The gunshot still hit his side.

Chao Feng groaned in pain, and quickly reacted to move away from me, but the shot still hit his side.

He covered his side, sweating:

"He is weird, his eyes under the sunglasses are weird, I seem to see four pupils under the sunglasses."

"Don't act rashly, don't get close to him."

After saying that, he stared at me, observing my eyes,

I tried to ask: "Curious?"

I reached out to take off my sunglasses,

Suddenly, the other people from the nine families of Longmen who were surrounding him began to move, pulling out axes, iron whips, guns and other weapons from behind.

In an instant, there were enemy attacks from multiple directions, and with Chao Feng's previous experience, they felt that they needed to go together.

It would be difficult for Chongtong to deal with so many people, so I took a breath.

When I opened my mouth, the strange Pulao totem on my tongue made Chaofeng and Chiwen raise their eyebrows sharply.

The unbearable sharp sound burst out between the rise and fall of my chest, as if a knife was stabbed into my heart.

In a daze, my vision was shaking, and the roar continued in my mind.

And they stopped moving, like puppets without strings falling to the ground, only their souls were still stupidly standing there.

Chaofeng and Chiwen reacted quickly and pasted the talisman on their eyebrows in advance, so that their souls were not shaken out.

But both of them looked unhappy: "Pulao... the ability of Pulao dragon pattern".

"Transplanting dragon pattern to drive dragon pattern, how could such a thing happen".

My throat was a little sore after I yelled. I coughed and rushed out with the knife.

Although the soul was shaken out, the soul is still there,

People from the nine families of Longmen must not relax their vigilance.

The dark green bronze knife was covered with a layer of greener flames.

With one knife, I accurately cut off a still confused soul. After the cut, I didn't stop.

I continued to swing the knife at the next one.

In the blink of an eye, I cut two souls in succession.

Chiwen roared: "That knife can destroy the soul, don't be stupid!".

At this time, Chaofeng rushed up regardless of his injuries, and grabbed me with his five fingers again.

Now the abilities of Chaofeng and Chiwen are not clear yet, and he grabbed me with the right hand with dragon pattern.

I always kept my guard up, so naturally I wouldn't let him touch me.

The horizontal knife turned to meet his five fingers with the blade, and Chaofeng could only lose his temper and withdraw his move.

Come as you want, but it's not so easy to leave.

I took a step forward, and my sunglasses fell off due to the violent movement before, and my double pupils looked at him.

Chao Feng stopped still, and dropped his hands in a daze.

He twisted his waist, causing the horizontal sword to draw a dark green crescent, and slashed towards Chao Feng's neck with the force of tearing through the night.


Iron and copper roared, and the flames of the exchange of fire bloomed briefly.

At the critical moment, Chi Wen stepped in and blocked the horizontal sword with a short sword.

The two hard objects rubbed together, and the creaking and harsh sound rose and fell continuously.

Chi Wen's face was hideous because of anger behind the short sword, and the reflected fluorescence had an extra wave.

The tattoo covering half of her face squirmed with her anger, vividly, and the color suddenly deepened in a few seconds, as if the tattoo was slightly glowing.

The eye in the dragon head was full of weirdness.

I was stunned. Everything in front of me had changed.

This place was no longer a mass grave. There were no Chiwen and Chaofeng. It seemed that I had never met anyone from the Nine Families of Longmen.

Now I was on a small boat, which was slowly drifting on the endless lake.

Suddenly, the boat began to shake, swaying from side to side.

I squatted down and grabbed the edge of the boat in panic. I looked out and saw that the lake had turned black at some point.

No, it was this area that turned black.

There was something under the lake. It was a huge monster!

The boat seemed to be just a small dot on its back.

The lake surface rose, and in a short moment it was like a high wall.

The real giant broke through the water and emerged. The torrent flowed along its scales, and the waves on the water made the boat drift like a leaf.

When the boat stopped, the giant also stretched out its head, like a majestic building, and its fierce eyes were like lanterns on the building.

Its beard hung in the lake, and it was recognizable even with only half of its body exposed.

The dragon has a head and a body of fish, and the ninth of the nine sons of the dragon is Chiwen!

Being watched by Chiwen, I stood up shakily and looked at Chiwen up and down:

"What a real illusion, it seems to be really in front of me."

I sighed helplessly: "It's a pity that if I didn't have double pupils, maybe I could experience it in person."

Raising my hand, the four pupils looked at Chiwen, without any fear in their eyes.

Why should I be afraid if I know it's an illusion?

I have Pulao skin and Baxia skin on my body, how can I be afraid?

A Chiwen?

The four pupils rotated, and the vision switched continuously.

Suddenly, the whole world was broken into countless pieces and dissipated in the eyes of the double pupils.

Maybe I experienced a lot in the hallucination. In the real world, I was just stunned for a moment, and woke up to look directly at Chiwen.

Chiwen couldn't believe it. Woke up? How could it be so fast?

This is the dragon pattern of Chiwen!

"He has double pupils!" Chaofeng had already woken up, and his right hand kept grabbing me from a blind spot.

Chiwen tried to confuse me with illusions but failed.

Naturally, I had to counterattack. I first fixed her with the double pupils,

and then I added force to my hand and smashed her shoulder with the short sword.

At the same time, I turned around and let the knife slash from bottom to top. A flesh-colored thing fell to the ground in the blood splattering.

Chaofeng's finger was cut off.

Chiwen fell to the ground, Chaofeng's face was hideous with pain, and he dragged her back.

I didn't rush to chase them, but calmly dealt with the souls nearby. They were already trying to return to their bodies.

I drove Pulaopi to roar again, which startled their souls.

Chaofeng and Chiwen had just suffered a great loss at my hands, and they dared not advance again, so they could only let me act.

Except for Chaofeng and them, there were only a few people in total.

Those souls were even more unable to deal with me, and I killed several souls in a few strokes.

Everything seemed a little too easy, or the nine families of Longmen were too arrogant.

They had so little information about me, but they still tried their best to find me and chase me, and when they caught up with me, they saw the reality.

I had almost figured out the abilities of Chaofeng and Chiwen.

The ability of Chiwen's dragon pattern was similar to creating illusions, while the ability of Chaofeng's dragon pattern seemed to require physical contact.

If it's an illusion, the double pupil can break it, which means I restrained Chiwen.

Chaofeng's fighting style is closer to physical skills. In terms of physical skills, unless he is faster than the double pupil, he can't do anything to me.

Those small fish are even more useless.

It seems that the nine families of Longmen not only don't know that I can use dragon patterns, but also don't know that I have double pupils. They can't help but attack as soon as they find my whereabouts.

This is also a heavy burden for the secretive nine families of Longmen. The family is so extraordinary that the children of the family are naturally proud. Their dragon pattern people are all like this.

The tattooed man broke into my house carelessly, Chaofeng and Chiwen surrounded and killed me confidently.

They are absolutely unsolvable for ordinary people. Maybe Taoist priests and other insiders will also have trouble meeting them.

It's a pity that I can neither use Taoist magic nor be an ordinary person. I just happen to be a freak.

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