The old mansion was still full of tears.

Grandpa was still talking about the Zhang family's ancient house meaningfully

"Although I am a remnant soul and don't remember much about the Zhang family's ancient house, the Zhang family's ancient house is definitely a big secret, and there are things that cannot be told"

"The ghost in human skin ran away from the Zhang family's ancient house. You killed the ghost and made up for the Zhang family's mistakes, but it is not enough, far from enough."

He looked at me with full concentration and said:

"A Si, you must go, you must go to the Zhang family's ancient house!"

"The Zhang family's ancient house is waiting for you. Only you can enter that place. The Zhang family has been waiting for you."

"In order to get to the Zhang family's ancient house, everything can be completely ended. The ghost marriage contract, the Zhang family's misfortune, the Zhang family's cause and effect, only when you go there can everything be resolved. The Zhang family has been waiting for you!".

I judged calmly and said slowly: "I have been to the ancestral tomb and was warned."

"Do you know what I saw when I looked at the ancestral tomb with my pupils? Scarlet! It was all scarlet liquid like blood!"

"I was warned many times at the ancestral tomb, and they told me to get out!".

Grandpa shook his head calmly: "No, the time is wrong"

"To enter the Zhang family's ancient house, certain conditions are required, there is a specific time, the right time, and the opportunity is three days later! You need to go to the ancestral tomb at twelve o'clock three days later!".

"Only then can the ancestral tomb be dug up and enter the Zhang family's ancient house. They are waiting for you!".

I wondered: "They? Who are they?".

Grandpa: "The people of the Zhang family, the people of the Zhang family's ancient house, they are all waiting for you".

I tapped my fingers on the sofa, my pupils looked in different directions, and finally landed on Grandpa:

"So, Grandpa, in addition to telling me some things, the main purpose of your resurrection is to let me go to the Zhang family's ancient house."

"Grandpa, you are from the Zhang family, and our family is just a branch derived from you after you separated from the Zhang family."

"The real Zhang family's ancient house is in the ancestral tomb, so it can be said that Grandpa, you also came from the ancestral tomb."

"I have investigated our family. Niuma Village has existed for a long time, and Grandpa, you seem to have appeared in Niuma Village out of thin air, but the strange thing is that no one doubts you, the interval, as if you have always been in Niuma Village."

Grandpa was stunned, he kept silent: "I am just a remnant soul, I don't know about this, my memory is not comprehensive."

"I can't answer this question."

I didn't get an answer, but I didn't get angry and continued to ask:

"You just want me to go to the ancestral tomb, why don't you use the method of dreaming, but go to so much trouble."

Grandpa said helplessly: "It is not easy to send you a dream. The more dangerous the message is, the more difficult it is to convey the obscure information. The information about the Zhang family's ancient house involves a big secret, which cannot be conveyed by dreams."

"I don't know how much effort it takes to send you a dream each time. You also know how long the interval between the first and second dreams is."

"Otherwise, how could this back-up be left behind."

"A Si, remember, you are from the Zhang family. You must go to the Zhang family's ancient house."

I blocked my ears impatiently: "Don't mention the Zhang family."

"Aren't you curious about my mother and sister?"

"They only have a little soul left, and the damage is so severe that even the soul flame can't repair it."

"The whereabouts of their physical bodies are still unknown."

Grandpa's eyes swept across the incomplete paper man in my hand: "The cause and effect owed by the Zhang family, as members of the Zhang family, they can't escape."

"This is their fate."

"But they can still be saved. The people in the Zhang family's ancient house have a way to repair their souls."

As he said this, he stared at me enthusiastically: "Not only them, but also the ghost marriage contract. Ah Si, didn't you say that you have promised her? The Zhang family's ancient house has a way to help you survive the death crisis!".

"They can explain why you can take away the ghost's characteristics."

"Now I have a suspicion that the ghost in human skin may not be dead but hiding in your body, but you don't know it."

"This is a big hidden danger. Ah Si, you are a human, how can you be like a ghost? The people in the Zhang family's ancient house have a way to solve your physical problems, and they can let you return to normal life."

"Go to the ancestral tomb and dig it up in three days!"

Ancestral tomb... Ancestral tomb... Ancient house... Ancient house... I leaned on the sofa and murmured with my head raised,

Grandpa's first dream made me leave the ordinary life,

The second dream saw the resurrection of the dead again, and the purpose was to make me dig up the ancestral tomb?

Is the Zhang family a big hidden family hidden in the tomb?

I suddenly said, "Grandpa, can I trust you?".

Grandpa was puzzled by this, his eyes were full of kindness; 'A Si, what nonsense are you talking about?'

"Silly child, everything Grandpa does is for your own good, otherwise why would I risk my life to extend your life with a ghost marriage contract."

"Grandpa is the only one who will never harm you, do you suspect your family?"

"Yes, how could my family harm me, I am so stupid", I smiled.

Grandpa's residual soul knows very little information, after all, his purpose of borrowing a corpse to come back to life is to ask me to go to the Zhang family's ancient house and dig up the ancestral grave.

Even if it is a residual soul, the blood connection and affinity in the blood will make people open up.

I talked to my grandfather about family matters, about what happened after his death, and about my father.

The residual soul did not have much impression of my father, but only remembered that my father was a simple man who did not know any magic.

He could only pick up a hoe to farm, and he was a man of straightforward and stubborn character. Otherwise, he would not have dug up the ancestral grave in a fit of anger.

Although I knew that my grandfather's main soul would not know what I talked about with the residual soul,

I still couldn't help but say what I wanted to say all the time.

Because this is a long-lost family member,

Since leaving my mother and sister, there is no one to talk to, and now I can finally speak out.

The residual soul of my grandfather is not so intelligent, and most of the time he just listened to me, and his incomplete memory always spoke vaguely.

Time passed quickly in the focused conversation, and before I knew it, the night was almost over.

During this time, Mr. Kou made another phone call, which I perfunctorily ignored.

The sky outside the window was glowing with yellow light, and the night was like being blended into other colors of ink.

The exclusive black gradually faded, swallowed up and blended with other colors.

The slightly yellow glow quietly deepened its color, and a touch of startling wine red shyly revealed its outline.

In the dimness, the hideous branches and leaves broke free from the shadows and looked forward to something.

Grandpa looked outside and sighed vaguely, unable to tell whether it was regret or reluctance.

He said desolately: "It seems that the time has come, my time is coming."

"It is a blessing that I can survive for one night by borrowing a corpse to revive, but meeting you, Ah Si, and telling you about the ancient house is also a mission completed."

"Ah Si, you must be obedient."

"Remember that you are a member of the Zhang family, and only you must go to the Zhang family's ancient house."

"Grandpa died when I was born. It was Grandpa who saved me. You gave me my life."

"I have always hoped to see Grandpa. I can talk with you all night tonight. My heart knot has been untied a lot. Goodbye, Grandpa." I stood up and looked at the morning light, my eyes narrowed slightly.

I turned my head and looked at Grandpa and shouted: "Grandpa."

"Yeah," Grandpa pulled his thoughts out of the beautiful sunrise and looked at me. His aging body, slightly bathed in the morning light, was neatly presented in four pupils.

The pupils were amazing, creepy black, amazingly weird.

He saw that he was still in those four pupils, and he couldn't get his mind back even if the four pupils turned.

The whole person seemed to sink into it.

Wow! The air was torn apart with a sharp sound,

The green shadow did not carry the morning light at all, but instead quickly broke through the morning yellow with heavy weight.

He saw it,

In those four pupils, he saw Kou Zhenghai's head thrown high,

The scarlet flower bloomed, wantonly showing its blood-red petals, countless blood flowers flew, coloring the living room.

The luster of the gray pupil faded, the skin color faded, and the eyes were still absent-minded.

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