The corpse collector said those words respectfully.

"We ordinary monks didn't take the corpse collector's words seriously, and Uncle Liao Yin didn't care either."

"But then a strange thing scared everyone. The dead body moved. She pointed at Uncle Liao Yin who was standing at the temple gate. Uncle Liao Yin's face was still pale until the corpse collector took the body away. He asked us to clean up the blood on the door, wash off the blood on the stone steps, and pull out the nails on the door."

"We were not allowed to tell Uncle Liao Guo about this. Uncle Liao Guo went out during the day and came back. Apart from the silence of the monks, he could not find any clues. When it was almost night, Master Le Yin did something, a wrong thing that caused him to lose his life! "

"Master Le Yin suddenly found Master Guo, and exchanged clothes with Master Le Guo under the banner of friendship. Master Le Guo always agreed to requests and would not refuse, so he exchanged clothes with Master Le Yin"

"So that day Master Le Yin wore Master Le Guo's clothes, and Master Le Guo wore Master Le Yin's abbot's robes"

"Not only that, Master Le Yin also exchanged meditation rooms with Master Le Guo."

I couldn't help but feel cold when I heard this. Master Le Yin was not under the banner of friendship. He simply wanted Master Le Guo to die for him!

He exchanged clothes and meditation rooms with Master Le Guo, and then with the similar faces of the two, it was like stealing the sky and changing the day!

The woman holding the child said nothing, but her face became more and more hideous, and she didn't even notice that she was holding the child too tightly.

The child cried loudly, his whole body was black and purple.

Even though he knew that the child was not human, he still felt sorry for him.

Jingchu continued to narrate: "Master Liaoyin and Master Liaoguo exchanged identities in an attempt to avoid the blood disaster, but he underestimated the resentment of the female donor."

"That night, the gate of Qinglong Temple was knocked for no reason. The monks who were guarding the door opened the door several times but no one was there. Then the weirdness filled the temple."

"A monk who went to the toilet fell in and drowned in feces and urine. Several meditation rooms caught fire innocently. The wall of the hall suddenly collapsed and killed the monks who were chanting scriptures... Some monks were dragged under the bed."

"Master Liaoyin, who was dressed as Guo, did not escape. He was hung on the ancient Buddha."

"When these strange things happened, I understood that we were wrong, very wrong!"

"Even our Buddha no longer protects us. The Buddha nature of us has long been lost. That night, there was no one alive in the entire Qinglong Temple."

"But Master Leguo, who was wearing Master Leyin's clothes, did not die. He was not there that night. An hour before nightfall, he was called by the people in the town to pray for the souls of the dead and escaped this disaster."

"When Master Leguo came back, Qinglong Temple was already in this miserable state."

"Master Leguo cried for a whole day, then he took Master Leyin off the ancient Buddha, found the bodies of the monks, and buried them one by one. He wiped the Buddha clean and repaired the temple bit by bit, even though there were no more pilgrims from then on."

"It's strange that the ghosts of me and other monks are bound here by our own sins, while Master Leyin's soul was directly shattered."

"From then on, Master Leguo always wore Master Leyin's cassock, changed his name to Yin, and stayed in Qinglong Temple for forty years with the word Leyin".

"This is all I know".

Jingchu took a long breath, and he felt relieved after saying everything.

I was also relieved, I guessed it right.

Mmd, he is either gambling or playing with his life all day long, there is not a single peaceful day these days.

The Le Yin I am pressing now, no, it should be called Master Guo.

Master Le Guo lived for forty years under the name of Le Yin, but Le Yin, who used the name of Guo, could not escape the blood disaster.

It is really ironic.

At this time, the woman holding the baby slowly stood up, her face expressionless, and she asked stiffly: "Are you Le Guo?".

I let go of the hand that was covering Master Guo.

Master Le Guo's voice was mixed with some tremors: "Yes... I am Le Guo...".

"My brother Le Yin committed an injustice that led to the death of the donor, and I can bear this debt!".

"In the past forty years, I have been repenting and chanting for the bloody case for forty years..."

"My brother is dead, and all I can do is to atone for his sins and ask for forgiveness to the donor on his behalf...".

Wuwawa.....wuwaaa........the sound of the baby in the woman's arms became weaker and weaker.

I frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong.

The woman said nothing, just listened to Leguo's confession.

Actually, this had nothing to do with Leguo. He forced himself to bear the sin of his brother.

My eyes were still on the baby. The baby's voice was almost gone. He struggled several times but was forcibly pressed back by the woman.

This is not like a mother.

I leaned close to Jingchu's ear and whispered: "Do you still remember how this woman died forty years ago?"

Jingchu looked bitter: "How could I forget?"

"The female donor was holding a baby, her whole body was pale, all the blood in her body was drained, and her resentful eyes stared at us."

"No, I'm asking about the baby in the woman's arms. Was there anything strange about the baby in the woman's arms forty years ago?"

"Baby? I remember that baby was the size of a palm... all over his body... on his neck... on his neck", Jingchu suddenly woke up: "Yes, there seems to be a dark blue scratch on his neck..."

I got goosebumps and poked him with my arm: "Is it like that?"

Jingchu looked up,

I saw that the woman's hand had moved to the baby's neck at some point, and that slender neck could be pinched with just a few fingers.

She gradually exerted force, and her fingers easily sank into the baby's soft, immature neck.

The baby's cry was weak and silent, and its last struggle was also weak and powerless.

I took two steps back, my face a little pale.

There are always rumors among the people that some ghosts will repeat their actions before death, reenacting their own death or some other behaviors again and again...

Finally, the baby was motionless in her arms, like a purple doll.

I cursed inwardly, the baby was strangled to death by herself forty years ago! It was not a matter of death at birth!

This old woman killed her own child before she died!

The woman did not react at all when her child died, and she still had that expressionless look.

Her voice was full of resentment: "I never thought about whether I killed the result or the cause"

"I just want to kill everyone in Qinglong Temple!".

Suddenly, an invisible hand grabbed my neck again and forcibly lifted me into the air.

This time, it was even more powerful than the last time, full of murderous intent.

I was wrong, fundamentally wrong!

I used to think that as long as Le Yin's identity was revealed, this woman's resentment would dissipate.

After all, Le Guo didn't know the whole process, let alone participate. He only found out afterwards. Wouldn't he be resentful for being killed like this?

But I underestimated the resentment of this woman. She never wanted revenge. What she always pursued was to kill everyone in Qinglong Temple!

Even Le Guo, who had nothing to do with the matter.

After her death, her body did not point to Le Yin at all, but to the Qinglong Temple behind Le Yin!

She strangled her child to death before she died. Whether it was because she didn't want her son to come to the world alone or what her mood was, this was undoubtedly an extreme!

She was so extreme when she was alive, let alone after her death.

I was so stupid to judge that her nature was good because she was saved by her kindness.

I actually wanted to solve the grudge of a ghost who had killed dozens of people. How could a ghost be understood by humans?

Now it seems that she is not going to let me go.

But fortunately, I still have one last trick.

I barely fumbled out my phone and took a look: "11:59..."

"Haha, my doom is coming."

"Let's die together!"

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