The old man was buried in a grave, but the old man was buried.

"Has Mr. Kou gone to bury Mr. Kou?" My fingers were too hard and lost color, and my face looked very ugly.

Mr. Kou's phone was lost more than an hour ago,

So it was not Mr. Kou who answered my call just now!

Mr. Kou was already on his way to the burial!

I said to Ma Lin solemnly:

"You go and stop Mr. Kou now, you must stop him no matter what, Mr. Kou must not be buried now!".

Ma Lin was very surprised: "Ah? I'm going to stop Mr. Kou? Isn't Mr. Kou going to bury him today? Why do you want to stop Mr. Kou?".

Me: "I don't have time to explain this to you. Go and stop Mr. Kou right now. If Mr. Kou is buried today, something might happen."

"There's no time. Go quickly. I'll rush over too."

Ma Lin gritted his teeth: "Okay, I believe you!"

After hanging up the phone, I turned my gaze back to the turbid figure.

I tried to ask it: "What are you?"

"What is your relationship with that half-immortal Taoist priest and Mr. Kou?"

The turbid figure didn't even have a face.

It was just a simple translucent human outline. It was shaking but didn't show any signs of speaking.

My eyes turned cold, and I grabbed its neck with green flames burning on my five fingers. The sizzling white smoke occurred at the same time as its struggle.

The strange thing was that it didn't move at all. It just felt pain and struggled.

Soon it became more transparent under the soul flame, and it had completely dissipated when I stopped.

Very weak, even worse than a ghost, but it can penetrate physical objects,

But it seems to have no thoughts. Such a thing is very scary to humans, but it is not a problem for those who know it.

Now I am sure that there is something wrong with the half-immortal Taoist priest!

It was it that knocked on Mr. Kou's door at night, left footprints beside Mr. Kou's bed to scare him, and it was also it that strangled Kou Yuyu to death.

It is impossible for the half-immortal Taoist priest to not see this guy when he came to the Kou family villa. After the half-immortal Taoist priest dealt with Mr. Kou,

It is still there. If the half-immortal Taoist priest really wants to do good for Mr. Kou, he will not turn a blind eye.

There is only one possibility, the half-immortal Taoist priest is in the same group with this turbid human figure.

After dealing with this thing,

I ran towards the exit of the villa without hesitation,

Just a few steps away, the phone suddenly rang. Is it Ma Lin? .

I picked up the phone with a frown on my face: "What happened?"

Ma Lin stuttered: "I caught up with... Mr. Kou"

"I just ran into Mr. Kou walking back..."

Suddenly, someone changed on the other end of the phone.

Mr. Kou's panicked voice came urgently: "Mr. Zhang, something bad has happened."

"My dad is gone!"

I was stunned and asked back: "Didn't your dad die a long time ago? Didn't you go to bury your dad?"

Mr. Kou was panicked and incoherent: "Oh... No... That's not what I meant... It's... My dad is missing!"

"My dad suddenly disappeared!"

"The burial place is not far from the funeral home, I can't find you, and the Taoist priest kept saying that the time has come, the time has come, so I had to go and bury my dad first."

"When we got to the burial site, something strange happened. The Taoist priest who was sitting in the car disappeared at some point. I didn't take it seriously. The place was very gloomy and I was scared. I just wanted to bury my dad quickly and then run back."

"I and the hired men put my dad's coffin in the pre-dug grave. Suddenly, a bunch of crows appeared from nowhere and circled and screamed in the sky."

"Then a gloomy and strange wind blew and we couldn't open our eyes. When the wind died down, I found that my dad's coffin lid had moved."

"I quickly opened it and saw that my dad in the coffin was gone. The Taoist priest was lying inside!".

'The scary thing is that the Taoist priest is dead. The Taoist priest who was alive not long ago suddenly died in my dad's coffin, and my dad disappeared! '

"My dad disappeared alive. I was looking for him everywhere, and I hurried back to see if Ma Lin had contacted you."

I closed my eyes to process this chaotic and suspenseful content.

Finally, Mr. Kou was buried.

But the result of the burial was unexpected. Mr. Kou disappeared, and the Taoist priest was lying in the coffin instead?

What is going on?

Mr. Kou is already dead, how could he disappear out of thin air?

Instead, the half-immortal Taoist priest died in the coffin.

Where did Mr. Kou go?

Half-immortal Taoist priest

He was already dead in the coffin, so it was impossible that the half-immortal Taoist priest stole Mr. Kou's body.

I tried to delve into some details: "When you went with the half-immortal Taoist priest, did the Taoist priest behave strangely?"

Mr. Kou: "No, it was just a few minutes. The Taoist priest was still sleeping in the car with his eyes squinting. When I got off the car, I turned around and found that the Taoist priest was gone. Damn, it was like seeing a ghost."

"My father's body is gone, and the Taoist priest is lying in my father's coffin. I have never seen such a strange situation in my life."

As he was talking, Mr. Kou's voice suddenly disappeared. I only heard him seem to be asking the people around him. What did he say?

A minute later, Mr. Kou stumbled and said: "Zhang... Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang... I..."

I was tired of listening, and urged urgently: "What's wrong? Tell me, it can make people anxious to death."

"What news did you receive? Did the Taoist priest come back to life or did your father's body get found?"

If it was the half-immortal Taoist priest who came back to life, it wouldn't be strange at all.

After all, the half-immortal Taoist priest died twenty years ago, came back to life, and then lay in the coffin again. It was very strange.

Mr. Kou took several deep breaths, and his words were still stuttering, but he could barely form a sentence:

"Something happened... something happened... After my father disappeared... I sent people to look for him... I just received news."

"My father... my father... he is alive!"

"Someone... saw my father on the street. My... my father is alive and walking on the street!"

I am not very surprised by this situation. It would be abnormal if nothing happened.

I just feel a little confused: "You said your father was walking on the street?"

Mr. Kou: "Yes, it was... on the street. My father was not only alive, but also... walking home."

I suddenly woke up with a start: "Wait, what did you say?".

Mr. Kou was stunned and didn't stutter, just afraid: "My dad is walking home, he also took the bus, the direction of the bus is my home."

"I saw that man at the platform near my home five or six minutes ago, and he should be home now."

My heart contracted blood and my face was less red. I pondered that sentence over and over again,

Mr. Kou is alive and walking home!

There is no one else in Mr. Kou's home now, only me, which means that Mr. Kou came to find me!

Mr. Kou, who was supposed to be buried, suddenly came back to life and ran back home.

The most terrible thing is that I am now at Mr. Kou's home.

When I was shocked, there was a knock on the door outside the villa,

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Someone was banging heavily on the big iron door of the villa.

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