The watermelon-like object rolled to the ground along with the sticky liquid, and the wound was still oozing blood.

The pair of gray pupils looked at me absentmindedly, questioning? Unbelievable?

The bronze horizontal knife swung lightly, and the blood beads left on the blade poured out a blood line.

I went forward to pick up my grandfather's head, or should I say Kou Zhenghai's head.

After wiping the blood off my face, I put my head on the table and looked at Kou Zhenghai's body.

In the vision of the double pupils, an almost transparent body broke away from the broken body.

Although the figure was almost transparent, it was clear that his old face was my grandfather.

The bronze horizontal sword hurt the grandfather, who was already a remnant soul, even more severely.

It seemed that he would disappear in the next second.

Grandpa looked at the crime scene and shouted in shock and anger: "Zhang Ah Si!".

I stepped forward and covered the grandfather's mouth.

Then, in the panic and disbelief of the grandfather's eyes, I pulled open this almost transparent body.

Just like tearing open a plastic bag, the body first wrinkled, and then cracked where the force was applied.

Finally, the grandfather was torn open by me, floating in the air like a piece of clothing, and one finger had begun to dissipate.

The soul that should have dissipated was exacerbated by my few moves.

Before this remnant soul dissipated, I pulled the grandfather open with both hands.

The whole person flexibly gradually drilled into the body. It was obviously the first time, but it was so skillful.

The remnant soul of the grandfather had no ability to resist. He stared at my actions in horror, and his mouth moved: "Zhang... Zhang...".

This is a very strange feeling, as if I was wearing a transparent dress.

The moment I entered, the picture-like memory fragments rushed in all at once, without considering the brain's ability to bear it.

It felt like a lot of things were forced into my head.

Although it was a remnant soul, his memory fragments were also short and there were many of them. The remnant soul was disappearing, and those memories were also disappearing.

I must hurry up and sort out these memory fragments in a very short time to find useful memories.

Half a minute later, the illusory skin on my body finally couldn't hold on and dissipated in the soft morning light.

A voice lingered in my ear and disappeared.

"Ah... Four...".

The blood vessels on my forehead were exposed and bulged from time to time. I searched for memory fragments from the remnant soul's memory that were more or less incompatible with my memory.

A few minutes later, I opened my eyes and couldn't help laughing at myself.

The memory of this remnant soul is very incomplete and intermittent, but there is only one memory fragment and one idea that is clear, which is to let me go to the Zhang family's ancestral tomb and the Zhang family's ancient house.

The other memory fragments have almost no information. He doesn't know Ma Qing's identity, and he doesn't know why Li Youyou is in the red evil box.

His main idea is to drive me to the ancient house, which seems to be able to solve my problems.

It is indeed a remnant soul, and the memory fragments are pitifully incomplete. I only collected this information in a very short time.

In other words, this remnant soul did not lie to me. Although the intention is obvious, the words are true.

I suspect my grandfather's remnant soul and have doubts about him. I want to know more,

so I cut off my grandfather's body and put him on as a ghost skin.

Is there any sense in doing this?

Anyway, I can't accept a normal ending, a peaceful farewell. Grandpa tried hard to come back to life. He advised me at night,

Let me go to the Zhang family's ancient house. I was shocked, happy that grandpa appeared, and obeyed his orders honestly, waiting until dawn to stage a touching separation between grandparents and grandchildren?

What a joke?

Why should someone drive my behavior? Why should I be pushed to act?

What qualifications do they have to order me?

I have no reason to obey anyone's instructions, and I don't want to be pushed.

Go to his Zhang family, go to his Zhang family's ancestral tomb!

Let someone else play this game, I won't accompany you.


I called Kou Shao, and he came over soon.

He carefully poked his head at the door, and after making sure there was nothing unusual inside, he came in little by little.

After he pushed open the door to the living room, he was stunned. He stared at the body on the ground with his eyes wide open. It was his father's body, and the head was on the table.

The body and the head were separated?

"Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang... What is this?"

I pinched my eyebrows and said without any guilt: "Ko

The old corpse has transformed. I fought hard all night before I killed it."

"You should have heard that if a corpse transforms, it will definitely seek revenge on its relatives first. I had a hard time stopping Mr. Kou."

At first, Mr. Kou found it a little difficult to accept, after all, his father's corpse was destroyed.

When he heard this, he immediately expressed his gratitude: "Thank you Mr. Zhang for saving me"

"Well done, well done."

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