The dark shadows followed me, dancing to the eerie tune.

Surrounded by the weird ghosts, I stepped on the strange and heart-stirring folk songs.

The doubts in my heart were buried with the cold humming.

At this moment, it seemed that many things did not need to be known.

The atmosphere became more and more weird. The village chief had seen the blood-brown grave mound in front of him.

He laughed heartily: "Here he comes...Here he comes."

The dead child crawling at his feet laughed happily: "Here he comes...Yes...He comes",

"He is back...He is back".

The laughter of the children ignited the emotions of the surrounding ghosts. They sang a thrilling little song and called out in unison:

"He's back... He's back... He's finally back...".

Passing through the guide line formed by the ghosts, I smoothly came to the ancestral tomb.

Looking at the ancestral tomb, I hesitated for a few seconds before I suddenly said, "The ancestral tomb has been dug up...".

A small part of the original blood-brown tomb was dug up, like a hole dug out.

It was so dark that people dared not look at it, as if they would fall into a bottomless abyss and they didn't know when they would land.

The ancestral tomb has been dug up.

I looked around and saw three or four bodies lying not far from the grave.

From the clothes, I could tell that one of them was a woman wearing a Fulongshan Taoist robe.

The other two were strangers who had never met before. Since the Taoist priests from Fulongshan were here,

Through Li Muyu, Tianshi, and the experts, it can be inferred that these strangers should be experts from the Supernatural Countermeasures Bureau, and other people in the industry.

There were no visible injuries on their bodies, but the expressions on their faces showed horror and panic everywhere.

It seemed that they had seen something terrible before they died.

It was not appropriate for the Taoist priests from Fulongshan and those people to have such a horrified expression.

They were all experts in fighting evil spirits. Who had not seen ghosts? Even a tricky ghost could not scare them like this.

What did they experience?

My eyes moved back to the hole on the grave.

So the village chief was right to call me.

It did not lie to me!

The ancestral tomb was indeed dug up, and someone did die next to the tomb.

Could this hole be related to the Heavenly Master?

I leaned towards the village chief: "The tomb has been dug up, who did it? Was it the Heavenly Master Si Tong?"

The village chief smiled calmly: "It was them, they dug up the tomb, and they went in."

"But it's useless, because the people waiting for the Zhang family's ancient house are not them, they are not qualified to go in, and no one can go in except you."

"There are people waiting for you in the Zhang family's ancient house, they are waiting for you."

The little boy shouted in agreement: "The person who should go in is you, Brother Si..."

"Go in quickly, Brother Si... go in", the little boy knelt on the ground, looked up at me,

The village chief knelt down beside the ancestral tomb, his pair of dark eyes staring at the ancestral tomb, the smile on his face seemed a little wrong

"Si... they are waiting for you... only you".

The other ghosts after Uncle Lin and Aunt Wang became much shorter, and gradually their heads lowered.

The fingertips of both hands pointed at the ancestral tomb, the backs were arched, the faces were facing the black soil, and the foreheads were touching the ground.

"Ah's time to go in..."

I looked at the hole, and couldn't help but feel a little sarcastic.

I had tried to get rid of it many times, to resist the Zhang family's affairs, to resist going back to the ancestral tomb, and to ignore the Zhang family's instructions.

Finally, I came back here, to the ancestral tomb.

The blood-brown tomb was wet with blood, and the shocking blood-red seeped through the soil.

The sticky liquid gathered into several red earthworms and flowed down, leaving blood-red traces on the mud.

A line of words was outlined by the red earthworms: "You are back!".

I stepped on it and rubbed it a few times,

making the bloody words blend into the soil.

It's ironic. Last time I was at the ancestral grave and wanted to dig it up, I was warned by a few words to get out.

And now you're saying it again?

A hole was dug in the ancestral grave. What's in the hole?

The village chief said that the Taoist priests had already gone in. Grandpa said that the Zhang family's ancient house was in the ancestral grave?

Could there be something else inside?

I took a deep breath of the bloody air around the bloody grave, bent down slightly and entered the hole.

The village chief kept smiling, leaned down, and knocked his head.

On the ground.


This hole was dug downwards, and as you go deeper, the space inside gradually becomes larger. This seems to be the original tomb chamber.

I reached the end after a few steps. I reached the end.

There is still a distance to the end. Now I am in a small cavity that seems to be the inside of a tomb.

And a little bit ahead of the toes is scarlet liquid,

Just like what I saw last time,

What I saw after I came down was exactly the same as what I saw with my pupils before,

Scarlet! It's all blood-red liquid!

There seems to be a pool of blood buried in the tomb, and the area is not large, just proportional to the size of the ancestral tomb.

If I didn't use my pupils to see it, I would probably fall directly into the pool of blood.

I dipped a little with my fingers, rubbed it a few times, and put it under my nose to smell it. Judging from my judgment... it is fresh blood.....

But this thing is not fresh blood. This red water can block my pupils.

Last time I only saw the blood pool and couldn't go deeper.

I raised my hand and continued to look at the blood pool. My eyes stopped at the center of the blood pool. There was something there.

From a distance, I could see a rectangular black object in the center of the blood pool. It was only covered by a thin layer of blood, dyed black and red.

Looking at the mud wall, the water level of the blood pool had dropped.

It was a pitch-black coffin.

The grave was pitch-black, and the coffin was also pitch-black. The black coffin and blood pool were so weird that even a person with double pupils would find it weird.

I used my hand to test the depth and put the blood pool down. The depth just covered the coffin.

I went down into the blood pool and approached the coffin.

Observed beside the coffin, carefully placed my hand on the coffin, and slid my fingertips along it.

By feeling, I could tell that it was some kind of wood, or an unusual wood.

I don’t know how long it has been soaked in blood water without any signs of decay.

I walked around the coffin. One corner of the coffin was not aligned and closed tightly.

The scratches and prying marks on the side of the coffin were all new.

My pupils stayed on the coffin lid, and the place where the pupil power gathered was transparent.

I retracted my gaze and couldn't help but admire that it was indeed a different world.

This coffin was not a corpse, nor was it empty.

It was a bronze staircase pointing downward!

If you open the coffin, you can continue down the stairs.

I pushed the coffin lid open, and the stairs inside the coffin appeared.

The Four-eyed Heavenly Master and others should have gone down through this staircase.

I didn't go down immediately, but took out a piece of paper, lit it and threw it down the stairs.

A little weak firelight was not enough to dispel the darkness, but it still exerted all its heat.

I didn't start until the paper burned out.

The blood pool hides the black coffin, and the black coffin buries the stairs. What will be below?

I held the bronze sword tightly, bent over and slowly went down along the wall.

The further I went down, the wider the space became.

I didn't feel any difficulty breathing.

I didn't know how long it took me to reach the bottom.

There was a slightly bright direction in the dark surroundings. I looked up and saw an exit the size of a person.

I squeezed my body and got out of the exit. The moment I came out, I was shocked.

It felt like I had suddenly moved from a small house where I couldn't stretch my arms and legs or raise my head to a normal room.

The surroundings were very spacious, with walls made of stones on all four sides.

In general, it was a square space. The only thing worth noting was a huge vermilion door with exotic animals and treasures clinging to it.

It was like an antique vermilion door that was enlarged several times and embedded in the stone wall.

Every detail of the carving is lifelike, as if alive, and the size ratio is also reasonable.

There are also several human reliefs on it. The relief style is a person lying on the door. The exquisite restoration of the details is enough to make people drop their tongues.

Even the eyeballs dare not say how much effort someone has put into the perfect reproduction.

It is a pity that the paint on the relief is a failure.

The color painting is a bit too heavy to cover the exquisiteness of the relief itself, otherwise the relief would be more lifelike.

Two child-sized red lanterns are hanging on the top of the red door, moving without wind.

I looked at the gate for a long time. It is really hard to imagine that there would be such a door under the ancestral tomb. It seems that what my grandfather said can also be understood.

The Zhang family's ancient house is in the ancestral tomb... In fact, it should be said that the Zhang family's ancient house is behind the door.

I walked into the red door and came to the bottom of the door.

This door is closed at this time. The Tianshi and others came down but disappeared?

Could it be said that they have already entered?

The village chief said that I was the only one who was qualified. The Zhang family would not allow anyone to barge in. Maybe the Zhang family's ancient house was behind the door?

As I was thinking,

there was a creaking sound like a knife cutting through glass, so sharp that it made my eardrums tear apart. My heart rate increased.

a dark area enlarged and unfolded before my eyes... this red door

It automatically opened inwards...

I'm sure I didn't touch it.

After a moment's hesitation, I walked in anyway.

They took the initiative to welcome me. If I didn't go in, it would be a disrespect.

After I went in, the red door swayed slightly, and the relief on the lower half also swayed.

The pupils with too much paint gradually blurred... The scarlet liquid overflowed and smeared other paints and flowed.

After losing the paint, the pupils moved in the blood, without losing their lively luster.

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