The woman was at a loss, but she was still alive.

The pregnant woman covered her belly helplessly, screaming in resentment: "My child... My child!"

The movement inside the belly intensified, as if something was struggling inside.

The woman covered her belly in pain and stretched out her hand to ask me for help.

When I was about to cut with the knife, several round heads protruded from the surface of the belly, and the round heads continued to stretch out against the belly.

A pair of old hands suddenly pierced the belly.

The hands turned around and opened the belly regardless of the woman's screams of pain.

Inside the belly was a sixty-year-old man.

The wrinkles on the old man's face were trembling, and his vicissitudes of life were full of anger. He roared and asked why you wanted to kill me.

My teeth trembled a little, and my eyes were red.

But I dared not hesitate, so I stopped and stabbed through the skin of the old man and the woman.

The hazy black shadow behind the woman rolled down...

The skinned ghost had only a few layers of skin left.

I picked up the shriveled skin, and swung the knife high over it numbly.

The sharp blade tore through the air, and the green flame barely attached.

"Big brother, where is my mother?" Tang Jia asked me with red and swollen eyes while holding the Rubik's Cube in a white dress.

Her thin body seemed to be swallowed up in the afterglow.

Zheng...My pupils contracted, and my mind was blank for a moment. The scene of Lin Xin's skin disappearing appeared uncontrollably.

It was this moment of hesitation that caused the blade to miss and hit the soil heavily.

Tang Jia took small steps, with red and swollen eyes and a sad smile on her face:

"Where is my mother? Where is my mother?"

"Big brother, why did you hesitate? Have you seen my mother?".

"Hehehe, why did big brother want to chop me?".

Tang Jia laughed while holding her stomach, and wiped her tears sadly.

"Big brother, you killed my mother, why did you kill my mother, why did you kill Jiajia".

My hands holding the bronze horizontal sword trembled, and my arms trembled with the sword.

Tang Jia... Jiajia... Kill her!

I swung the sword like a cold-blooded machine, chasing the skin ghost frantically.

I don't know if Tang Jia's body is too flexible or my emotions are disrupted.

The sword was always a little short, and the closest time only left a hideous scar on Tang Jia's face.

The green flame burned the wound, and she covered her face and sobbed pitifully: "It hurts... It really hurts"

"Big brother, why did you do this to me?"

"Did Tang Jia do anything wrong?".

I swung the knife towards her neck with a gloomy face. She jumped back to avoid the blade, which rubbed her skin and left a wound.

Tang Jia covered her face, and her right eye had two strange black pupils moving. She said coquettishly:

"Hehe, I almost cut it"

"Big brother is really unintentional, he really has the heart to do it."

"Such a sharp knife, Tang Jia must be very painful."

When I was silent and wanted to continue to attack, I stopped for a while.

I saw a flawless little white hand fall from Tang Jia's shoulder, causing Tang Jia's body to sink.

Tang Jia instinctively turned her head and saw a girl with black hair hanging down to her hips and a face as cold as ice staring at her. The brand new leather shoes on her feet were very distinctive.

"Have you acted enough?" The girl asked coldly.

Xiao Maqing... I don't know what I feel at this moment,

Excited, guilty, or relieved?

Xiao Maqing finally showed up... In fact, I had a premonition of her appearance.

Tang Jia's smile was a little stiff, and he stuttered: "A sneak attack is not very moral."

Xiao Maqing ignored her, and a fierce green flame ignited in her hand.

The position she stood in also blocked the direction where Tang Jia shed her skin.

Even if she shed her skin, Xiao Maqing could catch her.

Da... I took two quick steps to block Tang Jia in front of her, blocking her escape route,

The bronze horizontal sword also stopped at her neck.

Feeling the icy aura of the horizontal sword, Tang Jia said angrily: "I knew she was near you."

"You did it on purpose just now."

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