The old man was dead, but he was still alive.

I couldn't believe what I just heard, and my expression was stunned.

Mr. Kou was more confused and hesitant than me:

"My father died six days ago?"

"Mr. Zhang, were you joking with me just now? You said my father called yesterday?"

"How is that possible? My father has been dead for several days."

I also denied it and said, "I did call Mr. Kou yesterday."

I took out my phone and opened the call record to Mr. Kou.

Mr. Kou looked at the phone and then at me.

I took a quick look and my heart skipped a beat.

There was no call record from yesterday, which means I didn't call anyone yesterday, and no one answered my call.

My memory is not wrong. I did hear Mr. Kou's voice yesterday, and Mr. Kou also asked me to come.

But now it seems that the person who talked to me yesterday was not Mr. Kou, but another inhuman thing.

I observed Mr. Kou's expression when he spoke, and there was no sign of lying on his face.

That is to say, Mr. Kou really passed away........

I was speechless for a few seconds, and I felt heavy.

Mr. Kou, this old friend, helped me every time, saying that he would need me and wanted to make friends with me, but he still couldn't escape the blood disaster.

He didn't ask me for help until he died, but I owed him a lot of favors, and now I can't repay the favors no matter what.

Another friend left.......

Originally, all the truth was about to come to light, but suddenly it was cut off again.

But why did the fake Mr. Kou still ask me to come here yesterday?

I said stiffly: "Mr. Kou, can I go to see Mr. Kou?"

Mr. Kou nodded repeatedly: "Of course, my father always wanted to see you when he was alive. Now that you can come to see him, he will be very happy if he knows it."

"Mr. Zhang, please wait here first. I will give instructions to the store and we will go."

When he stood up, he glanced at the rough stone the size of a human head:

"By the way, although the masters have gone off work, the cutters are still here."

"This rough stone was picked by you, Mr. Zhang. Although I paid for it, there is no difference between us. I will help you cut this stone."

I rubbed my head with both hands, not caring about the rough stone, and nodded casually.

Mr. Kou took the stone and went out.

As soon as he went out, Mr. Kou found a sharp-eyed young man. He handed the stone out and instructed:

"Look carefully and find good materials that look similar."

The young man smiled and nodded. He understood what it meant.

The business of gambling on stones is thrilling and exciting.

One cut can open a Mercedes-Benz or ride a bicycle, which is no less than another kind of gambling.

Some people like to buy some stones and cut them open, but stones are not so easy to gamble on.

Basically, it is rare to get good goods or even not enough to make money.

If the material is changed secretly when cutting the stone, the inferior goods become top-grade ones,

then the people who gamble on stones will be overjoyed.

Who would doubt that the material is not their own if good materials are cut out?

Mr. Kou often uses this trick in important interpersonal relationships. A piece of material is nothing to the Kou family.

"Is Mr. Kou still cutting the raw stone?"

Mr. Kou waved his hand: "Throw it aside and sell it another day."

He has seen this stone. From the seed coat, stone material, and polishing, there is nothing surprising.

There are many stones in that pile that are better than this stone, but he didn't like them. Naturally, he was too lazy to look at this stone.

Thinking about the strange figure wearing sunglasses and carrying a long box, he stopped the young man.

"Wait, let's open it and see. Anyway, this stone is not as good as our material."


After a while, Mr. Kou came back with a bag in his hand:

"Mr. Zhang, let's go. The car is ready."


I got up and followed him out of the office. When I arrived at the door of the store, a car I couldn't tell was parked there.

Although I don't know what it is called, I shouldn't be able to pay for it.

When Mr. Kou went to open the car door, there was a sudden shout behind him: "Mr. Kou!"

"Mr. Kou!"

"The stone is open! Open!"

The young man chased out with a stone as big as a human head. Mr. Kou gave him a fuss and gave him a blank look:

"Why are you so flustered?"

"The stone selected by Mr. Zhang will definitely not be bad. You act like a person who has never seen the world."

Turning back to me, he smiled apologetically: "He must have been surprised by the material you chose."

"I am also curious about why Mr. Zhang chose that stone, Mr. Zhang

Although he was wearing sunglasses, his eyes were very sharp.

Mr. Kou pretended to be curious and asked, "How is the quality? What kind?".

The young man didn't say anything, but kept rolling his throat and handed the stone to me.

Mr. Kou took it reluctantly and pushed away the cut material skin with his hand.

Suddenly, his eyes shrank sharply, as if he had seen a ghost.

He repeatedly wiped the big window on the stone with his sleeves.

Crystal clear, as jelly-like, full of gelatin, full of ice... As clear as glass, pure, perfect floating flowers

You can recognize it at a glance.

He laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, good stuff, top-grade glass-type floating flower jadeite rough stone!" .

"Take a look."

He threw the stone into my hand, and then rushed to the young man and asked in his ear, "Isn't this a bit wrong?"

"Do we have such good jade in stock in our store? Isn't it a bit too much to give this kind of jade as a gift to show friendship?"

The young man was confused: "How can we have this kind of jade in stock in our store? This is what you cut from that stone."

"That stone is a glass type."

"Ah?", Mr. Kou was stunned.

In his opinion, that stone could only produce some medium-quality goods at most, but this one is a top-grade glass type.

Wait... He pinched his eyebrows

So he was wrong, and Mr. Zhang chose it because he saw the extraordinaryness of this rough stone.

He said at the time that he chose this one, which was very good.

Mr. Zhang, wearing sunglasses, could tell it from a distance?

Mr. Kou took a breath and was shocked.

"No wonder he is my father's friend regardless of age. He looks younger than me. His vision is just like a perspective device."

I played with the stone: "Is Mr. Kou okay? ".


Mr. Kou responded and ran back to get into the cab, and I got in the car.

Mr. Kou couldn't help asking in the car: "How did Mr. Zhang see it?"

"To be honest, I took a look at this stone, and I didn't find anything. Even if other people came to see it, I wouldn't have taken more than a few glances. Why did you, Mr. Zhang, just take a look at it from a distance and dare to choose it?"

I said concisely and confusingly: "I'm just making it up. It's just a blind cat hitting a dead mouse."

"I was also surprised to get this."

Mr. Kou said tentatively: "If Mr. Zhang wants to keep this stone, I'll have someone pack it up for you later. If you want to sell it"

"Please give me a chance. I've always wanted to collect such a piece of material."

Me: "Didn't you buy this material? ".

Mr. Kou touched his nose and said: "You chose the material, I just paid for it, it's yours".

"What I say is as good as iron nails. If you give it to me for free, I won't take it. If I take it, my dad will definitely come to strangle me in the middle of the night."

"Okay, just give it to me as you see fit." I put it on the passenger seat. It's useless to hold it myself.

It's better to change it into money. Besides, I can get this stone because of the Kou family.

Whether it's for the sake of Mr. Kou's face or Mr. Kou's good conduct, this material should be given to him.

Mr. Kou was full of joy, his eyes were not I don't know how many times I drifted towards the material,

I was a little worried about whether I would have a car accident.


I thought Mr. Kou would take me to a cemetery or something like that,

but I didn't expect him to take me to the funeral home.

When we arrived, it was dark,

The funeral home was lit with a few pale yellow lights,

The gloomy door was hung with dim light bulbs.

The surrounding forest was silent and dark,

The funeral home was filled with crying sounds that came and went, miserable sobs.

I took the knife box back from the car and frowned, "Has Mr. Kou not been buried yet? ".

Mr. Kou lit a cigarette and exhaled a wisp of white mist that blended into the night:

"No, this is what my father wanted."

"Before he died, he specifically asked me to keep his body for seven days, and he could not be cremated, but buried."

"No matter what happens after seven days, bury him immediately, without a moment's delay."

We walked towards the funeral home,

The crying of the old and the young was getting closer, and from time to time there was the sound of something hitting the iron fence.

The several-story old building of the funeral home is nestled in the deep forest, far away from the city.

We didn't see any vehicles or people moving around along the way,

Only when we came in did we meet a dozing security guard.

Mr. Kou buttoned up his coat and tightened his clothes: "Why is this broken place so cold?" "My dad is the same. There are so many places to choose from, but he has to keep the body here."

"Did Mr. Kou choose this place?" I asked.

Mr. Kou

: "That's not the case. My dad is also weird. He actually thought of everything in advance, including seven days of storage, choosing a place to store the body, etc."

I slowed down my pace; 'Mr. Kou, how did Mr. Kou die? '

Mr. Kou: "Medically, it was sudden death."

"But I don't think so, because my dad seemed to know that he would die. A lot of weird things happened that day."

"Weird things? If possible, please tell me, Mr. Kou."

"Of course there is no problem. There is nothing to be shy about about Mr. Zhang's things."

Mr. Kou had a complicated expression and talked about it bit by bit: "Speaking of weirdness, my dad was a little weird a few months ago."

"He often locked himself in the room, not eating or drinking. If someone knocked on the door, he would definitely scold them. This has been the case for several months."

"And his mood is very unstable. Sometimes he is kind to people in the morning, but very irritable in the afternoon. During those days, many employees and cooperating bosses in the store were scolded away by my dad."

Kou Shao said with a bitter face: "Having a bad temper is a small matter. After all, he is an old man, so we should be tolerant."

"What happened later is what makes my scalp numb. One day, my father suddenly started to buy chickens, snakes and other animals and brought them into the room. I don't know what he was doing."

"One night, I saw that my father's room was still lit, so I lay on the ground and secretly peeked through the crack of the door, wanting to see what my father had been doing these days."

"Guess what I saw? Blood all over the place!"

"The scarlet blood almost covered the entire ground. I couldn't see anything else except blood. I was so scared that I fell to the ground. This movement also attracted my father's attention. There was a sound of walking out from inside."

"I was afraid of being caught, so I quickly hid behind the stairs."

"There was a lot of noise in the room, and the door creaked open, but no one walked out. The door seemed to be opened out of thin air, but there were footprints on the ground, a row of glaring bloody footprints!"

"I was so scared that I ran back to my room and locked the door without paying attention to the noise."

"Within a minute, I heard the sound of someone coming upstairs, click... click... each step was louder than the last."

"I hid behind the door and didn't dare to make a sound. I didn't know if it was my dad or someone else behind the door. Soon, the footsteps came to my room, and then my door was knocked."

"Dongdong... Dongdong... He knocked a few times and asked me if I was asleep. It was my dad's voice. I was relieved and was about to respond."

"But I looked out through the crack of the door and found that there was no one outside!"

"My dad was still knocking on the door outside, calling me and asking me if I was asleep. He knocked harder and harder, and finally asked me to open the door for him."

"How could I dare to open the door in this situation? I could only cover my mouth and lean against the door and didn't dare to make a sound. I don't know how long it took for the knocking to stop, and the person who looked like my dad seemed to have gone away."

"Then I blocked the door with a table. I didn't fall asleep until the second half of the night because I was too sleepy. When I woke up, the first thing I looked at was the door."

"Fortunately, the table blocked the door honestly and there was no sign of movement."

"I think everything last night was just an illusion or a dream."

"When I put on my shoes and got out of bed, I saw a line of bloody footprints beside my bed."

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