The tattooed man had fallen to the ground, and the excessive loss of blood made his skin pale and his body twitched slightly.

But I don't have time to take care of him now, there is a more troublesome and difficult guy here.

I put the bronze horizontal knife on the neck of the skin ghost.

The skin ghost was wearing Tang Jia's skin and was not panicked or afraid, but just complained.

It raised its hands to try to keep its neck away from the blade. Xiao Maqing held her shoulders tightly and didn't give her any chance.

I pushed slightly, and the blade tore Tang Jia's skin and penetrated slightly

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"What is your backup plan?"

"I absolutely don't believe that you, who were seriously injured and hunted by the Heavenly Masters, would suddenly come here for no reason. If your goal is the tattoo of the tattooed man, then you must have a backup plan, enough to let you escape from our hands."

"Xiao Maqing, you expected it, and you also expected this situation, so what can let you escape?"

Tang Jia's expression froze for a few seconds, and he laughed exaggeratedly: "Oh, it's easy to talk to smart people"

"You are worthy of being from the same origin and flow as me"

"I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect you to guess it first, it's boring."

Same origin and flow!

This word swelled in my mind, and some confused bubbles burst automatically.

My blood is from the Zhang family, I come from the Zhang family, it says it has the same origin and flow as me, it also comes from the Zhang family?

Zhang family ancestral tomb, grandfather's warning, the curse of Zhang family's ruin...

It seems that there is a line extending from Zhang family's ancestral tomb, and the other end of the line is on the skin ghost.

Skin ghost is the fourth type of ghost, Dali. The four-eyed Taoist priest also said that Dali is almost hard to see in this era.

The skin ghost has almost grown up with me, and its figure always appears in my identity.

It is better to say that it has always been around the Zhang family, and it completely appeared after I was born.

Grandpa said: There is a ghost in the ancestral tomb, which is also the source of the Zhang family's ruin and the anchor of the Zhang family's fate...and my father once dug up the ancestral tomb.

Thinking of this, my hands wanted to cut off the ghost uncontrollably, and my blood was surging.

Since the first time I met the ghost, there was a bud of murder and hatred in my heart.

Since the first time I met the ghost, I had the idea of ​​killing the ghost for no reason, subconsciously...

This seems to be an innate instinct...

The ghost didn't hide it and said simply: "You are in control of the situation now. It seems that I have no way to escape and no way to retreat."

"Even if I can escape from you and that ghost girl by chance, I guess you will hurt yourself without hesitation and use her to kill me."

"You will do it."

"You can't guarantee that you can kill me by doing this, but I am sure you will regret it, and regret it with great sorrow."

She said with bright big eyes, fiery and crazy: "You will regret killing me."

"Because the souls of those two women are in my body, in my hands under the skin"

"I will annihilate their souls at the moment of my death, even if she comes, she can't stop me"

"Their souls are sealed in paper figures by me, just move your fingers and they will be shattered."

Bloodshot eyes surged rapidly, I knew who the two women it was talking about were,

My mother and my tied my mother and sister's lives to it.

No matter whether it is possible or not, it will do it.

The skin ghost will not do things that are not sure, and it will not start things that are not well budgeted.

It wanted to use my mother and sister's life to save its life from the beginning, so it was fearless.

The skin ghost comforted: "Don't be too nervous, I won't push you too hard"

"After all, if you go crazy, it's really hard to resist"

"Last time in Fulong Mountain, you ruined my good things and destroyed my best skin. This time I can't let you mess around."

"I won't attack you, nor will I have any intentions towards her. I have only one goal in coming here."

"That piece of skin!"

I glanced over and saw a piece of bloody skin next to Lin Xin's skin that was about to disappear.

The blood covered the tattoo. This was taken from the tattooed man by the skin ghost himself.

It really wanted this.

Tang Jia: "This time it's actually good for you. Give me that piece of skin and let me go. I will return the souls of the two women to you."

"How about this deal? It's a good deal anyway."


The words were very bewitching, and even I was shaken for a moment.

Indeed, judging from the results, I got the souls of my mother and sister, the ghost got the skin, and the only person who died was the tattooed man.

This is the purpose of the ghost's trip.......

It used me to assassinate the tattooed man, and exchanged the souls of my mother and sister for escape.

No one would refuse this deal, not even me.........

I gritted my teeth and said, "Believe it or not, I will chop you!".

The ghost raised his hand: "Believe it, I believe you are a filial person."

"They are still alive."

The blade on the ghost's neck was shaking, sometimes cutting in, sometimes wanting to retreat.

Killing the ghost is my instinct and my wish, but saving my mother and sister has always been my goal, even if it is the soul.

I looked at Xiao Maqing hesitantly.

When she looked at me, her frown slowly bent down, and she said indifferently: "Let it go".

I didn't say anything, and Xiao Maqing removed her hand from Tang Jia's shoulder.

Tang Jia shook his shoulder in pain and complained jokingly: "What's there to hesitate about?"

"You're making money anyway, it's such a good business, you're still hesitating... stupid".

My knife hasn't been removed yet, I said: "I want to see the paper man, I don't believe you".

Tang Jia laughed sarcastically: "You're obviously stupid, but you're so thoughtful".

It groped its face, and its fingers stopped at the center of its eyebrows and suddenly inserted it in.

A few fingers pulled open the skin, and then the whole arm was inserted. When the arm returned, there was a paper man between the five fingers.

It looked like a paper man, one big and one small, holding hands.

It was very cautious. Even if it showed the paper man, it would deliberately move the paper man away from me and Xiao Maqing, so that we had no chance to snatch it.

My eyes were unnaturally focused on the paper man.

That feeling needed no explanation, no verification, I could feel that the familiar person was on the paper man.

Tang Jia held the paper man and walked away from the blade of the bronze horizontal sword: "Are you sure?"

I nodded: "You can take the skin away, but you need to do it according to my instructions."

"I will take the skin, we will exchange at the same time, you give me the paper man, and I will give you the skin."

Tang Jia looked at Xiao Maqing warily and laughed: "Okay, but let her stay away from me, I will only trade with you"

"She is not allowed to get close to me."

Xiao Maqing was silent, but her raised eyebrows and the vigorous soul flames on her hands confirmed that she was not in a good mood.

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