not help but show a trace of solemnity: "You are right, the skin-covered ghost does not belong to the three categories I mentioned."

"It is the fourth type of ghost: Dali."

"Dali?" I repeated it doubtfully.

The four-eyed Tianshi: "Dali is not bound by cause and effect, and is not bound by rules. They kill people, and their actions have no restrictions or motives. The fourth type of ghost is the freest, most difficult, and most sinister type of ghost."

"It is precisely because of freedom that it is dangerous."

"The Great Ghosts have no motive for killing. Their thinking is close to that of humans, or even better than that of humans. The skinned ghosts can lurk in the cage mountain for many years for Chongtong's sake, which the first three types of ghosts cannot do."

"The Great Ghosts have no rules, no cause and effect, their origins are unknown, and the truth is unknown."

"Among the four types of ghosts, the Great Ghosts are the most unstable. The Great Ghosts are not necessarily the most terrifying, but they are definitely the most free. The Great Ghosts can be very weak, and the Great Ghosts can also be very strong."

"Ghosts do not have obvious levels of strength and weakness, only categories can be distinguished."

"Just like the skinned ghosts with only one skin, a lonely ghost, and a fierce ghost can tear it apart, the same

So when the ghosts don't trigger the rules, the evil ghosts can't do anything to the ghosts."

Ghosts, evil ghosts, fierce ghosts, fierce ghosts, fierce ghosts, fierce ghosts,

Hearing this, I began to be curious about Ma Qing beside me. What kind of ghost is Ma Qing?

Fierce ghosts? Or fierce ghosts?

In my opinion, Ma Qing's behavior is more like fierce ghosts.

After all, any of her behaviors are triggered by me as a medium. In other words, I am the rules of Ma Qing.

The four-eyed Taoist priest noticed my emotions subtly, and he joked: "Are you curious about the ghost beside you?" .

"The ghost beside you is very scary. I have seen it with my double pupils, but I can't see it clearly."

I asked: "Tianshi, how many fierce ghosts are there in this world? ".

He brushed the pages with his thumb, and the pages opened and closed in a fan shape within a second or two, and some of the pages were inevitably wrinkled.

"A lot, there were a lot in the last era, but very few now."

He looked up and smiled: "There are very few great evils and great evils, otherwise, if we let these things run wild, wouldn't the world be in chaos? ".

"The number of evil spirits and lonely ghosts changes with the times".

"This era is good. Hunger, poverty, and epidemics can only take a few lives. The world is balanced. When people die, ghosts will be born".

"The tragedy of the last era will create prosperity and kindness in the next era".

I leaned against the wall of the house, listening to the rhythm of the bamboo forest, the music between the bamboo leaves and bamboo nodes.

I seem to have fallen into a misunderstanding all along. I always judge the motives of ghosts from a human perspective.

I can't accept Ma Qing's indiscriminate killing, but all of Ma Qing's motives are because of me.

Lin Ying, Master Le Guo, and the nurse are equivalent to being killed by me.

Why is it like this?

I am Ma Qing's bondage. What will happen to Ma Qing if I am gone?

I can't help but think about it.

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