The more I saw, the more I thought.

Jingchu's words stopped me completely, and it was difficult for me to move forward.

My eyes were still covered by Leguo.

But Jingchu's words were like needles, piercing my heart and awakening my mind!

Woman! He said there was a woman next to me, and I was following a woman?

What the hell is this kidding? There would be a woman in Qinglong Temple?

Isn't it Master Leguo who is next to me?

Leguo, who covered my eyes, shook me and said, "Don't listen!"

"Don't believe those nonsense, didn't I tell you not to pay attention to any sound?"

"The death calamity has begun, we must leave here quickly"

"The monks will block us for a while, let's go quickly."

Leguo behind me shouted in a weak voice: "Stop! Zhang Asi can't leave! You can't go with her!"

"She is your death! You will die!".

Jingchu echoed: "That woman is not right, Zhang Asi, leave her!"

"Come back quickly!".

Leguo beside me scolded; 'Go! Don't pay attention to these voices, she is lying to you! '.

At this moment, my heart began to conflict,

Who should I believe?

Leguo behind me, Jingchu insisted that Leguo beside me had problems,

But Leguo beside me asked me to ignore those voices, they were the ones who lied to me...

Who had problems?

When both ends were tormented, another voice interrupted.

"Child, come here! The things around you are not clean!".

It was the old lady in flowery clothes, or the woman holding the dead baby.

She should have disappeared, but why did she appear again? From the sound, she was beside me.

The old lady kept yelling:

"Child, come here! Can an old woman still harm you?"

"I have killed that old bald donkey Leguo. You and I have a destiny, so I will not kill you."

"Didn't you ask me to help you survive? Come here quickly, the things around you are not clean."

Leguo beside me hurriedly shouted: "Don't believe them, don't believe what they say, listen to me!"

"Follow me!".

Leguo grabbed my arm and pulled me forward. After walking two steps

Suddenly, my belt was pulled by someone

Jingchu ran behind me without knowing when: "Zhang Asi, come back quickly, don't you want to die?".

Another Leguo murmured behind me: "Master Zhang, don't you believe me? You saved my life, and I will save you even if I give up my life"

"You must believe me, and you must not go forward anymore."

Jingchu echoed anxiously: "Didn't you come here specially to ask for help from Master Leguo? If you don't believe in Master Leguo, how can Master Leguo help you?".

The old lady in flowery clothes came to my other side,

grabbed my other arm and tried to make me walk to the side

"Kid, I saved you, don't you still believe me?"

"I tell you, none of the people around you are human! If you go with that woman, even gods can't save you."

Leguo seemed to want to tear my arm off, and he desperately pulled me forward. It was hard to imagine that this was the strength of an old man.

Behind me, another Leguo and Jingchu grabbed my clothes and fought against Leguo.

My clothes couldn't hold up and broke...

The sharp nails of the old lady in flowery clothes on the other side pierced my flesh, and most of them were bleeding.

Who is real? Who is the evil spirit?

These are not human!

My brows were almost twisted into a ball, and I shook my arms in extreme irritability.

"Fuck, get out of here!!!"

My action not only failed to shake them off, but angered them instead.

Leguo, who had grabbed my hand, no longer wanted to take me away, but directly tore my arm.

The dry and sharp nails of the old lady in flowery clothes left countless deep scars on my arm,

The blood was dug out of several pieces.

Not to mention Leguo and Jingchu behind me, they pounced on my shoulders and bit them.

Just then


A loud and long bell sounded, which was a natural shock without any preparation!

The bell sounded reverberating........

And my disordered thoughts suddenly became clear, as if the whole person had eased from an extremely irritable state.

At the same time, Leguo, Jingchu, the old lady in flowery clothes, etc. around me disappeared inexplicably.

My vision was finally unobstructed,

but the right eye was burning hot, as if it was about to burn.

I covered my right eye and looked up to see Guo.


He was wearing the blood-stained cassock, and the knife wounds on his body were bleeding again because he moved.

The old monk held a bronze ancient bell as big as a human head in one hand,

and a black hammer in the other hand. The loud bell sound that woke him up came from this.

He was panting rapidly, and his hands like dead trees were also covered with blood.

The ancient bell was obviously not light and it bent the old man's waist.

He suddenly looked at me in horror and quickly rang the ancient bell again.


As the bell sounded, he also spoke.

His pale face caused by excessive blood loss turned solemn:

"Go... Go to the main hall! ... I'll block here"

"The monks can't bother her for long, go!".

Only then did I realize that he was looking behind me.

I turned my head slightly and glanced behind me.

The monks of Qinglong Temple sat cross-legged in a row, with their hands clasped together and their elbows crossed. I couldn't see their appearance clearly.

I could only see vague outlines. Their shadows looked like a high wall that could not be crossed at night! .

I gritted my teeth and ran towards the main hall. When I passed Master Guo,

The bloody smell on his body was not pungent, but it made people feel sad.

There seemed to be some earthworms crawling on the vague yellow halo of the windows in the main hall.

The door that was usually open was only opened on one side.

I quickly hid in. The moment I entered, I seemed to hear the screams of the monks behind me...

But now I can't stop.

After entering, my pupils couldn't help shaking. The whole hall was different from the last time I came.

The walls, windows, and even the floor were full of scriptures written in red cinnabar. I looked at the back of the main hall door behind me and it was also full of cinnabar scriptures.

The earthworms on the window were scriptures.

Several things on the cushion in front of the Buddha caught my attention first.

I walked over quickly,

My pupils suddenly dilated, and that weird right eye was burning like never before!

This is...


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