The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

I went upstairs with Kou Shao. The morgue was on the second floor.

I don't know if the morgue was reserved by Kou Shao or if the business of this funeral home was not doing well. It seemed that the only body temporarily stored in the morgue was Kou Lao.

Kou Shao pushed the door open and entered. Suddenly, an extremely cold air hit me.

I exhaled the warm air in my lungs after a few breaths. There were three people in the morgue wearing dark green military coats, all of them middle-aged.

Kou Shao said to those people: "Uncle, Second Aunt, let me take over. You go out to warm up and go back to rest."

The expressions of those people were not very good. I don't know if it was because of the cold or what, but there was a blue color on their faces.

The leading man nodded and led the others out.

Who would be in a good mood after staying in such a place for a night.

They left their military coats where they were, and Kou Shao picked them up and handed me one: "It's cold in here, wear it first."

"Okay," I simply put it on.

Kou Lao's coffin was placed in the middle of the morgue.

A simple mourning hall was built at the other end of the coffin, and Kou Lao's black and white portrait was placed in the middle.

The portrait just faced the door and also faced us. In a trance, I felt like I was being stared at by the portrait.

The body must not be left outside for seven days, it can only be placed in the morgue, otherwise the body will rot after seven days.

If the body is kept, the coffin is not nailed, and the coffin lid will not be closed, but a part of the gap between the head and the body is left.

Kou Shao was obviously much more depressed when he entered here,

Looking at the portrait for a long time in a trance.

I patted Mr. Kou's shoulder, and then walked around Mr. Kou's coffin, stopped at the head of the coffin, and could see inside the coffin at a glance.

Looking down, I happened to meet a pair of gray and lifeless eyes, a bloodless old face, and a shroud. It was Mr. Kou.

Mr. Kou didn't close his eyes...

I didn't do anything stupid to help Mr. Kou close his eyes. Mr. Kou was still there.

Who could stand putting your hand into someone else's father's coffin in front of others?

"Dongdong... Mr. Kou".

Someone outside the door shouted, "Woof woof... woof...", and there were dogs barking?

Mr. Kou opened the door wearing a military coat, and saw a few people standing outside.

Mr. Kou gestured, and the people came in.

The strange thing was that one of them was holding a black dog, one was holding a big yellow chicken, and the other was holding a glass box with a green snake.

"Mr. Kou, are you looking at these things right?".

Kou Shao explored around and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, these are the things. Give me the green snake and the black dog, and you can tie the yellow chicken at the door."


The three of them handed the black dog's chain and the green snake's glass box to Kou Shao and came to the door with the chicken to work.

I looked at the black dog and the snake and asked puzzledly: "What is this?".

Kou Shao suddenly remembered and said angrily: "I have told you all those things, but I forgot to tell you this."

"On the morning when my father died, there was a note in my father's hand holding his body, which contained his instructions."

"Not only did he have to keep the body for seven days, but he also had to find a black dog, a green snake, and a yellow chicken on the night of the seventh day. The black dog's chain was tied to the coffin, the green snake was placed in the coffin, and the yellow chicken was tied to the door."

'The person who keeps watch on the seventh day must be me or my sister'.

"When the cock crows, the people on guard must leave immediately. When the black dog barks, everyone must close their eyes and pretend to sleep. When the green snake bumps around in the coffin, close the coffin lid immediately."

"Black dog, yellow chicken, green snake?" I was stunned. I had never heard of such a way of keeping watch.

This was as strange and weird as the death of Mr. Kou.

Mr. Kou smiled helplessly and said, "I have seen all kinds of strange things these days. This note is in my father's hand. I must follow his wishes."

"You have been on guard for the first six days. Are you still afraid of today?"

"I will ask someone to send Mr. Zhang to the hotel later. I have to stay here to keep watch and I can't accompany you."

I left the coffin and took the glass box from him: "I will stay here."

"Although Mr. Kou's family members asked you to keep watch tonight, they didn't say that outsiders were not allowed to be there."

Mr. Kou: "Hey, how can Mr. Zhang be considered an outsider, but Mr. Zhang really has to keep watch here?"

"The temperature here is low, and it's unlucky."

"Aren't you afraid here? Relax, your dad also said that I am a person with great opportunities. You should be happy to have me accompany you.

Yes. "

Mr. Kou smiled, feeling relieved. If he had to keep watch all night alone, he would be really scared.

The strange things that happened before made him extremely afraid of his father, and now he would be even more afraid of the corpse.

The people outside tied the chicken to the door, and Mr. Kou tied the black dog's chain to the legs of the table supporting the coffin.

I opened the glass box, and the green snake went into the coffin by itself.

Each of them found a soft cushion and sat down in a dark green military coat.

The black dog was originally very irritable and barking, but it immediately became obedient as soon as it entered the morgue, lying next to the coffin in a listless manner.

Mr. Kou blew hot air into the palms of his hands, then covered his face, and asked:

"Mr. Zhang, what do you think of my father's death? Do you also think he died of normal sudden death?" .

"Do you think there is such a sudden death? Mr. Kou's death was very abnormal, and his will was also abnormal."

"The coffin was kept for seven days, black dog, green snake, yellow chicken...what does this mean?"

"I think something might happen tonight," I sighed, touching the knife box.

Mr. Kou shuddered when he heard this: "Don't scare me, I was already terrified."

"It would be unfilial not to follow my father's wishes, but it would be strange to follow them. I am in a dilemma. Now that Mr. Zhang is here, at least I have a backbone."

"I hope you will have a peaceful night."

Dinner was sent by Mr. Kou. We went out to eat a simple meal and returned to the morgue.

When we passed the door, the big yellow chicken waved its arms at us disdainfully and pooped, making Mr. Kou want to eat a big plate of chicken tomorrow.

I went back to the morgue and continued to keep watch in my military coat.

I looked at the black dog next to the coffin. The black dog's eyes were also dark.

It curled up in the shadow under the coffin.

From time to time, there was a sound in the coffin. The snake crawled and hissed.

I sorted out my thoughts. There was definitely something strange about Mr. Kou's death. It was too weird.

Mr. Kou's mood changed drastically at first, and then there were abnormalities in the room. Things that Mr. Kou and others could not see appeared frequently.

Mr. Kou returned to normal after the Taoist priest came. The Taoist priest said that there was no problem. Mr. Kou was possessed by evil spirits. After the Taoist priest exorcised the evil spirits, Mr. Kou returned to normal.

But it didn't take long for Mr. Kou to die suddenly.

Mr. Kou arranged everything the night before his death, and even wrote a note to ask Mr. Kou to do this.

What is the meaning of doing this?

The Taoist priest was a key figure in the middle, and Mr. Kou's instructions after his strange death were the result.

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