The courtyard was dead silent, and the night had already covered the city.

There seemed to be a sound of dripping blood in the dark courtyard, but the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

I don't know how long I was in a daze.

I numbly drove my body to stand up, holding the broken paper man with only one-third of it in my hand.

Looking at Tang Jia and the translucent Lin Xin who were disappearing on the ground, my pupils couldn't stop shaking again.

They were about to disappear...

The skin ghost killed them and covered them.

Now that the skin ghost has escaped, they will naturally disappear.

From the overall result, I have won a big victory.

I interrupted its trick, and let it, which wanted to use me, flee in a hurry, leaving the skin behind.

But why am I so sad?

It feels like there is a hole in my chest, and I can't keep any warmth.

Sister... Mom... Lin Xin... Tang Jia... I have lost too much.

My palm unconsciously squeezed the broken paper man until only one was left.

The sound of helpless teeth clenching continued.

I picked up Tang Jia and put her next to Lin Xin, looking at their increasingly transparent state.

I couldn't help thinking, in ten minutes or twenty minutes, they will disappear completely.

I am like a bad star, and all the people who know me have a bad end. Wherever I go, there are disasters.

The Taoist priest in white who saved me since childhood was skinned by a ghost.

My mother and sister disappeared, and now only a trace of their souls remain. Master Leguo died tragically to save me.

Lin Ying was killed by Ma Qing, and even the nurse who helped me apply medicine could not escape death. She had only met me once, and we were strangers.

On Fulong Mountain, Chen Zhenren was skinned by a ghost, and the four old Taoists were instigated by the ghost to kill each other, and Taoist priest Chongyang died completely.

The four-eyed Tianshi had one eye taken away by the ghost, and Lin Xin and Tang Jia were about to die.......

Everything was caused by my survival. Is it really right for me to be alive?

What is the meaning of my survival?

If I had died like that eighteen years ago or been killed by Ma Qing in Qinglong Temple a few days ago, would that be better?

Grandpa risked his life to keep me alive, Taoist priest in white saved me without complaint, Xiao Maqing risked exposure to save me again and again,

Why did they want me to live?

My slightly long nails pierced into the flesh, and I was still exerting force,

At this time, a cold hand was attached to my hand, and this palm was small and delicate,

This touch and coolness made me stunned.

She held my hand, and her slender fingers slid between my fingers, and she moved my fingers a little bit to pull out the nails that were deeply embedded in the flesh.

The paper man was pulled out of my hand by her, and I looked at her unnaturally,

Her pure amber eyes looked straight at me, looking at me quietly.

I saw myself in her eyes,

The blood from the left eye extended to the corner of the mouth, just connected with the blood from the chin and the corner of the mouth,

The only right eye that was opened was also full of bloodshot, and the whole person was pale and lifeless, like a crazy person.

Is this me?

She raised her hand and pushed gently. I took a few steps back without any defense.

I saw Xiao Maqing holding a paper figure and coming in front of Lin Xin and Tang Jia.

The dark green flames ignited from her hands again.

This time it was not only on her hands, but also on her shoulders and her whole body.

The strange green fire without light was generated in the courtyard.

Suddenly, there were more white arcs in the raging green fire..... The white arcs infected the surrounding green fire and made it expand rapidly.

The white flames fought against the green fire, and finally the white flames completely changed the green fire.

Now all the fires on Xiao Maqing's body are white flames.

The white flames not only burned on her body, but also expanded and flowed along the ground to ignite Tang Jia and Lin Xin.

I was deeply immersed in the white flames. Looking at the white flames, my heart was depressed and the pain seemed to be healed.

Suddenly, I noticed that the paper man in Xiao Maqing's hand had changed.

The white flames attached to the paper man, and as if by miracle, the paper man showed signs of healing... Yes, the part that was burned before was about to recover.

I stared blankly, and changes also occurred on Tang Jia and Lin Xin's side.

The parts of their ghost bodies that were torn by the skin ghost and the parts that were cut by me were also healed by the white flames.

An indescribable miracle happened around Xiao Maqing.

Although the paper man was about to heal, the few scraps of paper that had just recovered disappeared in an instant. Many attempts were ultimately fruitless.

Lin Xin, Tang Jia

The wounds on her body were basically healed, and the white flames at the wounds also scattered.

The white flames on Xiao Maqing's hand did not dissipate. She continued to hold the paper man and continued to cover the paper man with white flames.

The white flames healed the paper scraps, which broke into pieces in an instant, and so on.

I can feel that this white flame is also soul flame, but the effect is different.

This soul flame does not seem to burn the soul, but it is healing.

Soul flame can hurt the soul, but also heal the soul...

Xiao Maqing is like a dreamy fairy against the background of white flames.

Things are moving in a good direction, but I still feel something is wrong.

I tried my best to explore Xiao Maqing and her actions.

My eyes were focused on her.

"Stop!" I suddenly felt palpitations and rushed forward without caring about anything.

Xiao Maqing's body was turning into a transparent state, and her breath was extremely declining...

This kind of soul flame healing is depleting her existence!

I stepped forward and snatched the incomplete paper figure from her hands. Without the paper figure, the white flame on her body suddenly dissipated.

Her body also shook a few times, and she stood up with difficulty.

Huhu... She panted and slowly turned her head.

The pure face could clearly see the moon behind her at this moment.

The black hair was blown up by the fallen leaves in the wind, and a few strands of black silk reflected the moonlight.

She apologized weakly: "I'm sorry, the soul on the paper figure is too incomplete, only a little bit is left, I can't do it..."

My throat rolled, obviously there were many questions,

many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't say them.

I stepped forward and hugged this girl who was almost touching my chest, so gently that I could hardly feel it.

I could only feel the coldness, but to me it was warm, as if the white flames soaked my soul.

How many times was she pulled me back when I was on the verge of death, and how many times did she appear silently when I was helpless.

Even now, she pulled me back when I was close to collapse.

My voice trembled: "Why do you want me to live?"

Xiao Maqing buried her head in my chest stiffly, and said in a muffled voice: "Don't doubt yourself, you must be meaningful."

After that, she struggled to get out of my arms,

Her hair was messy, and she lowered her head to adjust her skirt, as if she was hiding something.

When she looked up, she handed an unknown object to my mouth, and it was difficult to touch it even if I raised my feet.

A hint of sweetness filled my lips, and she stuffed the candy into my mouth.

The candy was half melted, with only a small piece left.

She looked up at me with her hands behind her back, her eyebrows curved: "Live on."

I felt the sweetness in my mouth dissolving the blood,

Looking at her increasingly transparent body, I asked: "What about you?".

"Maybe I'll sleep for a while," she shook her body gently.

"Xiao Maqing, what can I do?" I almost pleaded.

She tilted her head and frowned: "You called that name again."

I tried to explain, but her slap was already coming.

The delicate little hand could raise a sharp palm wind, no less than a strongman's slap.

I did not move to prepare for the slap,

A second later, I was not blown away like before.

The white and clever little hand lost all its strength before falling on my face,

The little hand fell softly as if it had brushed past.

"Remember it, Li Youyou........"

I was stunned. This was the only time this girl smiled at me and told me her name.

Li Youyou.......

After her body became transparent to a certain extent, it flowed into my backpack like cloth.

I knew very well that there was only one thing in the backpack that could accommodate her,

the Red Evil Box.

She returned to the Red Evil Box........

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