The backyard of Qinglong Temple

In addition to the crying babies and the wailing monks, there was also an inexplicable silence.

The woman holding the baby stared at me with blood oozing out of her eyes.

Instantly, the chill spread from my limbs and bones. This feeling was like being stared at by someone when walking at night, but you can't find that person.

I rolled my throat and still insisted on my conjecture: "Master Liao Yin died a long time ago. You killed him with your own hands forty years ago."

The woman immediately retorted: "Impossible!!!".

Me: "You didn't succeed forty years ago, right? You killed all the people in Qinglong Temple, but your resentment has not dissipated, which means that your main target of revenge is still alive."

"Forty years ago, there were two monks in Qinglong Temple, Le Yin and Le Guo, but you said that a monk with the name Le died, so it must have been you who did it."

"But how can you be sure that the one you killed forty years ago must be Master Le Guo? And not Master Le Yin?"

The woman's eyes suddenly became vicious: 'What nonsense are you talking about! '

I suddenly felt my neck tighten, and an invisible hand clamped my neck tightly, slowly lifting it up, and soon my face turned purple.

Even the bones in my neck made a creaking sound, and it might break in the next moment.

Even though I was almost out of breath, I still shouted with all my strength: "Look... look at the tombstone behind you!".

"Look carefully at the epitaph on it!".

The woman did not move her body, but simply turned her neck. The two words "Liao Yin" on the epitaph were as sharp as needles.

She did not turn her head for a long time.

Wuwawa...Wuwawa...The baby was still crying in her arms.

After she was distracted, my neck felt much easier, although I was still being held in the air.

This guess was almost a gamble. When I escaped last time, I accidentally saw Liao Yin worshipping his own tomb. Later, after I learned about the whole story of Qinglong Temple, I inexplicably had this absurd guess in my mind.

Maybe it was Liao Yin who died forty years ago, not Liao Guo.

But there is a contradiction in this, that is, the woman decisively confirmed that Liao Yin was not dead, which made the guess completely invalid.

But after coming to Qinglong Temple this time, this guess seems to be valid again.

Because I asked Jingchu about the two masters "Liao Yin and Liao Guo" on the road, and got a key piece of information.

Liao Yin and Liao Guo are twins, brothers!

They look 90% alike!

Le Yin and Le Guo also have great differences in character and Buddhist practice.

My conjecture based on this information is not untenable, and the key issue is shifted to Le Yin and Le Guo.

Whether it was Le Yin or Le Guo who died forty years ago, only the two of them know best.

Master Le Yin looked at me, shaking his head... and seemed to be sighing.

Gurgle... Gurgle...

The woman's head turned back mechanically, and she screamed in an extremely angry tone:

"Fake, it's fake!"

"Who is he, and who are you!"

The ear-piercing sound echoed in the courtyard, like a needle piercing the eardrum,

I was also thrown heavily to the ground, and my head hit the floor and I was dazed.

Master Le Yin said Amitabha, calmly and as if he accepted everything: "I am Le Yin, Le Yin is me"

"All the revenge and anger of the donor, I am happy to accept"

"Please let me atone for this."

I forced myself to wake up and hurriedly shouted to the woman: "He is not!"

Seeing that the woman was stubborn, I could only yell at Jingchu: "Jingchu, how long are you going to hide?"

"Do you really want Qinglong Temple to become a ghost temple?"

"You must know those things!"

Jingchu was originally in a state of confusion and panic, and he was frightened by my shouting.

He suddenly realized that tears were almost coming out.

He shouted in a panic: "Master Liao Yin is dead, please don't kill Master Guo again."

I was shocked and thought to myself that it was true. This Liao Yin is Liao Guo, and the Liao Guo who died forty years ago is Liao Yin!

Liao Yin's brain skin veins bulged, and he weakly scolded: "Jing..."

Wuwuwu....... He just said a word and I covered his mouth.

Master Liao Yin is just an ordinary person, and he has lost so much blood, so naturally he can't get rid of my hand.

I held Yin down while I pressed Huo Jingchu: "Keep talking!"

Although this may be a little unfair to Master Yin, it can save

Two lives, right?

I am selfish, but I just want to live.

Jingchu cried softly, "Master Leguo was not in the temple that night forty years ago. The abbot at that time was Master Leyin."

"That night, the female donor came to visit late at night, crying for help. Most of the monks in the temple heard it, and I heard it too."

"I was going to open the door. The Buddha said that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda, but Master Leyin stopped me."

"Master Leyin usually has a big difference with Master Leguo in Buddhism and ideological program. He believes that women should not be allowed to stay in the Buddhist temple late at night, and pregnant women with blood are not allowed to enter the temple."

At this time, the woman sneered and interrupted:

"If you give birth in the temple, wouldn't it defile the pure land of Buddhism? Qinglong Temple is a place of incense, not a bed for childbirth. How will Qinglong Temple deal with it if the news of the birth of a child in the temple gets out?"

"This is what he said to reject me. I remembered this sentence until I died!"

Jingchu was filled with guilt and didn't even have the courage to look at the woman. Compared to others, he knew the reason for the incident and was deeply tortured.

"We wanted to open the door to welcome the female donor in, but we couldn't beat the identity of the master's uncle. He comforted us that as long as we rejected the female donor, she would find another place or go down the mountain."

"But we really didn't expect that our move would kill the female donor. We almost stayed awake all night that night. The female donor knocked on the door and cried outside, and we were in great pain."

"After a few hours, there was no sound. We all thought the donor had left, but when we opened the door the next day, her body fell in."

"She was holding a newborn baby in her arms. When we opened the door, the baby was already dead. At that moment, we were all stunned and scared."

"It was hard to tell the bloody scratches of the donor from the original red paint on the vermilion door. The broken nails pierced the door. The pain can be imagined. The blood under the donor's body dyed the stone steps in front of the door red."

"The death of the donor is related to all of us. No one can escape responsibility. No one is innocent."

"Even if the donor died of dystocia and we cannot be held responsible, we know our sins in our hearts. It was Qinglong Temple that killed the donor and her child."

"There was also a corpse collector who saw this situation that day. He saw at a glance that the female donor's death was abnormal, and he said a few words respectfully."

"The resentment has penetrated into her bones, and she is not dead yet, and her soul is not in her body. She must be stained with blood."

"I don't know what happened? Your temple is about to be in great trouble."

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