The old man was so angry that he was lying on the table.

When Kou Shao talked about this past event, his face was almost pale.

The shock he had received was enough to shock him for the rest of his life.

My interest was also raised: "Did you see a line of bloody footprints when you got out of bed?"

"Does that mean that the thing that came out of your father's room came to your bed?"

Kou Shao shook his head: "I don't know, and I don't know."

"But there were indeed bloody footprints by my bed. Looking at the bloody footprints, it walked around me three times."

"The strange thing is that nothing happened to me. The next morning, I saw my father preparing breakfast for the first time."

"I was always on edge during the meal. After dinner, my dad went out, and I took this opportunity to open his room. I firmly believed that the blood on the floor that I saw that night was not fake."

"I was dumbfounded when I opened the room. The room was very ordinary. There were some antiques and jades on the shelves, and some books on the desk. Not to mention the blood, there was not even a bit of garbage on the floor."

"The chickens, snakes and other things that my dad brought in before were gone."

"This strange thing seemed to be just an episode in life. After this incident, nothing strange happened for two months. However, my dad still went into the room from time to time, and I didn't dare to disturb him again."

"This peace lasted until one month before my dad's sudden death. In addition to me, my family also has a younger sister who is in junior high school. My sister used to be the most attached to my dad."

"During the days when my dad was weird, my sister never dared to contact my dad. Of course, I reminded her. My sister was more curious about what happened to my dad than I was."

"So one day when I was not at home, my dad still locked himself in the room, and my sister was obsessed and opened my dad's door."

"No one knows what happened, and no one knows what my sister saw."

"When I returned home, I saw my sister lying at the door of my dad's room, and my dad's door was closed. I didn't know the situation for a while and hurriedly called to send my sister to the hospital. On the way to the hospital, I noticed five bloody handprints on my sister's neck!"

"My sister was sent to the hospital for rescue, and the hospital diagnosed that my sister was in a coma caused by acute brain injury. There was a large area of ​​necrosis in the brain, and my sister is still in a vegetative state."

"I rushed home to check the surveillance after thinking hard. I wanted to know what happened to my sister? It was only after watching the surveillance that I knew that my sister opened my dad's door."

"The surveillance clearly showed that my sister came to my dad's room and knocked on the door, but no one responded. My sister knocked a few more times and finally pushed the door open."

"The surveillance camera could not capture what my sister saw in the room, but it captured her horrified and frightened face. She stepped back stiffly, and the half-open door suddenly opened wide, and a line of bloody footprints appeared on the ground and walked towards my sister."

"My sister's neck seemed to be strangled by something, and she couldn't breathe until she fainted and was thrown to the ground."

"My father's door was closed again."

"After this happened, I deeply realized that there was a serious problem with my father or in his room, and I couldn't sit idly by."

"So I invited a Taoist priest, who was immortal and said that his methods were extraordinary. As soon as he arrived outside my house, he frowned and said that something unclean had entered my house."

"After that, the Taoist priest entered my house with a magic weapon in his hand and a yellow bag on his body. He rushed straight to my father's room. When he arrived at my father's room, he was stunned and didn't even look at the door. I saw that his hands were shaking."

"I saw that the Taoist priest was so abnormal, so I went up to persuade him to forget it. I didn't want to see anyone die. If someone really died because of this, I'm afraid I would have a guilty conscience for the rest of my life."

"Although the Taoist priest was trembling, he was full of confidence and excited. He opened the door with a yellow cloth bag and went in."

"After the Taoist priest went in, there was no movement inside, just the sound of footsteps from time to time. I lay on the door outside and eavesdropped but couldn't hear anything. The footsteps behind me stopped, and the door was opened half an hour later."

"It was the Taoist priest who walked out of the door. I looked over his shoulder and saw my father lying on the ground. The Taoist priest looked miserable. There were bloody handprints on his robe and his lips were pale."

"The Taoist priest came out and said that my father was possessed by a dirty thing, and that the dirty thing had been removed by him. After receiving the money, the Taoist priest left."

"From what you said,

"Mr. Kou really looks like he's possessed by an evil spirit." I couldn't help but frown.

I didn't expect so many things to happen to Mr. Kou.

The kind-hearted man's mood changed drastically, and he was even possessed by an evil spirit.

"Mr. Kou has returned to normal, but you said this happened a few days before Mr. Kou died. Does that mean that the Taoist priest failed to exorcise the evil spirit?"

Mr. Kou shook his head again: "No, it should be said that it was very successful. After the Taoist priest left, my dad woke up not long after. He regained consciousness and his temperament."

"My dad doesn't seem to remember anything about this period of time, and he has even less memory of my sister's affairs."

"After that, my dad often went to the hospital to see my sister, stayed in the store, and talked and laughed as before, but one night my dad suddenly knocked on my door, and his expression was very strange."

"That expression should be said to be indifferent, as if he had let it go, but his words were full of loneliness and the final breath of dying. He said earnestly that he must keep the coffin for seven days after his death, and the coffin must be kept In this place"

"Immediately bury him after seven days, not a day earlier or later".

"Different people must keep vigil every night during these seven days, and there must be no repetition".

"At first I didn't take it seriously, thinking that the old man was afraid of death, afraid of death, and wanted to arrange everything in advance. I comforted my father and let him go to bed".

'When I woke up the next day and wanted to put on my shoes, I found many bloody footprints beside my bed, but this time there was only one circle'

"And the screams of the nanny downstairs resounded throughout the building. When she went to call my father to eat, she found that my father was already dead..."

"The most ridiculous thing is that after being sent to the hospital, the hospital's test showed that my father died suddenly. Is there such a weird sudden death? ".

Mr. Kou laughed at himself: "This is what happened to my dad these days and what happened before he died."

"Now I regret not taking seriously what my dad said the night before he died. If I had cared more about my dad that night, or asked a few more questions, my dad might not have died inexplicably."

I sighed: "This is not something you can change. Mr. Kou knew he would die, and even you couldn't stop it."

"This kind of thing has happened many times in reality. Before dying, the elderly suddenly have a flash of light and arrange things, or look for their hometown like fallen leaves returning to their roots."

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