The funeral procession was a mess.

Major Kou and I sent Mr. Kou's body back to the funeral home for the undertaker to sew up the body.

We never let Mr. Kou's body be separated and buried.

I feel a little embarrassed to see Mr. Kou when I talk about this.

My grandfather used Mr. Kou's body to revive, and I cut off Mr. Kou's head.

What's more, I still owe Mr. Kou a favor, and I can't repay my apology to him now.

The undertaker's suturing technique is very skillful, but the sutured hole can still be seen.

Major Kou and I simply reburied Mr. Kou, and the matter was settled.

On the way back, Mr. Kou pointed to his dark circles and said:

"Mr. Zhang, look at my dark circles. I didn't sleep all night."

"Too many strange things happened last night. First, my father's body could not be found, and then my father suddenly came back to life and walked towards home. Fortunately, I was not at home, otherwise I would have been scared to death."

"But why are we going to the hospital?"

I paused and said, "I'm going to see your sister."

After saying this, the car was quiet for a while. Mr. Kou turned around and looked at me with suspicion and a little hostility:

"Mr. Zhang... Sheng... My sister is not yet mature..."

"I went to see if there is any way to wake her up", I twitched the corner of my mouth and quickly blocked his next words.

"Oh, so that's the case", Mr. Kou scratched his head and wanted to jump out of the car in embarrassment.

"I was just about to ask you if you have any solution? After all, you are so powerful."

"Let's go and see first."

I naturally couldn't tell him that your sister's soul was in the hospital.

I think there should be some way to deal with Kou Yuyu. In the fragmentary memory of my grandfather's residual soul,

I saw the method used by the semi-immortal Taoist to transfer my grandfather's residual soul. If I imitate it, I may be able to save Kou Yuyu.

Kou Yuyu was frightened by the evil spirit created by the semi-immortal Taoist and her soul left her body. She is still in good health and it won't be too difficult to go back.

After arriving at the hospital,

I walked into the room quickly. The thin little girl was lying quietly on the bed, and the instruments around her beeped from time to time.

I glanced around and didn't see Kou Yuyu.

At this time, several nurses in the room surrounded me.

Fortunately, Kou Shao also caught up. He let these nurses go out with a few words.

And my left eye pupil turned, and in Kou Shao's strange eyes, I opened the door and looked behind the door.

Kou Yuyu curled up behind the door, looking at us in fear.

I squeezed out a trace of tenderness: "It seems that you have listened and stayed here."

Mr. Kou was at a loss: "Mr. Zhang, who are you talking to?"

"Your sister," I said casually.

Mr. Kou's eyes widened. Why did Mr. Zhang curse?

Suddenly, I thought, Mr. Zhang said he had a way, is it really my sister behind the door?

Thinking of this, he quietly hid behind me.

I pulled the little girl out and led her to the bedside. Seeing herself in a vegetative state, Kou Yuyu was not feeling well.

"Mr. Kou, please close the curtains. You go out first."

I go out? Mr. Kou looked at her sister, then at me,

Finally, he closed the curtains and went out.

Kou Yuyu lay on her body, and I stood by the window and pulled out the bronze horizontal sword.

I reminded her: "It will hurt a lot later, but it will be quick. Just bear with it."

"Yeah," she nodded fearfully. After all, the bronze horizontal sword is almost a nemesis for her.

I adjusted my position and swung the bronze horizontal sword.

I swung it down suddenly, and the dark green back of the sword hit Kou Yuyu's back of the head.

She couldn't help but scream in pain, and her body became illusory, but she was hit into her body.

It might be risky to use a magic weapon to hit the soul back, but the effect is certain.

Soon Kou Yuyu's eyelids trembled, like a butterfly spreading its wings, and suddenly a pair of pure eyes appeared, with a look of surprise.

She tried to move her body and adapt to her body little by little.

"I...I'm back..."

Mr. Kou, who had been eavesdropping, heard his sister's voice and rushed in immediately. Seeing that his sister woke up,

he was very surprised: "She woke up...really woke up!"

"Mr. Zhang, you are simply a god!"

"Well, it's good that she woke up", I put away the bronze horizontal sword and walked outside.

"Mr. Zhang... Mr. Zhang... where are you going?" Kou Yuyu called me from behind.

Mr. Kou was also confused: "Mr. Zhang, what are you going to do now? I have to thank you later."

"You have helped our Kou family so much, how can I not thank you?".


I continued to walk out, saying without looking back:

"This is my repayment for Mr. Kou's kindness, don't worry about it, and don't worry about me either"

"We'll see each other again in the future."

Mr. Kou wanted me to stay for a day or two, but how could he stop me? I could find any excuse to fool him so that he couldn't find his way around.

After leaving the hospital, I stood in the flowerbed under the hospital for a while,

thinking about where I should go?

I didn't want to get involved in the Zhang family's affairs anymore, nor did I want to follow the instructions to go to the ancestral tomb.

Fulong Mountain might be a good place to go, and it could also return my Chongtong,

but there was the prophecy of the Red Evil Yansheng Box before. Fulong Mountain is not safe for me,

and half an hour ago, the two Hu Taoist priests sent me a message

[Don't go back to Fulong Mountain! Don't go back to Fulong Mountain! I don't know if you are the real Zhang Ah Si, or a ghost in disguise, but I am willing to believe that you are a human, and others may not. Fulong Mountain has become suspicious of you, don't come back! . If I come back, it's not just about investigation and torture. Anyway, be careful of the people in Fulong Mountain, be careful of the people in the industry! Be careful of the people from the nine families of Longmen]

There is a red evil box in front and two Hu Taoist priests behind, so I can't go to Fulong Mountain.

If I go back to Niuma Village, it will be just what Grandpa and the Zhang family want.

I feel like a stray dog, with nowhere to go and not accepted everywhere.

Maybe waiting for the death of No. 14 is my fate.

I wandered around aimlessly, eating when hungry, and then continued to walk around until night,

I felt tired and sleepy.

The place I am in now is very remote,

I had to take a taxi. The driver was a man in his thirties.

After I got in the car, I greeted the driver and asked him to look for a hotel, and I dozed off in the back seat.

The window was opened a crack, and the cool night wind whistled into the car. It didn't feel noisy or harassed, but it helped me sleep.

The road was not smooth, but the driver was a good driver.

Even if the road was bumpy, the driver would speed up and slow down appropriately so that the car would not turn over.

The taxi stopped soon.

The driver shouted, "Guest, we've arrived."

I leaned against the door, drowsy, and didn't even bother to raise my eyes: "Master, do you think a mass grave is a place to sleep?".

"I want to find a hotel, and you dragged me to a mass grave full of graves. It's not very kind."

The master stayed silent for a second or two without saying anything.

Suddenly, a silver light appeared in the car, as fierce and fast as the fangs of a poisonous snake.

The taxi driver stabbed me with a dagger.

I was prepared and grabbed his wrist, holding his skin with five fingers. The green and strange soul flame burned him and he screamed and threw away the dagger.

The body suddenly leaned forward and his shoulder hit the seat. I grabbed his head and made it hit the steering wheel heavily.

One, two, and he lost consciousness on the third time.

After letting go of my hand, I opened the door and got out. The taxi arrived at a wasteland.

Graves were everywhere, and there were even naked bodies. Dead trees were scattered here and there, looking hideous in the dark night. In the distance was an endless dark forest.

I waved my hands and shouted to the surroundings: "Come out, you have been following me for so long."

"I have to give you a chance, right?"

Da... Dead leaves were broken, the soil was rustling constantly, and a dark shadow crawled out of the sunken mud pit.

Behind the trees, behind the graves, and in the farther forest, there were scattered figures of people.

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