The girl was so angry that she was lying on the ground.

That should be Kou Yuyu's soul. The soul was separated from the body, so Kou Yuyu became a vegetable.

I looked at the sick girl and stretched out my hand to comb her hair a few times.

After Kou Shao finished, he turned his head and saw me staring at his sister's face.

"Mr. Zhang...".

I took back my hand and pulled Kou Shao out.

Kou Shao didn't react: "Mr. Zhang...Mr. Zhang...what are we going to do?"

"Go back to the funeral home! ".

It's really hard to explain the soul thing. If I really want to explain it, there are too many things to explain.

But I think if I find Kou Yuyu's soul, I might be able to help her wake up.

Saving Kou Yuyu can be considered as repaying Kou Lao's kindness.

I asked Mr. Kou to drive faster and rushed back to the funeral home.

I ran to the place where I met her last time and saw that she was gone.

I searched around the funeral home again, but to no avail.

It's a good thing to see ghosts, but it's not a good thing to see too many ghosts. Last time, I mistakenly took Kou Yuyu as a lonely ghost.

Mr. Zhang, what are you looking for? ".

I sighed and said perfunctorily: "Nothing".

It's best not to take on too much responsibility before finding Kou Yuyu's soul.

If Kou Yuyu's soul cannot be found, or if it is found but cannot be saved, it will be resented.

When the sun sets this afternoon, Mr. Kou will be buried.

Mr. Kou has a lot of things to do today. He is indispensable at the cemetery and the funeral home.

It will be even busier after the sun sets. Mr. Kou will be buried in an hour or two.

During the day, the semi-immortal Taoist priest was quite calm. He stayed in the morgue without any other unnecessary behavior.

Kou The young man was not handling things upstairs.

There were still two hours before Mr. Kou was buried.

I found an excuse to run out and came to a corner of the funeral home.

I took out the small paper man from my backpack. The two cat's eye eyes of the paper man were bright and the virgin's long hair was still so black.

After checking that the paper man was intact, I looked at the middle finger of my right hand. There were a few long hairs on the middle finger.

At this time, I was in the ward and passed it down from Kou Yuyu's head. I was careful to deal with this situation where I couldn't find it, and used the method of nailing paper man to find the ghost.

I put a few long hairs on the middle finger. I tied a knot on the bamboo strip inside the paper man, looked at the night sky,

The sun has set, and I can nail the soul.

I took out the coffin nail and pierced the little paper man's forehead regardless of her pitiful eyes, and then put the paper man on the ground.

The cat's eye pupils were shining, and the paper man's short legs suddenly moved, dragging a head of black hair.

I followed it with a knife box on my back,

The paper man who can run by himself will be very attractive, as well as naughty children,

During the period, one or two naughty children wanted to catch the paper man, but I yelled them away.

When I met curious people, I told them this It is a new type of robot.

The little paper man ran for half an hour,

and finally stopped in front of a villa. It flexibly squeezed through the gap of the iron gate.

I also climbed over the wall.

There was no trace of people in the small villa, and there were no lights in many rooms.

I followed the paper man all the way and finally stopped in the small garden. The paper man hugged a slender leg. The owner of the leg was a girl sitting on a bench.

I came to the girl, picked up the paper man, pulled out the coffin nails, and said to her: "Kou Yuyu, aren't you lonely coming here by yourself? ".

Kou Yuyu turned her head and looked at me: "Can you see me?".

I tried to be kind: "I am your father's friend, I may have a way to save you."

Grandpa once saved the half-immortal Taoist priest whose soul and body were separated. The half-immortal Taoist priest may know some methods, at least to take Kou Yuyu back first.

Kou Yuyu lowered her head and said: "This is my home."

I looked around, it was expected and reasonable, otherwise Kou Yuyu would not come here.

Kou Yuyu: "There are terrible things here."

I nodded and looked in one direction instinctively. It was a room in the villa.

I felt a different atmosphere from that room. The cold and biting feeling could be felt as soon as I stepped into the villa.

I pointed to the room and asked: "Is that your father's room?" .

Kou Yuyu nodded.

I stared at Kou Yuyu and asked the question: "What did you see in your father's room at that time? Didn't you open your father's room? ".

Kou Yuyu's face suddenly panicked, she grabbed her skirt with both hands: "That's not my dad, he's not my dad!".

"I was in my dad's room and saw that my dad was not my dad.

, the person inside my father's body is another person".

"He seems to be two people, sometimes he is my father, sometimes he is not my father, he is worshipping a strange statue".

I think this is exactly the same as what the half-immortal Taoist said, Kou Lao was invaded by evil spirits,

and the evil spirits want to control Kou Lao's body, Kou Lao is fighting with the evil spirits for the body.

But Kou Yuyu said that Kou Lao was worshipping a strange statue?

And the strange atmosphere in Kou Lao's room.

It seems that I have to go to Kou Lao's room. Kou Lao's things always feel a little strange.

I said to Kou Yuyu carefully: "Go back to your body now, don't run around anymore."

After driving Kou Yuyu away,

I walked towards Kou Lao's room. Strangely, the door of the Kou family was not locked. It opened with a slight push.

And Kou Lao's room was also half-closed.

I carefully pushed the door open with a knife. The room was just as Kou Shao said before.

It was very simple and old-fashioned. The bookshelves were full of exhibits such as jade.

But there was one Something is not normal. Among the many jade collections on the bookshelf, there is a statue the size of a human head!

In the perspective line of the double pupil, the statue is a blood-red ball, and the inside of the statue is sticky scarlet blood!

I stared at the statue in a daze. What made me dazed was not the blood inside the statue, but the appearance of the statue.

The statue looks like my grandfather!

That is a statue of my grandfather.

What is going on?

Is Mr. Kou worshipping my grandfather on weekdays?

Mr. Kou was invaded by evil spirits 20 years ago. He was dying and his grandfather gave him a new lease of life. Twenty years later, a Taoist priest was instructed by my grandfather to get rid of the evil spirits and help him get rid of them. He also helped Old Kou to be buried normally.

Everything went smoothly, but what about this statue?

I saw something with my eyes fixed.

I took a step forward and looked at the stone statue.

It seemed as if my grandfather was bending over and looking at me, with dark eye sockets that looked eerie.

I reached out to move the statue away. The statue was very heavy. There was a line of words under the statue.

"If I die, then he lives!",

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