The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

There were people walking out from behind the graves and the woods.

A series of slender black shadows appeared strangely in the mass grave, adding a certain horror atmosphere to the mass grave.

I looked around, my pupils scanning and checking one by one.

These people started to target me when I came out of the hospital. I wandered around the street for a day and they followed me closely. In this case, I had to take advantage of the situation and meet these people.

Including the person in the taxi, there were eight people in total.

There were men and women. After careful examination and judgment by the pupils, these were undoubtedly people.

And they were not ordinary people!

Among them, there was a man and a woman who caught my special attention.

The woman was dressed casually, wearing black stockings and a skirt that reached her knees. Her appearance was not very outstanding.

The only special thing was that half of her face was covered with a large tattoo.

Her delicate face had a tattoo that looked like a snake without feet, which was extremely inconsistent.

The scales were exquisite and fantastic, neither fish nor snake, with a dragon head and a fish body.

I recognized the tattoo, the ninth of the nine sons of the dragon: Chiwen!

The totem occupied half of the woman's face. The Chiwen totem was very ferocious and lifelike.

The Chiwen totem looked like it had one of the woman's eyes in its mouth.

The other man was dressed in a more formal suit, a suit and shirt. His characteristic was that there was a tattoo on his right arm when he rolled up his sleeves.

It was a four-legged beast with wings on its back, with a head between a bird and a dragon, four feet as claws, feathers standing up, and surrounded by strange clouds. It was very strange.

The third of the nine sons of the dragon: Chaofeng.

I also recognized this tattoo.

In this way, the identity of this group of people is naturally clear.

The dragon pattern of the Longmen Nine Families, the third Chaofeng, and the ninth Chiwen are all here, so the identity of this group of people is naturally revealed.

The Longmen Nine Families!

I am not surprised by this situation, or I have long expected that I will be targeted by the Longmen Nine Families.

Let alone the tattooed man with the Baxia dragon pattern who came to the door and was killed,

Just the Baxia dragon pattern, the Pulao dragon pattern, and the red evil box on my body can guess that the Longmen Nine Families will not let me go.

It is not surprising to be found. The Longmen Nine Families cannot have no means to track the dragon pattern. After all, it is the treasure of the Longmen Nine Families.

Therefore, I have no intention of hiding from the Longmen Nine Families, and I have no reason to hide from them.

Am I afraid of them?

Can they be more difficult than the skin ghost?

More terrifying than Ma Qing? Or is it more mysterious than the Zhang family's ancestral tomb?

Even though the Longmen Nine Families are nine obscure ancient families, I don't need to be afraid of them.

Invisibly, I have already reached the same level as the Longmen Nine Families.

I glanced around and said bluntly: "The Longmen Nine Families"

"The third brother Chaofeng, the ninth brother Chiwen".

The man with the Chaofeng totem on his arm said with a gloomy face: "Even if you have figured us out, you also know our purpose".

"Baxia, Pulao's skin is on you! We feel it".

The woman Chiwen also gritted her teeth in anger: "How dare you steal the skin of our Longmen Nine Families? This Baxia, Pulao was also killed by you".

"Now the account is coming to the Longmen Nine Families to collect the debt".

"Well... let's just say it is", I admitted frankly.

Although Baxia and Pulao were killed by ghosts in disguise, the skin is on me, and I killed the ghost in disguise.

I can't get rid of this blame anyway, so I might as well admit it.

The man Chaofeng glanced at the others, and they immediately dispersed.

Their positions just surrounded me. Looking at their confident and cold confidence, I really felt a sense of crisis.

Chaofeng rolled up his sleeves: "Baxia went to find the little girl with the Red Evil Box, but Baxia died, and his skin is also on you"

"That means you not only killed Baxia, but you are also related to the little girl with the Red Evil Box."

"Pulao died tragically, and his skin was peeled off all over his body. This was also done by you!"

"With so many crimes, you are already the primary target of the nine families of Longmen."

"You are the first person who dared to seize the dragon pattern in the past hundred years, and the first person who dared to transplant the dragon pattern in the past hundred years. I don't know what magic you used, but the blood of the nine families of Longmen is not something you can bear."

"We won't kill you. I will take you back! To the Longmen Nine Families, where all your skin will be peeled off, letting you experience the sufferings of the world. You will regret your audacity."

"Ah? You want to peel my skin?" Speaking of skin, I find it funny for some reason.

I asked in confusion:

"You want to peel my skin?


Chao Feng felt sarcastic and said angrily: "You think we can't do it?" ".

"I don't know what trick you used to kill Ba Xia and Pulao, but if Chi Wen and I go out at the same time, do you think you can escape? ".

"You should feel honored enough to have the nine families of Longmen dispatch two dragon-marked people".

Chiwen: "Don't waste your words on him. This guy has a disgusting feeling. He will regret it when you peel off his skin later".

"Wait...wait", I waved my hands and explained earnestly: "I think you misunderstood"

"I mean if you want to peel off my skin...",

Five fingers stretched to the crack of the skin behind the ear, and then the fingers went in and peeled off the skin.

I peeled off most of the face skin and smiled: "If you want to peel off the skin, just say it directly".

There was a moment of dead silence, and suddenly several people's hair stood up, and their souls trembled with fear.

Even Chaofeng and Chiwen had another layer of fine bumps on their skin.

Chiwen lost his color: " peeled off!".

"He is not right, this guy is not right! ".

How can a human being peel off his face so easily?

How horrifying it is to peel off his face while talking and laughing...

The other people all felt a chill. If they were facing a ghost, they could still accept it, but this was a human.

Chao Feng frowned and rushed out like an arrow. Maybe I made him feel the sense of crisis.

His forearms were exposed. His forearms were thick due to long-trained exercises. His low body fat rate made his muscles stand out well.

Not only his forearms, but also his five-finger knuckles were longer than those of ordinary people.

The five fingers grabbed me directly. I put down my hand and stared at him for a while. There was nothing that could not be captured in the vision of the double pupils.

Under the attention of the four pupils, Chao Feng, who was about to burst out with power, stopped, and his eyes were deeply immersed in the weirdness of the double pupils.

"Chao Feng! ", Chiwen couldn't understand why Chaofeng would stop.

She shouted loudly but it was useless,

At this time, a young man next to her took out a heavy iron tool while cursing,

Chiwen glanced at the teasing on my face and quickly shouted: "Don't shoot...".

Her voice resounded with the explosion of the firearm, and the fireworks of steel flashed by,

I grabbed Chaofeng who hadn't recovered yet,

The roaring bullet buried deep into the human body and burst into a small flower of flesh and blood.

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