The old man was very angry, but he was still alive.

I suddenly asked, "Where did you find the Taoist priest Kou Shao who came to help Mr. Kou exorcise the evil spirit?"

Mr. Kou, holding his military coat tightly, was stunned for a moment and replied, "I didn't find him, he found me. I wanted to find him that day, and asked my friends to find some knowledgeable people, but I didn't find him yet."

"I met the Taoist priest on the way home. He grabbed my hand and said that I had encountered a strange thing, and my body was not clean, and my home was not clean either."

"At first I thought it was a charlatan, but then the Taoist priest said that something was wrong with my father, he was possessed by an evil spirit! Someone in my family was injured and hospitalized!"

"He told me everything about my family correctly, I thought I had met a master, so I took him to my house, and my father recovered, but he didn't last for a few days."

I had an inexplicable bad feeling in my heart,

Maybe I was too suspicious, I think there was something wrong with the Taoist priest!

The most questionable and frightening thing is whether the Taoist priest really removed the evil spirit from Mr. Kou?

What if the Taoist priest failed to remove the evil spirit and was eroded by the evil spirit instead?

Or, did the Taoist priest really go there to exorcise the evil spirit?

Mr. Kou was possessed by the evil spirit, sometimes he was sober and sometimes his temperament changed drastically, and he recovered after the Taoist priest went there.

What did the Taoist priest drive away? Was it the evil spirit or Mr. Kou?

After a while, I suggested: "Mr. Kou, find someone to investigate the Taoist priest."

"Maybe there will be some discoveries, there is something strange about the Taoist priest."

Kou Shao got some meaning: "Are you saying that my father's death is related to him?"

"The appearance of this Taoist priest is indeed a bit too coincidental. I remember that the Taoist priest said that he was from Jinjiagou, Qu County."

"Could it be a fake?"

After thinking about it again and again, Kou Shao hurriedly called someone to investigate.

If his father's death was related to the Taoist priest, he would never give up.

After the fight, Kou Shao was still a little panicked: "If the Taoist priest is really weird, wouldn't I kill my father............".

"Don't...", I was about to comfort him, when I heard the coffin next to me suddenly bang...bang...bang.

My pupils shrank, and Kou Shao's face turned pale: "The snake is really hitting the coffin."

"Kou Shao! Now is not the time to be surprised!", I knocked on the knife box and grabbed the bronze horizontal knife with my backhand.

Kou Shao immediately jumped up: "Yes, the green snake is hitting the coffin to close the coffin lid!".

"Close it!".

Bang... bang... bang... The green snake's banging noises became louder, making Kou Shao even more panicked. He accidentally fell on the coffin and didn't have time to feel the pain.

He lay on the coffin lid and pushed with all his strength to close the coffin lid.

After pushing several times, he shouted in panic: "I can't push it! This coffin lid can't be pushed!".

At this time, the green snake in the coffin was banging around in the coffin like crazy,

Bang bang bang...

It was hard to imagine that the noise was made by a snake.

Kou Shao tried his best again, but it was still difficult to push it at all. This was a strange thing.

The snake was banging inside, and a few snake scales flew out from time to time.

The dark green flames cut through the cold air, as if a ghost claw appeared out of thin air and grabbed the coffin.

I grabbed the coffin with my five fingers at the head of the coffin, and at the same time, I pushed the platform with one foot and suddenly retreated to relay.

Kou Lao's eyes turned up, as if he was staring at me.

Bang... Bang bang bang, wow..... bang!

The sound of the green vine hitting the coffin was suppressed in the coffin under the silent collision sound, and Kou Lao's eyes were completely blocked by the coffin lid.

Kou Shao sat down with a buttocks, panting: "I was scared to death, fortunately you are here"

"This is really strange?"

"You said that the snake suddenly hit the coffin, and the coffin lid couldn't be pushed. The coffin seller must have cut corners. He gave me so much money for such a rubbish coffin. I will go back to trouble him."

I shook my hands: "Don't be careless, I'm afraid it won't be too peaceful tonight"

"The green snake hitting the coffin is just the beginning."

Although we don't know what Mr. Kou's intention is, we can only do it now.

The black dog under the coffin looked at us silently. The restlessness just now did not disturb it at all.

Crackling... Crackling... Mr. Kou's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone and answered it. When he heard it, he showed joy:

"Have you found the Taoist priest?".

Mr. Kou looked at me and turned on the hands-free:

The other end of the phone: "Mr. Kou, I found my relatives in Qu County, and asked someone to contact the captain of the brigade in Jinjiagou, Qu County"

'Jinjiagou is

There is such a Taoist priest, and he is very famous. People from all over the country will invite him, and everyone calls him a half-immortal.'

Kou Shao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that the Taoist priest is not a fake, otherwise I would really be worried."

'I don't think the Taoist priest looks fake either'

The person on the other end of the phone continued: "But the Taoist priest has been dead for 20 years!"

Kou Shao's relaxed facial features suddenly froze, and gradually became ferocious. The already cold morgue became even colder, and there seemed to be something hidden in the dim corner.

The black dog under the coffin looked around.

I also subconsciously tightened the knife.

Kou Shao asked with difficulty: "What did you say?".

The person on the other end of the phone: "There is such a Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest died 20 years ago"

"He was famous before, a famous half-immortal, and many people still remember him now."

"Why are you asking me to inquire about a dead person?"

Kou Shao's fingers holding the phone turned blue due to lack of blood: "Are you sure?".

The other end of the phone: "My cousin is from Qu County, and his wife is from Jinjiagou. People in Jinjiagou know that the half-immortal is quite divine, but his life is short."

Kou Shao was speechless for a long time. He asked me in disbelief: "The Taoist priest I met some time ago has been dead for 20 years?'

"Is it a ghost or something? I actually found a non-human thing to treat my father?" .

I was silent.

I am used to not being surprised by this result.

It is better to say that this is in line with the strange things happening to Old Kou.

A person who has been dead for 20 years strangely appeared to treat Old Kou.

The death of Old Kou is closely related to the Taoist priest.

I leaned over and asked the other end of the phone:

"Have you found out how the Taoist priest died and where the body was buried? ".

The other end of the phone hesitated after hearing a strange voice, and Kou Shao urged him to speak quickly.

He said slowly: "We haven't found out where the body is buried, and it's hard to find out."

"We have found out how the Taoist priest died, and this is also a strange thing in Jinjiagou."

"It seems that the Taoist priest went on a long journey to Niuma Village to exorcise evil spirits, but when he came back, he was a corpse."

"Niuma Village!" This time it was my turn to be surprised.

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