The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

"It's funny... I thought I was a half-immortal and a master. I ran to the Zhang family's ancestral tomb and tried to show my skills. After hesitating for a long time, I finally came up with a solution."

"But when I turned around, I found that I had died a long time ago and I had already lost."

"What's the point of talking about subduing evil? I didn't even see the face of the evil spirit, and I didn't even know when I was defeated." The half-immortal Taoist said sarcastically.

"The soul is separated from the body, the body is dead, the soul is still there, but the soul can't return to the body, and my final ending is just a lonely ghost."

"And it was at that time that I met Mr. Zhang Zhaozhang, and then I knew what a real half-immortal and a real master is."

"He seemed to have known that I had broken into the ancestral tomb, and his purpose of coming was to find me. He could see me as a ghost."

"Mr. Zhang only said one sentence: too naive."

"He stretched out his hand and restrained my soul, dragged my soul and slapped me into his body with a palm. The method he used was something I had never seen or heard of, and it was a miraculous skill!"

"After Mr. Zhang united my soul and body, he performed a spell on my body, forcibly trapping my soul in my body for fourteen days before it could wake up. Then Mr. Zhang sent me back to Jinjiagou with the art of driving corpses."

"Mr. Zhang made some tricks during the burial, and the real coffin was buried, and I was resurrected in another place fourteen days later."

"For this favor, Mr. Zhang has only one request, that is, let me come to Dachang City twenty years later to help a man named Kou Zhenghai."

"This is Mr. Zhang's kindness to me."

I turned the sword, and my eyes swept across his face from time to time.

The half-immortal Taoist priest broke into my ancestral tomb and was killed, but my grandfather saved him and asked him to come back to help Old Kou 20 years later for this favor.

But the result was inconsistent with what he said.

I said coldly: "According to your statement, you came to help Old Kou, but Old Kou died."

"Is this what you mean by help?".

"You and Old Kou's son said that Old Kou's problem had been solved. After you helped, Old Kou died a few days later. Don't you think it's contradictory to say this?".

The half-immortal Taoist priest laughed strangely: "You misunderstood, you are confused"

"Mr. Zhang asked me to help not to save him and save his life, but to let Kou Zhenghai die normally!".

"Let Old Kou die normally?" I really couldn't understand it. If Young Kou was here, he would probably have fought with him.

"My grandfather meant to ask you to help Old Kou die?".

The half-immortal Taoist priest: "Correct answer".

"You should have heard from the kid from the Kou family that Kou Zhenghai has been acting strange these days, and strange things often happen in the Kou family. That's because Kou Zhenghai has been possessed by evil spirits."

"Kou Zhenghai's temperament has changed drastically after the evil spirits invaded his body. The evil spirits are fighting with Kou Zhenghai for his body."

"More than 20 years ago, Kou Zhenghai mistakenly bought a raw stone from a large tomb. The raw stone was extremely resentful and hosted an evil spirit. When Mr. Zhang found out, Kou Zhenghai had already been killed by the evil spirit."

"Mr. Zhang locked up Kou Zhenghai's last bit of life and saved him by trapping the evil spirit in Kou Zhenghai's body."

"But this method can only last until Kou Zhenghai is 70 years old. At 70 years old, the evil spirits are difficult to suppress, and Mr. Zhang is already dead. The hidden dangers of Kou Zhenghai will naturally be dealt with by this Taoist."

Use ghosts to save people? I actually felt that it was somewhat similar to the Yin marriage contract.

The words of the half-immortal Taoist priest answered all of Kou Shao's doubts.

During the time when the half-immortal Taoist priest was not here, Kou Lao's temperament changed drastically.

Even Kou Shao and Kou Shao's sister did not dare to approach him, and he even walked out of the room with something they could not see.

After the half-immortal Taoist priest left, Kou Lao returned to normal, but he died a few days later.

If what he said is true, then it is shocking that grandpa has a long-term vision.

Grandpa saved the half-immortal Taoist priest to make a conclusion for what happened twenty years later, an unimaginable layout.

But looking at my current situation, it is not surprising that grandpa can make such a layout.

I further said: "If you remove the evil spirits from Kou Lao, Kou Lao should die of old age, so these words before Kou Lao died were ordered by you."

The half-immortal Taoist priest: "Correct answer."

"Kou Zhenghai knows his situation. He would rather die than have his body occupied by evil spirits. Therefore, this Taoist priest came to help him and told him what to do after his death."

"The coffin will be kept for seven days. The yellow chicken, green snake, and black dog are all used to ward off evil spirits. After the burial this afternoon,

Zhenghai can be buried peacefully".

I looked up at the coffin of Mr. Kou.

I haven't seen Mr. Kou since the incident in the old teaching building, so I don't know his situation.

Mr. Kou was dying, and it was my grandfather who kept him alive until now. Is his normal death the bloody disaster that my grandfather mentioned?

What Mr. Kou said about me was his destined person, which meant that I helped him die normally and witnessed Mr. Kou's burial.

The biggest gain of this trip was learning about my grandfather.

My grandfather was a corpse collector many years ago, and he was also a strange man with extraordinary means.

But such a strange man still couldn't change the Zhang family's affairs.

There is still one thing that is unclear, that is the truth that my grandfather said.

Is the truth he said just about Mr. Kou and him?

I tried to get some information from the half-immortal Taoist priest: "Did my grandfather leave any other words? ".

The half-immortal Taoist shook his head: "I have only met Mr. Zhang that one time, and I feel sorry for Mr. Zhang's death."

"I came here to repay the favor of 20 years ago and help Kou Zhenghai to the grave."

I stared at him for a while and found no signs of lying.

This man's identity can be confirmed to be the half-immortal Taoist of Jinjiagou, but is what the half-immortal Taoist said true?

The half-immortal Taoist must have talked with my grandfather,

otherwise how would he know about our Zhang family, and would not know the grievances between Mr. Kou and my grandfather.

From his expression, he respected and admired my grandfather very much, and there was no malice at all.


After that, the half-immortal Taoist called Kou Shao in and explained the matter briefly.

It was barely understandable, but Kou Shao couldn't accept it for a while.

During the day,

Kou Shao was going to the hospital to see his sister. I had a guess in my mind and took the initiative to ask to go with him,

But it was impossible to leave the half-immortal Taoist priest alone in the morgue with Mr. Kou.

I asked Mr. Kou to call some people to guard the morgue, mainly to monitor him.

Mr. Kou's sister is called Kou Yuyu. Since the accident, she has been lying in the nursing room like a vegetable.

Mr. Kou bought some flowers before he went. The nursing room was naturally the top one, accompanied by several nurses.

I followed him into the hospital. As soon as I entered the ward, the nurses went out sensibly, leaving only Mr. Kou and me.

Mr. Kou took the withered flowers out of the vase and replaced them with the flowers he had just bought, and I came forward.

On the bed was a young girl, who was extremely thin and had bones everywhere.

Various monitors were running next to her.

I was in a trance. Although the girl on the bed was much thinner than the girl in my impression, it could be seen that it was the same person.

The girl I saw in the funeral home in the early hours of the night was Mr. Kou's sister, Kou Yuyu!

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