I was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with the Red Evil Box on my knees.

Lin Xin and Tang Jia were lying quietly behind me. Although their wounds had healed, they showed no signs of recovery.

I wiped the Red Evil Box with my hand.

It turned out that she came from the Red Evil Box. No wonder she was mysterious and disappeared. The tattooed man also said that she was related to the box.

I thought so. When I first saw her, the Red Evil Box was by her side.

Every time I saw her afterwards, she brought the box with her.

She and the box saved me many times.

Li Youyou... I repeated the name.

She said she would sleep for a while, but who knows how long she would sleep?

Or was she lying to me?

Just now, Li Youyou cured Lin Xin and Tang Jia, whose ghost bodies were damaged, and kept trying to heal the paper figures. Although my mother and sister's souls were living on the paper figures, they were only a little bit broken, and even she was powerless. After such an act, her state was like she had exchanged with Lin Xin and the others, and she was transparent and about to disappear. Why did she do this? Just to make me feel better and less condemned in my heart? I stared at the box for half an hour, and then put the box back into my backpack. The mess in the yard is not over yet. I moved all the human skins to the wasteland outside the villa and buried them. They were innocent and miserable. It was unknown whether they were still alive without skins. Moreover, their skins were chopped into pieces by me with a knife. I had the obligation to bury them. After burying the skins, I returned to the villa. Suddenly, I looked at a pile of debris in a corner and said coldly: "Get out!". After a while of scrambling, a man walked out from behind the pile of debris.

He was tall, but his eyes were full of taboos.

He said carefully: "It is indeed a double pupil."

"You actually have double pupils, and that thing just now also has double pupils. It's unbelievable."

'That should be what the Four-Pupil Heavenly Master of Fulong Mountain said. What happened? '

I looked at him and said: "I will ask you a few questions. Tell the truth, otherwise I will make your lonely ghost body completely dissipate."

This person is the tattooed man who broke in and was killed by the skin-covered ghost.

But now he is no longer a human, because his body is lying next to him.

I asked: "Who are you?".

The tattooed man sneered:

"You can't keep her. You can't guess what is targeting her. Your double pupil can suppress me, but can you suppress the entire Longmen Nine Families?".

"She is the target of our Longmen Nine Families, the one that Longmen Nine Families have been looking for. You can't keep her and the box!".

I glanced at the skin not far away, and the blood covered the large tattoo.

This skin was originally the target of the skin ghost, but the skin ghost escaped and failed to get it.

"The tattoo on the skin on your back should be Ba Xia. According to what you said about the Nine Families of Longmen, it should be related to the legend that the dragon gave birth to nine sons."

"That means you have nine families, and you belong to the Ba Xia of the sixth son."

My words seemed to stimulate him, and he shouted with a ferocious face: "That damn thing dared to sneak attack me and stripped off my dragon pattern."

"If it weren't for you and the double pupil, how could it succeed!".

Dragon pattern? It seems that there is still a lot of useful information.

I came to the body of the tattooed man and pulled out the bronze horizontal sword and attacked him.

He was in a panic to dodge and I also cut off one of his arms.

The arm fell to the ground and gradually disappeared.

The tattooed man covered his shoulder and was furious: "I am a member of the Nine Families of Longmen, how dare you...".

I flashed past him and cut off one of his legs.

After several consecutive times, the tattooed man's body was so weak that he was about to disappear.

I grabbed his neck with my fingers covered with soul flames and burned it for a while, then asked:

"Why did you catch her?".

Ghost talk is useless to him in normal conditions,

but when he is weak, burned by soul flames, and mentally depressed, it can work.

He subconsciously said: "This is the entrustment of the family elders, and this is the common task of the nine families of Longmen."

I continued to ask: "What is the dragon pattern?".

He replied: "The tattoo on my back is the embodiment of the bloodline of the nine families of Longmen."

"In the nine families of Longmen, each family will have a person who inherits the bloodline, and its characteristic is the dragon pattern. Those with dragon patterns can drive the dragon pattern, which is superior to ordinary people."

Me: "That means there are eight other people in the nine families of Longmen who can use dragon patterns like you?".



Now I understand why the skin-covered ghost attacked the tattooed man and peeled off the skin on his back.

The skin-covered ghost wanted the dragon pattern.

That guy first took away the double pupil, and now he wants to take away the dragon pattern of the Longmen Nine Families. His ambition is becoming more and more obvious.

I remembered something and asked, "Why can you chase here?" .

The tattooed man was in a trance and said, "The Longmen Nine Families have the means to lock her position. As long as she shows up, the Longmen Nine Families can determine her location and notify the people of the Longmen Nine Families nearby."

"Who are the people coming to Dachang City? ".

"It's just me, the others are too far away or on other missions".

........After saying this, his ghost body couldn't hold on and dissipated.

It's also because I couldn't control my soul flame just now, and now all my actions are almost difficult to control.

If I didn't need to get information, I'm afraid I would have slashed him madly with my sword just now to vent my frustration.

It's necessary for him to disappear, because there are Longmen Jiujia behind him.

If he doesn't disappear, the location of the information will be leaked.

Even so, this place can't stay.

Drag the tattooed man's body, I will throw it into a pit outside and bury it simply.

I will move Lin Xin and Tang Jia back to the room, wash myself,

There is blood in his mouth, and the human The meat residue made me feel sick all the time. I vomited in the toilet for a while, washed my face and changed clothes before I went out.

I drove the tattooed man's SUV out.

I came back in the middle of the night. There was a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean look in the SUV.

He was wearing a neat white coat and carrying a medical kit.

He couldn't help but feel cold in his heart when he was in the car.

This is not right. Why did you bring me here in the middle of the night?

This is getting more and more remote.

When he got out of the car, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He stared at the dark villa in the wilderness.

No matter how he looked at it, there must be something unclean inside.

I got out of the car, closed the door, and patted the doctor on the shoulder: "What's wrong?".

The doctor's mouth twitched: "Are you sure there are patients here? "

"I told you not to joke."

'Although I am a doctor, I can only save people, not ghosts.'

I said calmly: "It's just people."

The doctor said in embarrassment: "You gave several times the consultation fee."

"But I will never do anything that violates the doctor's ethics."

"Don't worry, it's not illegal, nor does it violate the doctor's ethics. Just follow me."

I pushed the door open and walked into the villa,

and the doctor followed tremblingly, thinking that it was really not easy to earn several times the consultation fee.

He took out a flashlight that he usually used for consultation from his pocket and turned it on,

otherwise he was really afraid of falling in this dark yard.

As soon as he entered the yard, the doctor was suddenly stunned,

his legs couldn't stop shaking, his face was pale,

the flashlight shone on the ground, the deep red blood stains on the ground had not dissipated, and some blood stains were not dry yet.

"Blood...blood! ".

The doctor's head began to feel dizzy.

Oh my god, in the wilderness away from the city, in a dark villa,

As soon as he entered the yard, there was blood all over the ground, and there was a cold wind from time to time.

If his legs were not shaking a little at this moment and he didn't have the car keys, he would definitely run away.

I have already started to regret why I took this little money...

I looked back at the doctor and comforted him: "This is chicken blood. It was not done well when the chicken was killed, so the yard is full of blood. Don't be afraid."

"Okay... okay", the doctor laughed dryly with tears in his eyes. Not afraid? Who can come here without fear.

"No, sir, what exactly do you want me to come here for?"

"Are there really patients here?"

"In fact, it can't be considered a treatment. I just want you to help with a small operation."

"Minor operation?"

I picked up the tattooed skin on the ground and said:

"Change this skin for me."

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