"If I die, then he lives!".

The amount of information in this sentence is simply explosive. I looked at the line of words and suddenly thought of something.

If nothing unexpected happens, this line of words should be left by Kou Lao. I died, and he lived.

Kou Lao was invaded by evil spirits and often lost control and lost his self.

Is the death mentioned here referring to the evil spirit? Or Kou Lao?

In my opinion, it is not Kou Lao who survived.

Isn't it obvious?

Kou Lao was lying in the coffin, and there were no signs of life. I also used my double pupils to see it.

Kou Lao was indeed dead. If Kou Lao was alive now, then he would definitely not be Kou Lao, but the evil spirit! .

There is another contradiction here, that is the half-immortal Taoist priest!

The half-immortal Taoist priest kept saying that he came here to repay my grandfather's kindness to him, and he came here to deal with Kou Lao's affairs according to my grandfather's instructions.

Kou Lao relied on evil spirits to prolong his life. Now that the evil spirits could not be suppressed, he had to expel them. The half-immortal Taoist priest came here for this purpose.

The half-immortal Taoist priest found Kou Shao and came to Kou Lao's room to expel the evil spirits. Then Kou Lao died normally, and then Kou Lao was buried.

In other words, the evil spirits should be expelled by the half-immortal Taoist priest.

If the evil spirits did not die, then the half-immortal Taoist priest was lying!

He did not expel the evil spirits, but Kou Lao!

He eliminated Kou Lao, who was fighting for his body with the evil spirits, so that Kou Lao's body was controlled by the evil spirits.

In this way, the sentence under the statue is established.

But when I peered at Mr. Kou's body with my double pupils, there was no trace of evil in his body.

In short, Mr. Kou's body cannot be buried for the time being, and it cannot be buried according to the arrangement of the semi-immortal Taoist priest. There are many suspicious points about the guy who did not die 20 years ago, and he cannot be easily trusted.

I immediately called Mr. Kou,

Beep beep beep...

Mr. Kou: "Hello, Mr. Zhang... Where are you? I'm looking for you."

I said very solemnly: "Where is your father's body?".

Mr. Kou: "Of course my father's body is still in the funeral home. Isn't it going to be buried later?".

Me: "Don't bury it, you must listen to me, don't bury it first!"

"There is something wrong with that Taoist priest!"

"If your father is buried, something might happen."

Mr. Kou: "Ah?......... Didn't the Taoist priest say it was for my father's good?"

"And that Taoist priest has a close relationship with the corpse collector from more than 20 years ago. Is there something wrong with him?"

"Didn't Mr. Zhang also say that he was alive?"

"I've been watching the Taoist priest, and he didn't do anything unusual. After all, burying him at night was my father's last wish..."

I took a deep breath: "Please believe me, you must believe me!"

"I won't harm Mr. Kou. Even if you want to bury him, you must wait until I get back. Don't bury him before I get back, and don't act rashly."

"Mr. Kou, please believe me!"

Mr. Kou hesitated for a while, and finally said in a deep voice: "Okay! I'll wait for you to come back, Mr. Zhang. Burial is not at this time."

"Since my father trusts you, I naturally trust you unconditionally."

"Come back as soon as possible, I'll wait for you. Before you come back, I'll keep a close eye on the Taoist priest."

Me: "Well, be careful of the Taoist priest!"

I was also ready to rush back to the funeral home immediately. I put down my phone. The statue on the shelf bent over and looked at me.

The eyes were sunken in the eye sockets. It was hard to imagine that a statue was so lifelike.

What made me feel weird was that the statue looked like my grandfather, and the blood inside the statue.

A statue was hiding blood, and Mr. Kou was kneeling all day. What kind of good thing was this?

Looking at the statue, I had the idea of ​​smashing it.

But when I picked up the statue, it was as if my grandfather came back to life and looked at me. The statue's face was very kind.

My eyes suddenly became cold, and I held the statue with my five fingers and smashed it to the ground.

Suddenly, the sticky blood inside exploded on the bookshelf, on the floor, on my clothes, and on my face.

Now is not the time to be soft-hearted to a broken statue.

I wiped the blood off my face,

I walked straight out, and when I reached the door of Mr. Kou's room, I couldn't help but be stunned,

because there was a line of footprints at the door of Mr. Kou's room

A line of clear, bloody bloody footprints!

I was a little bit mad instinctively, something just came to the door of the room!

There is a ghost in Mr. Kou's house.

The thing didn't go in, but was just at the door, just when I went to explore Mr. Kou's room.

This might be the invisible monster that Kou Shao and Kou Yuyu encountered.

I took off my sunglasses, and the four pupils worked at the same time.

They turned around in the bloodshot pupils, and it seemed that the pupils bound the four pupils.

They turned separately, and immediately found that

I looked at the stairs suddenly, knocked the knife box with my left hand, and rushed out first.

I reached back with my right hand and just caught the horizontal knife.

A turbid and translucent figure flashed by the stairs.

It realized that I saw it, and immediately ran upstairs across the corner.

Because I chased after it with a knife,

This did not look like a ghost. To Kou Shao or Kou Yuyu, it was transparent.

To the double pupils, it was translucent and turbid. Although it had a human shape, it did not look like a human.

When I chased it to the second floor, it was gone. There were still many bloody footprints at the stairs, but they disappeared when I reached the second floor.

This bloody footprint seems to be controllable, and leaving bloody footprints everywhere just proves that it has been here.

I endured the discomfort in my eyes and peeked at the rooms on the second floor one by one.

Soon my eyes locked on a room, and the dark green flames on my five fingers climbed up like maggots attached to the bones.

I kicked the door open and the room was pitch black, almost invisible.

It seemed that if you stepped into it, you would be swallowed by the darkness in the room. If someone hid in it, they would disappear.

The darkness has no effect on the double pupils. I looked straight at the wall, and the turbid figure was leaning against the wall.

"You have nowhere to escape, what are you?"

"What's the matter between you and Mr. Kou?".

I blocked the door and asked step by step with a knife.

The turbid figure shook a few times, suddenly turned around and hit the wall headfirst.

This made me stunned, suicide?

No, it was running away!

It passed through the wall, and the wall seemed to be non-existent and it passed through it easily, and it also escaped outside.

What kind of ghost thing can pass through the wall?

I was a little surprised, and immediately rushed out of the room to chase it. It passed through the wall and escaped outside.

I jumped directly from the balcony on the second floor, and found its trace again after a glance around.

It did not intend to leave the Kou family villa, but walked around the villa.

Its behavior logic is very strange?

But I don’t have time to go around in circles with it.

The double pupils are used together, so that its figure is firmly reflected in the pupils, and it is still allowed to pass through things, but what can it do if it can’t move? .

Beep beep... beep beep...

At this time, the phone rang, and I walked over and put a knife on its neck.

The other hand picked up the phone: "Hello".

It was a girl's voice on the other side, very familiar.

"Is this Mr. Zhang?".

"Are you Ma Lin?",

I heard that the caller was the female clerk in Mr. Kou's store,

Ma Lin breathed a sigh of relief: "Ah, I finally got in touch with you. Mr. Kou was looking for you like crazy."

"Fortunately, the store has the mobile phone number you left when you came to the store half a year ago."

I frowned: "Mr. Kou is looking for me? I just called him",

Ma Lin was stunned: "You called Mr. Kou? Impossible, Mr. Kou's phone was lost an hour ago."

The phone was lost? I realized something was wrong and asked quickly: "Where is Mr. Kou?".

Ma Lin: "Mr. Kou couldn't contact you, and he couldn't wait to bury Mr. Kou twenty minutes ago."

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